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Some Horrible News and A Question

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2007 4:47 pm
by JCSx2
I just heard part of what happened there fore I do not have a location.

A 19 year old boy went in to a mall and opened fire. Not sure how many died but he did kill himself in the end.

He has a pending court date, and left a suicide note saying he was going out in style.

I have not Idea of his beliefs, but is very possible he could have been a believer in Christ and His sacrifice for us here on this earth.

If he was a Christian with very serious issues, then is he awaiting judgment before he goes to heaven, or does he fall short of entering in heaven?

I know we are not here to judge, but we do have opinions and we do wonder about things like this.

I would like to open this for discussion.

Not only should we have faith in the Lord, accept Christ as our savior, but we should attempt to life as good as a life as possible. To live in a Christ like fashion. This is what we need to strive for.

Now the last thing some one does is take out other innocent lives, then commit suicide, I take issue with this.

If he met all the criteria, being baptized, accepting Christ as his savior etc.. He should be accepted into heaven by the Grace of God. But I do not like it.

All people will meet The Lord on his Great White Thrown for Judgment before entering in to Heaven. This I believe, that is a motivator to being as good a possible even though we will be accepted by the Grace of God and not through good works. (Though I do forget it at times)

I won't argue anything that is said, I may question why you believe what you do; so that I may better understand. But not argue it saying you are wrong.

Any other opinion?

Re: Some Horrible News and A Question

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:37 pm
by johnt
Jcs, This happened in Omaha, Nebraska. 8 innocent lives taken by a person who did not own those lives and 5 wounded who will be scared mentally for the rest of there lives if they survive and the shooter did take his own life which also did not belong to him. I personally don't believe this person will pass the test. Acts like this make no sense whatsoever. Not only did he kill but stole as a thief. The ramifications in the community are also not going to be good for sometime. I personally have witnessed this craziness in Killeen ,Tx on Oct 16, 1991. I was several blocks away from Luby's and a co-worker and I were thinking about going there for lunch. We got busy and decided not to go. I lost some very good friends that day and it seemed as if the the services would never end. 23 innocent souls that day with many wounded. For a very long time that act had ripped the community to pieces. As for the survivor's that were in Luby's at the time and the surviving spouses of those who did not make it words can not describe. G-d does have a very special Home Coming for people that commit such horrendous acts of violence and cruelty. I'm afraid though that this type of mass murder in this country is becoming more of the norm. If you read what is known about these killers starting with the Universty of Tx Tower shootings in 1966 forward you will see that these men had either lost their faith in G-d or never had it to begin with and were all young adults.

Re: Some Horrible News and A Question

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 10:28 pm
by jenna
Wow, John. It definitely sounds like you had God with you that day that you decided not to go to that restaurant. We definitely need to listen to our inner "voice" when it tells us to do something or not to do it. We never know when this could be God talking.

Re: Some Horrible News and A Question

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 10:53 pm
by johnt
Believe me when it hit the news just after it happend both of us were in shock.

Re: Some Horrible News and A Question

Posted: Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:54 pm
by johnt
Another senseless act by a man in his early twenties.

2 killed in Christian center shooting
A gunman walked into a training center dormitory for young Christian missionaries early Sunday and opened fire, killing two of the center's staff members and wounding two others.

4 shot at separate Colo. church incident

Police still searching for gunman when second attack occurs 70 miles away 4 others wouded there.

Re: Some Horrible News and A Question

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 10:29 am
by FFC
This is all the work of Satan. :twisted:

Re: Some Horrible News and A Question

Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:25 pm
by jenna
Some people may think that, but actually, no, it isn't. (another looooong post.) :shakehead: