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Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2007 6:47 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
I saw a small article in the September-October 2007 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review (p.15) which surprised me. Here is a summary:

"Ignorance of the Bible Isn't Bliss

More than 10% of Americans believe that Joan of Arc was Noah's wife. This is just one of the distressing statistics that Stephen Prothero, the chair of the religion department at Boston Univerity, presents in his book Religious Literacy: What every American Needs to Know - and Doesn't. ... Only half of those polled could name even one of the Four Gospels. A mere one in three knew who delivered the Sermon on the Mount. And less than half of those polled could identify the first book of the Bible. ... On the other hand, approx. 75% of those polled believe that the Bible teaches that "God helps those that help themselves." (Benjamin Franklin said it.) ... It may be a bit surprising to learn that Evangelical Christians, who traditionally place a high value on biblical literacy, fared only slightly-better than their non-evangelical counterparts..."


Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 5:49 am
by FFC
Fürstentum Liechtenstein wrote:I saw a small article in the September-October 2007 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review (p.15) which surprised me. Here is a summary:

"Ignorance of the Bible Isn't Bliss

More than 10% of Americans believe that Joan of Arc was Noah's wife. This is just one of the distressing statistics that Stephen Prothero, the chair of the religion department at Boston Univerity, presents in his book Religious Literacy: What every American Needs to Know - and Doesn't. ... Only half of those polled could name even one of the Four Gospels. A mere one in three knew who delivered the Sermon on the Mount. And less than half of those polled could identify the first book of the Bible. ... On the other hand, approx. 75% of those polled believe that the Bible teaches that "God helps those that help themselves." (Benjamin Franklin said it.) ... It may be a bit surprising to learn that Evangelical Christians, who traditionally place a high value on biblical literacy, fared only slightly-better than their non-evangelical counterparts..."

That is very sad indeed. Actually, to me it seems like people in general are getting more intellectually challenged...or maybe we just learn what interests us.

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:37 am
by bizzt
What is even worse is that we as "Christians" are not reaching the Lost! That is the real Kicker!

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:55 am
by josephcleetus
I represent about 41 families in the church. We have weekly bible meetings. The disturbing thing one will notice during the meeting will be the ignorance of most people. If they are asked to search for certain verse, they will get confused thinking where to find it.
But because of the Bible classes and all, the situation is changing and most importantly they are interested in it also.
:D :D

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Sat Dec 01, 2007 2:31 pm
by Judah
That's good to hear, Joseph. We cannot change the world in a day, but all these little steps equal movement in the right direction and if those shown what their Bibles say would go and show others, then the ripple effect will also help.

On another Christian forum, an Anglican one, a woman appeared to tell us all how wrong we were. She told us we were ignorant, that we knew nothing of what we were talking about. She held the world and modern society up for us to emulate and worship. Not once did she mention Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or refer to Scripture. In the end she told us that she is a Christian, that being someone who seeks good in others and praises it. That is what she a knew made someone a Christian. Without any knowledge of the Bible, she was totally off track. But she claimed to go to church and know what was important. We all had sick attitudes, believing people to be sinners. Didn't we know that people were innately good? Her worldview was confused and her Biblical illiteracy had her judging others and correcting them from a position of gross ignorance... and she also claimed of herself to be a teacher. She would not be corrected herself. Calling herself a Christian she was telling a lie and refused to believe it to be so. We did try... but she knew better than all of us. That was so sad, both extremely frustrating and sad.

Sometimes you can witness the faith until you are blue in the face, and still others will not hear.
BTW, it will always be the Holy Spirit who does the work in our hearts, so witness without prayer often doesn't get past first base.

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:27 pm
by bizzt
We have a Mall up here in Calgary that put up the Jesus in a Stable Scene (QUITE SUPRISING). A news story about it was on and was asking people who these people were. It is quite suprising the Answers from Kids and Adults alike who do not know the Story of Jesus. :shock: :(

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 2:37 pm
by FFC
bizzt wrote:We have a Mall up here in Calgary that put up the Jesus in a Stable Scene (QUITE SUPRISING). A news story about it was on and was asking people who these people were. It is quite suprising the Answers from Kids and Adults alike who do not know the Story of Jesus. :shock: :(
They didn't know what the nativity was?

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 3:55 pm
by bizzt
FFC wrote:
bizzt wrote:We have a Mall up here in Calgary that put up the Jesus in a Stable Scene (QUITE SUPRISING). A news story about it was on and was asking people who these people were. It is quite suprising the Answers from Kids and Adults alike who do not know the Story of Jesus. :shock: :(
They didn't know what the nativity was?
Not at all. Some of them knew of the Nativity but thought the names were Adam and Eve etc... Just Sad :(

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:55 am
by FFC
bizzt wrote:
FFC wrote:
bizzt wrote:We have a Mall up here in Calgary that put up the Jesus in a Stable Scene (QUITE SUPRISING). A news story about it was on and was asking people who these people were. It is quite suprising the Answers from Kids and Adults alike who do not know the Story of Jesus. :shock: :(
They didn't know what the nativity was?
Not at all. Some of them knew of the Nativity but thought the names were Adam and Eve etc... Just Sad :(
It still throws me whenever I hear somebody call the nativity a creche.
:? :?

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 2:40 am
by Cross.eyed
One of our brothers here at work was telling me about a conversation he had with family concerning different Bibles-which is the best etc.-when his Mother in-law stated that "If the King James version was good enough for my Savior then it's good enough for me!"

On another (sad) note I remember a cable news article stating a poll among Christians indicated that practicing Christians of all denominations read on the average less than one chapter a month from The Bible. :sleep:

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 5:44 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Cross.eyed wrote:On another (sad) note I remember a cable news article stating a poll among Christians indicated that practicing Christians of all denominations read on the average less than one chapter a month from The Bible.
One chapter a month??? I'm surprised it's that much! They must've lied to the pollsters...


Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 9:18 pm
by Cross.eyed
Fürstentum Liechtenstein wrote:
Cross.eyed wrote:On another (sad) note I remember a cable news article stating a poll among Christians indicated that practicing Christians of all denominations read on the average less than one chapter a month from The Bible.
One chapter a month??? I'm surprised it's that much! They must've lied to the pollsters...

Yea...thats certainly possible

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:24 am
by imoneru?
Fürstentum Liechtenstein wrote:I saw a small article in the September-October 2007 issue of Biblical Archaeology Review (p.15) which surprised me. Here is a summary:

"Ignorance of the Bible Isn't Bliss

More than 10% of Americans believe that Joan of Arc was Noah's wife. This is just one of the distressing statistics that Stephen Prothero, the chair of the religion department at Boston Univerity, presents in his book Religious Literacy: What every American Needs to Know - and Doesn't. ... Only half of those polled could name even one of the Four Gospels. A mere one in three knew who delivered the Sermon on the Mount. And less than half of those polled could identify the first book of the Bible. ... On the other hand, approx. 75% of those polled believe that the Bible teaches that "God helps those that help themselves." (Benjamin Franklin said it.) ... It may be a bit surprising to learn that Evangelical Christians, who traditionally place a high value on biblical literacy, fared only slightly-better than their non-evangelical counterparts..."

What I also feel is ironic but sad is that for all the picketing against not allowing the "Ten Commandments" to be displayed in most public buildings and schools is that, if you were to ask the large majority of the people picketing very few could name more than 3 or 4 of them.

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 8:48 am
by imoneru?
bizzt wrote:We have a Mall up here in Calgary that put up the Jesus in a Stable Scene (QUITE SUPRISING). A news story about it was on and was asking people who these people were. It is quite suprising the Answers from Kids and Adults alike who do not know the Story of Jesus. :shock: :(
Yes it is especially when you consider that our churches send a good number of missionarys to foreign countrys in an effort
to teach that which is lacking in our own neighborhoods. We may call the Mormons, and JW's Cults but they do there best to preach the Gospel as they interpit it. I'm ashamed to say I've yet to knock on my neighborhood doors as they do....Ray

Re: Ignorance of the Bible

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 10:44 am
by ageofknowledge
"More than 10% of Americans believe that Joan of Arc was Noah's wife."

:pound: I'm wiping tears of laughter away right now.

It's not just a gross ignorance of religious information but most information in general this new generation lacks. One poll revealed that 70% of high school kids couldn't name what state New Orleans was in after Hurricane Katrina.

I mean the modern liberals have dumbed education down to the point where all they seem to know is basic arthirimitic, their own feelings, and how to twitter.

Yeah twittering will save us :shakehead:

We're almost graduating retards at this point. And a lot aren't even graduating anymore.