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Infant Vaccinations?

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:34 am
by feilong80
Hello once again,

My wife and I are having a debate right now on vaccinations for our infant girl.
She is only a few weeks old and is approaching the first round of vaccinations.

Basically the debate is this: I feel that are justifiable defenses against deadly diseases and should be kept on schedule, with the excepton of Rubella because of the cells from aborted babies problem- there I would hope to find an alternative solution.

My wife is waffling but is really struggling with the idea that vaccinations could cause these terrible side effects- yet the evidence I seem to find when researching suggests these are extremely rare, moreso than getting stuff like whooping cough if you dont' vaccinate.

I try to be open minded (we did an midwife assisted homebirth, so I'm definitely willing to do something "alternative" if I feel the evidence is good) but at this time I feel the evidence against vaccination seems anecdotal and fear based.

Any opinions? Any sources of information that I haven't considered?

Thank you so much,

Re: Infant Vaccinations?

Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2007 12:13 am
by JCSx2
feilong80 wrote:Hello once again,

My wife and I are having a debate right now on vaccinations for our infant girl.
She is only a few weeks old and is approaching the first round of vaccinations.

Basically the debate is this: I feel that are justifiable defenses against deadly diseases and should be kept on schedule, with the excepton of Rubella because of the cells from aborted babies problem- there I would hope to find an alternative solution.

My wife is waffling but is really struggling with the idea that vaccinations could cause these terrible side effects- yet the evidence I seem to find when researching suggests these are extremely rare, moreso than getting stuff like whooping cough if you dont' vaccinate.

I try to be open minded (we did an midwife assisted homebirth, so I'm definitely willing to do something "alternative" if I feel the evidence is good) but at this time I feel the evidence against vaccination seems anecdotal and fear based.

Any opinions? Any sources of information that I haven't considered?

Thank you so much,
I think it would be terrible if your infant fell Ill to an Illness that she should have been vaccinated against.

I have a 7 year old boy who is happy and healthy. He has been up to date on all his shots from day one.

Re: Infant Vaccinations?

Posted: Fri Nov 09, 2007 5:44 pm
by feilong80
Well of course I agree with you. It has been a real struggle between my wife and I. In our young marriage, I would say this is easily the biggest (only, really) conflict we've ever had.

We argue, respectfully, but argue nonetheless almost daily now. We had the hep B shot done the other day. Since no side effects occured during the first two days since, I was hoping this would provide some security and proof that vaccines were OK.

But it hasn't done that. It almost seems to have strengthened her convictions! Indeed, our baby now has a very mild rash on her face, totally normal, but she of couse is blaming it on the vax.

I will continue to counter her arguments with sound reasoning and evidence. But it is so stressful. I'm even willing to concede on future Hep B vaccines and even one or two other ones that aren't as vital (or are very new)- I was even willing to do go with "let's just have her get what we got, and not the new ones" idea- which makes sense from a safety standpoint because obviously those vaccines have been around longer and are therefoer better tested.

Yet it is clear she is against them all. Very frustrating. I have to pray alot to keep myself as loving as I can to my wife, who is such a great mother.

If anything, I'm really mad at the internet right now- the same instant access to information that has led me to such wonderful websites such as this has crammed my wife's head full of fear for vaccines.

Sigh. I'll just keep researching and praying!


Re: Infant Vaccinations?

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 3:45 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
My wife is a community health nurse and has come across women like your wife a lot. Your wife is putting your child in danger by her attitude and her ignorance.

Get a health professional (nurse, doctor, pharmacist) to tell her this. Maybe she'll wise up.


Re: Infant Vaccinations?

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:50 am
by feilong80
I'm starting to feel like I'm getting to the bottom of this. There are some disinformation and lies in some of the anti-vax rhetoric out there, and I'm feeling increasingly confident that compiling some of this information should turn her around.

She's a very intelligent woman who has been tricked by deceptive and bad information.

Re: Infant Vaccinations?

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 1:08 pm
by feilong80
Sorry to spam my own thread! But I've found a tremendous resource.

Go to Michael Fumento has written a ton of very good articles on the subject, and I just emailed a bunch of them over to my wife.

Thank God someone has done the yeoman's work that he has done on this subject.