Theory on evolution/creation

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Theory on evolution/creation

Post by gogobuffalo »

Here is a theory my dad and I came up with. Now I'm not patenting it or anything maybe other people have thought of the same thing. Just tell me guys what you think, if you can understand it, or how I could improve it. Thank you.

Evolution and Our Earth's Creation

Many people do not believe that evolution and Creation through God can be combined. And even more people do not think that evolution can be compatible with a Christian theory (not believed by all Christians and necessarily in the Bible) that the world is only 8,000 years old. But I believe that all three can be matched perfectly.
First of all, we must think, why did God create Earth and the universe? Obviously, it was for mankind, so mankind is what He had in mind while he created the universe. He is omniscient, so he knew everything that would transpire and what He must do to create today's Earth. If evolution is correct, then for our Earth to reach the current level it is in (the most favorable for humans, and the one in which humans live), the earth would have to be millions of years old. But God was creating the Earth with man in mind. My thought on this is that God then created the Earth “in-motion.”
What does this mean? This means that God did not a brand-new Earth that was just starting, but that He created an Earth that was in the middle of its existence. He created Earth and the universe as if they had existed their respective millions and billions of years. So while He was creating them they had just been born, they were millions of years old. For some people, this is a very hard concept to grasp. I've explained it to a few people, and some catch on to it right away and others struggle to comprehend what it says. I believe that reading it instead of hearing it would be even harder, so I'm going to try and explain it more.
It makes sense that God would create the Earth in motion, for He did the same with man. He did not create Adam and Eve as two babies. This would not have worked out for they could not have cared for themselves and would have died. So God instead created two adults, so even though they had just been born, it was as if they had existed for about 25 years.
God did the very same thing with Earth. For Earth to have all of the conditions it has today, and to continue forward with the same principles, and I mean exactly the same, it would have to have existed for millions of years. Just like Adam and Even would have to have existed for about 25 years to become adults. But just like His instant creation of them, God created an Earth that was millions of years old at the time He created it. This provided us with all the evolved animals and plants that help mankind. And it even provides us with things we sometimes wouldn't think of as gifts from God. Fossils and plant matter being in the soil for millions of years provided fossil fuels for us, and there are countless other examples.
This theory seems to make complete sense. The universe and Earth are much too complicated, amazing, and perfect to have happened by chance, but evolution appears to have very solid scientific foundations. But as you can see, a perfect clear-cut line can be drawn to connect Creationism and evolution. Yet again Christianity can shrug off every attack put forth against it, for it is perfect and without wrong.
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Re: Theory on evolution/creation

Post by Enigma7457 »

I can understand the argument of creation with the appearence of age (pretty much what you're stating), even though i don't agree with it. But if God created the animals "already evolved" (ie in their present form), then how do we draw the conclusion they were evolved? If he created them in their present form, then there is no need to step back and say he created them "already evolved."
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Re: Theory on evolution/creation

Post by gogobuffalo »

I understand what you are saying, but I think I may have an explanation for that. The point of this is that from the time of creation, Earth would continue the same way and at the same rate as if it had existed for millions of years. The reason we say they had already evolved is that they really had. Their past evolutionary forms and such had existed and can be found in the soil. So even though they were created in their present form, the Earth was created as if their past forms had existed, therefore they evolved from those past forms. Now the question is, why would God do this? Another reason besides that is that the universe is to display the glory of God. Most of it is millions of billions of light years away. So if the universe had not been created that old, the light would not have had enough time to travel to us, therefore we still wouldn't be able to see the beautiful universe that was created so we could see it and God's glory.
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Re: Theory on evolution/creation

Post by Enigma7457 »

If the fossil record is all you're going by to prove evolution, you should probably take a second look. The fossil record is one of the holes in the evolutionary theory. There aren't any gradual changes shown in it.
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Re: Theory on evolution/creation

Post by David Blacklock »

This is a very tentative list of vertebrate transitional fossils. Since all species are supposed to be in transition due to natural selection, the very term "transitional fossil" is essentially a misconception. But the fossils listed represent significant steps in the evolution of major features in various vertebrate lines, and therefore fit the common usage of the phrase.
o Bactritids
• FISH to AMPHIBIANS .... One of the great things about a successful scientific theory is its ability to predict
o Tiktaalik roseae .... things. Many of these transitionsal species have been found because they were
o Osteolepis .... predicted by evolutionary theory to be in certain geological strata, representing a certain
o Eusthenopteron .... climate and time period.
o Panderichthys ....
o Elginerpeton .... On a similar note, the famous physicist William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) used thermodynamic
o Obruchevichthys.... calculations to give the earth as age. That age was much too short for natural selection
o Hynerpeton .... to have taken place and Darwin considered this the single most important challenge
o Tulerpeton .... to his theory. Then early in the 20th century nuclear energy was discovered. Physicists
o Acanthostega.... quickly realized that this meant the sun and other stars could last billions of years before
o Ichthyostega.... they ran out of energy. Evolution could have been used to predict the discovery of such an
o Pederpes finneyae .... energy source. When Kelvin learned about nuclear energy, he graciously withdrew his
o Eryops .... objection to evolution.
• AMPHIBIANS to AMNIOTES (early reptiles)
o Proterogyrinus.... A simple internet search would turn up hundreds more of these transitional species. We'd
o Limnoscelis .... have more, but the vast majority of them got eaten or eroded away, bones and all.
o Tseajaia
o Solenodonsaurus
o Hylonomus
o Paleothyris
• SYNAPSID(mammal-like "reptiles") to MAMMALS
o Protoclepsydrops
o Clepsydrops
o Dimetrodon
o Procynosuchus
o Thrinaxodon
o Yanoconodon
• DIAPSID reptiles to BIRDS
o Yixianosaurus
o Pedopenna
o Archaeopteryx
o Changchengornis
o Confuciusornis
o Ichthyornis
• Evolution of WHALES
o Pakicetus
o Ambulocetus
o Kutchicetus
o Artiocetus
o Aetiocetus
o Dorudon
o Basilosaurus
o Eurhinodelphis
o Mammalodon
• Evolution of the HORSE
o Hyracotherium
o Mesohippus
o Parahippus
o Merychippus
o Pliohippus
o Equus
• Non-human APES to modern HUMANS
o Pierolapithecus catalaunicus
o Ardipithecus
o Australopithecus
o Homo rudolfensis
o Homo habilis
o Homo erectus
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