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non-believers and believers

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:01 pm
by hp2007
Why is there so much tension between the two. I feel like most of the time, we are not all equal. Depending upon the ratio of non-believers and believers, one group feels singled out and threatened. believers say they are hounded by atheists and non-believers say they are told they are going to hell everyday. Why?? Faith and religion are supposed to be personal and sacred not exposed and degraded.

Re: non-believers and believers

Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 10:13 pm
by jenna
From where do you get that it is exposed and degraded? I personally have not seen any degrading here on this forum. :?

Re: non-believers and believers

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:28 am
by Judah
Christians have been given "the Great Commission" which is to go out and tell others about Christ, God's plan for our redemption. However, we are not to spread the Word aggressively, but in love for others, so that they may also come to know the Good News and accept Christ as their saviour. The outcome of not accepting Christ is dire, and in love we want others to know this and avoid it. It is said that there is a God-shaped hole in all of us, and we will not be whole and fulfilled until that hole is filled. The motive is love of others, showing them what Christ is like, and bringing them to the foot of the Cross.

In that sense, our Faith is more than just personal - it is outgoing and to be made public.

Christians have a worldview that is counter-culture. Our horizon extends well beyond this earthly life and encompasses the supernatural as well as eternity. Non-believers dispute this worldview, often thinking it is a crazy one, that we have no proof for our beliefs, that it is unscientific, denies the natural world, and so on. Often they make assumptions about our beliefs that are completely wrong. For instance, our faith is not "blind" and unintelligent, but it is based on proofs that are forensic in nature, that are substantial and sound.

Tension often arises because, as human beings, people naturally want control and to decide matters for themselves. Christians talk about obedience to God, to His way of doing things, and sacrificing self in order to follow Jesus. That causes many to baulk and say "uh-oh, not for me!" They want to go their own way. All kinds of excuses and rationalizations are offered to "put down" and rubbish Christianity, to avoid confronting the reality that it presents. We are sinners by nature and God is wanting to transform us. Not everyone wants to be transformed, even if their consciences are pricked by what Christians tell them. Lots of causes for tension... these are just some of the basic ones.

Where do you stand in all of this, hp2007 ? Does this response help clarify things for you?