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restored church of God

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:10 am
by jenna
Ok, one more question. Has anyone heard of the Restored Church of God? This is where my belief system originates, from what they teach. Please tell me what you think of this belief system, and whether you think it is "right" or "wrong". Please note that I am trying to find the "true" church, so any thoughts will not be taken offensively. I'm just trying to find the "right" way.

Re: restored church of God

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:16 am
by Enigma7457
Never heard of the "Restored Church of God", but i can almost assure that the "True Church" does not exist here on earth. Man will never agree on all aspects of christianity.

Re: restored church of God

Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2007 8:27 am
by jenna
Enigma7457 wrote:Never heard of the "Restored Church of God", but i can almost assure that the "True Church" does not exist here on earth. Man will never agree on all aspects of christianity.
Does not Christ say that His "true church" is here on earth? Yes, there are many different aspects of beliefs, but only one can be the "right" way. Is this not correct? (just asking)

Re: restored church of God

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 7:04 am
by Enigma7457
I'm afraid i don't what exact verse your talking about. But, in short, no, i don't think there is any one church that has it right. I think every church is different for a reason, and that reason is to attract more followers. If you (or me or anyone) believes the restored church of god is the only 'true' church, and we would not accept Christ at another church, then the church's purpose is fulfilled.

Re: restored church of God

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 7:53 am
by jenna
Enigma7457 wrote:I'm afraid i don't what exact verse your talking about. But, in short, no, i don't think there is any one church that has it right. I think every church is different for a reason, and that reason is to attract more followers. If you (or me or anyone) believes the restored church of god is the only 'true' church, and we would not accept Christ at another church, then the church's purpose is fulfilled.
Just on a side note, I did not say the Restored was God's true church. And in Ephesians 4:14-16, Christ is talking about believers all being of unity, and coming together, "From whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effectiveness working by which every part does its share, causing growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love". Also, verse 14, "that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and caried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting". Please also read 1 Corinthians 12:12-31.

Re: restored church of God

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 10:17 am
by Enigma7457
Don't have time to dig right now, but my first impression from those verses simply talks about a church working together, not necessarily be the "true" church. It only sounds to me like structure is being discussed. Staying 'plugged in' to the church.
Again, that's my first impression.

Re: restored church of God

Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 4:36 pm
by jenna
Enigma7457 wrote:Don't have time to dig right now, but my first impression from those verses simply talks about a church working together, not necessarily be the "true" church. It only sounds to me like structure is being discussed. Staying 'plugged in' to the church.
Again, that's my first impression.
Since there are so many different religions and denominations, how can we be sure which is the "true" one? There are so many that I get confused about who believes what, and why they believe it. I guess what I'm asking is can believers from different churches both be correct and both be saved if they believe in Christ and God in different ways? :oops:

Re: restored church of God

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:26 am
by FFC
jenwat3 wrote:
Enigma7457 wrote:Don't have time to dig right now, but my first impression from those verses simply talks about a church working together, not necessarily be the "true" church. It only sounds to me like structure is being discussed. Staying 'plugged in' to the church.
Again, that's my first impression.
Since there are so many different religions and denominations, how can we be sure which is the "true" one? There are so many that I get confused about who believes what, and why they believe it. I guess what I'm asking is can believers from different churches both be correct and both be saved if they believe in Christ and God in different ways? :oops:
Jen, isn't the true church of Jesus Christ simply made up of true believers in Him? If so then the answer to the second part of your question would be yes. Personally I think that there are probably true believers in places you would never suspect. It's like being a member of one group but going to another because you don't know you are not going to the right meeting. :shock:

Re: restored church of God

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 8:52 am
by jenna
Ok, so if one person believes, for example, that the only way to be forgiven is to ask God for forgiveness, while another believes that you can have a man stand in God's place and ask him for forgiveness, i.e., the confessionary, they both could be right? Or if one believes that you should pray to God and God alone, while another believes that praying to a statue of Mary is ok, they both could be right? :?

Re: restored church of God

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 10:44 am
by FFC
jenwat3 wrote:Ok, so if one person believes, for example, that the only way to be forgiven is to ask God for forgiveness, while another believes that you can have a man stand in God's place and ask him for forgiveness, i.e., the confessionary, they both could be right? Or if one believes that you should pray to God and God alone, while another believes that praying to a statue of Mary is ok, they both could be right? :?
I'm just saying that regardless of secondary doctrines and teachings you could by some far stretch of the imagination, have a person in the Catholic Church who rightly believes that Faith in Christ alone for Salvation is all that they need to be saved...or even possibly someone from a cult who truly believes that Christ is all he or she needs for salvation, even though he or she may not be in the best environment for Spiritual growth. There is a difference between how God defines salvation and how us peons do. :D

Re: restored church of God

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 11:24 am
by Byblos
FFC wrote:I'm just saying that regardless of secondary doctrines and teachings you could by some far stretch of the imagination, have a person in the Catholic Church who rightly believes that Faith in Christ alone for Salvation is all that they need to be saved...
Your imagination is boldly going where no imagination has gone before, FFC. Dare we fathom it is that simple?

Re: restored church of God

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:33 pm
by FFC
Byblos wrote:
FFC wrote:I'm just saying that regardless of secondary doctrines and teachings you could by some far stretch of the imagination, have a person in the Catholic Church who rightly believes that Faith in Christ alone for Salvation is all that they need to be saved...
Your imagination is boldly going where no imagination has gone before, FFC. Dare we fathom it is that simple?
With God all things are possible, Byblos. ;)


P.S. I loved the Star Trek reference. Are you saying that a Catholic being saved is the stuff of Sci-fi?

Re: restored church of God

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:42 pm
by Byblos
FFC wrote:P.S. I loved the Star Trek reference. Are you saying that a Catholic being saved is the stuff of Sci-fi?
With God all things are possible, FFC. :wink:

Re: restored church of God

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:01 pm
by jenna
Ok, all things are possible with God. But how can two people with two different sets of beliefs possibly agree on salvation? Yes, they both worship God, but are they both worshipping the TRUE God, or the "god of this world"?

Re: restored church of God

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 2:07 pm
by Byblos
jenwat3 wrote:Ok, all things are possible with God. But how can two people with two different sets of beliefs possibly agree on salvation? Yes, they both worship God, but are they both worshipping the TRUE God, or the "god of this world"?

What is your understanding of the Gospel as to the requirements for salvation? What must one do to be saved?