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Where does it all end?

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 1:54 pm
by the_god_of_snickers
Feeling very down right now. Just lost my job. i could really do with a big warm hug but have no-one to give me one. :( been listening to ppl on the radio who were discussing afterlife related stuff and i thought- a part of my life has just come to an end. got me thinking.

i went thru a phase of believing- did an 'alpha' course in 2003, have read several chapters of the bible and attended bible study groups and church services since i was about 22. but i just think- it's so far fetched and unbelievable how can it be real. i believe there could be some form of afterlife but i don't believe in god almighty, heaven or hell. i'm not scared of burning in a lake of fire.

what do you ppl think- whats going to happen when i die? (to me, not to you).

Re: Where does it all end?

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:58 pm
by Fortigurn
First things first:

* I wouldn't recommend the 'Alpha Course' for anyone actually looking for answers

* There's a lot in the Bible which sounds far-fetched and unbelievable - that doesn't mean it isn't true (there's plenty of evidence confirming even things which sound far-fetched)

* Step outside for a moment, and tell me what you see

* You don't have to believe in an 'afterlife' in order to believe in 'God Almighty' (I don't)

I believe that we live, we die, we turn to dust. Those who have discovered God, acknowledged His presence in their lives, and become convicted of His gospel are responsible to Him and will be judged according to their response. Those who have never found him or who have never become convicted of His gospel will live their lives as they please, die, turn to dust, and that's it.

Re: Where does it all end?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 6:33 am
by FFC
but i just think- it's so far fetched and unbelievable how can it be real. i believe there could be some form of afterlife but i don't believe in god almighty, heaven or hell. i'm not scared of burning in a lake of fire.

what do you ppl think- whats going to happen when i die? (to me, not to you).
If you don't believe in Jesus Christ for everlasting life you will be separated from God for all eternity.

Re: Where does it all end?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 4:17 pm
by Fortigurn
FFC wrote:If you don't believe in Jesus Christ for everlasting life you will be separated from God for all eternity.
I'm not sure that threats were exactly what our poster was looking for. I believe that they were looking for hope.

Re: Where does it all end?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 5:42 pm
by zoegirl
the_god_of_snickers wrote:Feeling very down right now. Just lost my job. i could really do with a big warm hug but have no-one to give me one. :( been listening to ppl on the radio who were discussing afterlife related stuff and i thought- a part of my life has just come to an end. got me thinking.

i went thru a phase of believing- did an 'alpha' course in 2003, have read several chapters of the bible and attended bible study groups and church services since i was about 22. but i just think- it's so far fetched and unbelievable how can it be real. i believe there could be some form of afterlife but i don't believe in god almighty, heaven or hell. i'm not scared of burning in a lake of fire.

what do you ppl think- whats going to happen when i die? (to me, not to you).

If you have accepted Christ as your savior, then you will be with Him in paradise. One of the most touching moments is at the cross when Christ addresses the criminal "Today, you will be with me in paradise..." even thinking that we will be with Him should make us weep with joy.

While we don't know everything about hell, we know it is real. We will be separated from Him. That alone should cause us to weep with intense grief. Not be with Christ?! One of the scariest part of the scripture has to be "depart from me, I never knew you" Whether or not there will be lakes of fires, think of NEVER being able to have a relationship with Christ! To be separated from Him would be the ultimate punishment.

Please find a church that could help you simply by being with you. You need to be around people! I am sorry to hear that you don't have anyone to be close to.

Pray, pray, pray, and read, read, read....

AND I will be praying ofr you...

Re: Where does it all end?

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 6:01 pm
by Fortigurn
zoegirl, that was a good post.

Re: Where does it all end?

Posted: Mon Oct 01, 2007 7:15 am
by FFC
Fortigurn wrote:
FFC wrote:If you don't believe in Jesus Christ for everlasting life you will be separated from God for all eternity.
I'm not sure that threats were exactly what our poster was looking for. I believe that they were looking for hope.
That wasn't a threat, Fortigurn, it was a statement of fact. Plus there was hope in there...didn't you see the part about believing in Jesus Christ for everlasting life? You're right though, we are to speak the word in love. I apologize. I appreciate the time you took to hold me accountable. ;)

Re: Where does it all end?

Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2007 7:34 am
by Harry12345
the_god_of_snickers wrote: i'm not scared of burning in a lake of fire.
:shock: That's the first time I've ever heard that. Just think of it this way: God will MAKE you scared. :lol:

Re: Where does it all end?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 11:15 am
by Denny
Hello buddy,
I am trying to find my way just like you, but I am afraid of the lake of fire... ha ha. What I do when I am feeling down is to keep reminding myself that no matter what i have done or what I will do ( GOD see's it all and know's exactly what I will do in the future) that I will have a face to face meeting with Jesus and HE can explain it all to me. Just knowing that gives me great comfort. I recently wrote a large message on this forum and my questions were answered with scripture and it really helped. Flip open the Bible and I bet you will find some comforting words. If you ever need to talk, e-mail me at

Re: Where does it all end?

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:37 pm
by Enigma7457
Denny wrote:What I do when I am feeling down is to keep reminding myself that no matter what i have done or what I will do ( GOD see's it all and know's exactly what I will do in the future) that I will have a face to face meeting with Jesus and HE can explain it all to me.
Wow. Well said. Amen to that.

Re: Where does it all end?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:31 pm
by gogobuffalo
Here, I'll cover a first step first. Let's not talk about Christianity, but just a God in general. What seems more far-fetched to you? That there was a Supreme Being who designed all of this and has a plan for all of us? Or that somehow a cluster of dust, particles, whatever, just happened to be there and exist, that it just happened 2 explode, that it just happened 2 create Earth; that elements, non-livings things on Earth, found a way to form into human beings. Just sit there and think for a few minutes, think about how complex the way your brain works is and how alive you are. Can this just be created from non-living elements like carbon without divinte intervention? To me this just seems crazy. I know when you sit there and pray sometimes you think, I'm just muttering this wordsi n my head, how can anyone actually be listening 2 me. But believing in a God is WAY less far-fetched than believing that there is absolutely no God at all.

So let's hope now that you believe there's a God, or that at least you don't think it is quite so far-fetched now. Now we get to where we discern Christianity from all other religions. What makes Christianity right? There are so many other religions, why aren't they right? One of the most convincing things for me is Christianity's uniqueness. Martin Luther (formed the Lutheran Church and doctrine) once said that there are only two religions, that of Christ and His Salvation and Satan and his good works. This means that if you look at EVERY other religion besides Christianity, it is about how good man can make himself become. He must do more bad than good, etc. Christianity is the ONLY religion where you admist that you cannot be worthy of God by yourself (think, could a human have designed all this? NO way, we are not on God's level, haha) and that you need His divine help. It is the ONLY religion where your God saves you, and you have to do NOTHING in return. This doesn't seem so far fetched to me, it seems great! Now, of course, there are going to be things like the flood story that might sound far fetched to you. But think, are you going to let one little thing like that stop you from believing when there is so much support for everything else? I'm not saying there isn't support for a flood either, I'm just saying that you will never be able to cover every single problem, and that you shouldn't let a few problems hold you back in believing when everything else makes sense to you. So when juding if Christianity is for you or not (and it is, God wants you to be in heaven with Him for eternity, Christianity is for everyone), don't think about the flood, think about our lives, God, and salvation. Think of how this all came to be and how it is going to end, think of how God is reaching out to you through Christianity and wanting to save you. Don't let doubt worry you, everyone has doubt, and in the end doubt usually can make your faith stronger. If I doubt something I usually search for an answer, and when I find one my faith is stronger than it ever was before. So if a few things seem far fetched to you, big deal, just have faith in God, pray, and join His family. We all would love you to, and Jesus Christ would love nothing more. I hope all this helped, and if you have any questions I'm here, you can message my accnt or just post somewhere. and I'll try to help.

God Bless!

Re: Where does it all end?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 6:58 am
by FFC
Excellent post! Thank you.

Re: Where does it all end?

Posted: Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:15 pm
by gogobuffalo
Thanks FFC. That actually means a lot to me. I tried to explain all that in an understandable way that made sense to others. I only joined these forums about a week ago, but I love posting and reading on them. Most of the other forums I ever visit talk about stuff that doesn't really matter in the scheme of things, like College Football, Go Iowa Hawkeyes haha! But the stuff discussed on here, it is so deep, important, and interesting. Just thinking of the fact that what I and others post may have an effect on somebody else's life for all of eternity is amazing, and I love having the opportunity. I am happy that God allowed me to find this site and to try and spread His Word through it. I'd like to thank everyone who takes their time to post on this site, whether asking or explaining. It all makes for a great read, and many of the ideas are things I never would have thought of. Let's keep up the good work guys and have fun spreading God's Word! What could be more fulfilling?

Re: Where does it all end?

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 10:16 am
by FFC
gogobuffalo wrote:Thanks FFC. That actually means a lot to me. I tried to explain all that in an understandable way that made sense to others. I only joined these forums about a week ago, but I love posting and reading on them. Most of the other forums I ever visit talk about stuff that doesn't really matter in the scheme of things, like College Football, Go Iowa Hawkeyes haha! But the stuff discussed on here, it is so deep, important, and interesting. Just thinking of the fact that what I and others post may have an effect on somebody else's life for all of eternity is amazing, and I love having the opportunity. I am happy that God allowed me to find this site and to try and spread His Word through it. I'd like to thank everyone who takes their time to post on this site, whether asking or explaining. It all makes for a great read, and many of the ideas are things I never would have thought of. Let's keep up the good work guys and have fun spreading God's Word! What could be more fulfilling?
Amen to that too!

Re: Where does it all end?

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 1:39 pm
by jenna
the_god_of_snickers wrote:Feeling very down right now. Just lost my job. i could really do with a big warm hug but have no-one to give me one. :( been listening to ppl on the radio who were discussing afterlife related stuff and i thought- a part of my life has just come to an end. got me thinking.

i went thru a phase of believing- did an 'alpha' course in 2003, have read several chapters of the bible and attended bible study groups and church services since i was about 22. but i just think- it's so far fetched and unbelievable how can it be real. i believe there could be some form of afterlife but i don't believe in god almighty, heaven or hell. i'm not scared of burning in a lake of fire.

what do you ppl think- whats going to happen when i die? (to me, not to you).
Ok, first. I'm not answering to scare or make threats. But you really need to focus on where you are in life. If you're an atheist, that's your choice. One day you will believe God is real. It plainly states in the bible "every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord". Why wait to do this? Why do you not believe God is real? Focus on your responses. And no, I personally don't believe you will "burn forever" if you don't confess Jesus as your savior. However, you will, at the end time, when Christ returns, be thrown in the lake of fire. You will burn up and be gone FOREVER, with no second chances. It is my belief that you should take the time to truly focus on where you want to be in the end times, with God or gone forever?