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[Politics] US Presidential Candidates

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 2:06 pm
by Jac3510
This is especially relevant to those of you here in the States, but I'd like the opinion of others, too. What do you think of the candidates for president right now? Particularly, from a political/Christian perspective, who do you like and why? I know religious conservatives are wringing their hands trying to justify nominating Giuliani; they are having trouble squaring themselves away with Romney's Mormonism; Fred has fizzled and just doesn't live up to the hype; nobody can get over McCain's stunts over the past four years; and they won't rally behind Huckabee because they don't think he is electable.

I'm all for the last of these. What are y'all's thoughts?

Re: [Politics] US Presidential Candidates

Posted: Sun Oct 21, 2007 9:07 pm
by B. W.
Jac3510 wrote:This is especially relevant to those of you here in the States, but I'd like the opinion of others, too. What do you think of the candidates for president right now? Particularly, from a political/Christian perspective, who do you like and why? I know religious conservatives are wringing their hands trying to justify nominating Giuliani; they are having trouble squaring themselves away with Romney's Mormonism; Fred has fizzled and just doesn't live up to the hype; nobody can get over McCain's stunts over the past four years; and they won't rally behind Huckabee because they don't think he is electable.

I'm all for the last of these. What are y'all's thoughts?
Well, first we should first pray for rain in Georgia!

As for the candidates — it is much like the last election: “It was then terribly unfortunate that there was no one better to vote for than Bush.”

Likewise, for the 2008 election, “It is terribly unfortunate that there is no one to vote for at all.”

That sums it up for me. Makes you wonder how did we get to this point?

How did the USA get in this mess? A Country formed as a Republic where the leaders rule by the consent of the governed is becoming no more. Now it is a Republic where the Leaders rule to better themselves and to h*ll with the governed, unless of course during elections, and even then special interest overrides the will of the governed.

Must be bible prophecy at work in all this…

Re: [Politics] US Presidential Candidates

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 7:11 am
by FFC
B. W. wrote:
Jac3510 wrote:This is especially relevant to those of you here in the States, but I'd like the opinion of others, too. What do you think of the candidates for president right now? Particularly, from a political/Christian perspective, who do you like and why? I know religious conservatives are wringing their hands trying to justify nominating Giuliani; they are having trouble squaring themselves away with Romney's Mormonism; Fred has fizzled and just doesn't live up to the hype; nobody can get over McCain's stunts over the past four years; and they won't rally behind Huckabee because they don't think he is electable.

I'm all for the last of these. What are y'all's thoughts?
Well, first we should first pray for rain in Georgia!

As for the candidates — it is much like the last election: “It was then terribly unfortunate that there was no one better to vote for than Bush.”

Likewise, for the 2008 election, “It is terribly unfortunate that there is no one to vote for at all.”

That sums it up for me. Makes you wonder how did we get to this point?

How did the USA get in this mess? A Country formed as a Republic where the leaders rule by the consent of the governed is becoming no more. Now it is a Republic where the Leaders rule to better themselves and to h*ll with the governed, unless of course during elections, and even then special interest overrides the will of the governed.

Must be bible prophecy at work in all this…
You are absolutely right, BW. We really need to pray that God raises up a true leader who is truly fit for the job, and not just because he has a relative in there. :shock:

Re: [Politics] US Presidential Candidates

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 10:06 pm
by Jac3510
We most definitely need rain in a big way here, haha.

For the record, I'm actually really excited about Huckabee. Listen to his speech at the Value Voters' Conference and you'll tell why immediately . . .

Re: [Politics] US Presidential Candidates

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:22 am
by feilong80
I favor a culturaly and fiscally conservative candidate. In this regard I'm not nearly so pessimistic as many. They all have issues but I find myself agreeing with more of their positions than I do not.

Even with Rudy, who I part ways with on social issues, I find myself agreeing that he would be a better president than Hillary Clinton. Perhaps even much better.

The problem is that politics is compromise by its very nature, and sometimes people have a problem with that. I really don't. That doesn't mean I won't speak out if a particular issue is advanced that I don't agree with.