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Countering Evolution: A primer.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 8:58 pm
by trogdor404
Since discovering this website, I have been successful in being able to counter popular atheist arguments and claims on everything from the Omnipotence Paradox to logical errors/factual inaccuracies regarding the Bible. And I must say, I have held up my case quite well.
At my high school, I am often the lone "Defender of the Faith" if you will. And, despite being able to defend Christianity and Religion in general very well, I often find myself in a tough position on the issue of Evolution. For you see, after reading extensively this website, I have come to the conclusion that is an excellent source for countering Darwinism. However, with that said, I have also came to the conclusion that this website does not have any kind of summarizing or "comprehensive" articles that can put all of the arguments together in common everyday language. Plus, when prepping for a debate, I am often at times overwhelmed with the amount of information on the site that I don't know where to begin, much less know what is vital and not vital for debate. So basically what I am asking here is this: Are there any good articles on the internet that summarizes the progressive-creationist theory? One that puts it in (somewhat) everyday language that even the average Joe can understand? And, one that takes elements from all of the specific sub-areas (thermodynamics, alternative universes, pseudo-DNA ETC.) and incorporates all into one article? Basically, a primer to countering evolution if you will.
Thank you,

Re: Countering Evolution: A primer.

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 11:53 pm
by Gman
trogdor404 wrote: Are there any good articles on the internet that summarizes the progressive-creationist theory? One that puts it in (somewhat) everyday language that even the average Joe can understand? And, one that takes elements from all of the specific sub-areas (thermodynamics, alternative universes, pseudo-DNA ETC.) and incorporates all into one article? Basically, a primer to countering evolution if you will.
Thank you,
Hi Karl, welcome to the godandscience forum...

The one I like most is here: ... ssive.html

Re: Countering Evolution: A primer.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 1:46 pm
by David Blacklock
Hi, Trogdor404, and welcome to the forum. I'll venture an answer to your question, "Are there any good articles on the internet that summarizes the progressive-creationist theory? One that puts it in (somewhat) everyday language that even the average Joe can understand? And, one that takes elements from all of the specific sub-areas (thermodynamics, alternative universes, pseudo-DNA ETC.) and incorporates all into one article? Basically, a primer to countering evolution if you will."

First of all, I do believe in evolution, but defending either side has the same difficulty. Evolution covers topics involving many different scientific disciplines. Just the introductory courses in biology, genetics, paleontology, parts of physics, parts of biochemistry, and geology - most college grads have not taken them all. There are various other disciplines that are of import - astronomy, cosmology, and some specific subjects in various disciplines that require a depth of knowledge you might not pick up in the introductory course, such as radioactive dating, thermodynamics, or the anthropic principle in physics. The learning curve for a thorough understanding is long.

That also makes it easy for either side to talk "over the heads" of its competition. Not that what you are looking for is not available, but that when you find it, the explanations offered will probably be a little simplistic.

For fairly thorough explanations for either side, read one of these books:

pro-evolution: "Living With Evolution" by Kitcher
anti-evolution: "Anti-Evolution" by McGiver

Better yet, read them both.


Re: Countering Evolution: A primer.

Posted: Sun Dec 16, 2007 9:54 pm
by frankbaginski
Welcome to the board,

There is no shortcut in the evolution debate. I suggest you read the books out by Behe and Dawkins on the evolutionary debate. You really need to know both sides of the debate. Most Christians sidestep the issue because it just leads to arguments. A surface understanding just places you in a position where the first question places you on your heels. It is well worth your time. At some point you will see as I have that the whole Darwinian process is a joke.

You need to learn about microevolution enough to know when it applies and when it falls apart. God designed us to adapt to our evironment and stress in some limited ways. You need a firm understanding of this so you can draw a sharp line at the boundary.

It took me three years and I am a quick study. Good luck and I hope you spend the time to become an expert.

Re: Countering Evolution: A primer.

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:07 am
by David Blacklock
Hi trogdor404 -

I found three good references from a friend of mine - books that are written by firm believers, but still do justice to the findings of science.

"The Fourth Day" by Howard J. Van Till

"Portraits of Creation" by Van Till, Snow, Trek, and Young

"The Galileo Connection" by Charles Hummel


Re: Countering Evolution: A primer.

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 11:35 pm
by KrisW
There is also a good book by Ralph Mancaster(sp?); the title of which escapes me at the moment.

Another good site is Reasons To Believe which is headed by astronomer Dr. Hugh Ross.

Ross' video "Journey To Creation" is quite good.

Re: Countering Evolution: A primer.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:40 pm
by drddunks
It is not hard to counter evolution,:

1. It does not exist
2. Micro-evolution does not exist
3. At no time has evidence been presented which shows that evolution exists
4. At no time has evidence been produced to show that evolution is responsible
5. The theory is based upon conjecture and wishful thinking
6. It violates the main principles of science--it cannot be observed no matter how hard they claim it was
7. There is no ancient record of evolution in action or observed and so on
8. There are no evolutionary myths in any society in the ancient world and only the modern age has 1. One is not proof.
9. The fossil record cannot prove the process, such thinking is inferrd and full of conjecture.
10. It is a lie based upon the fertile imagination of a man who rejected God and who could not see the truth.

see there are too many strikes aginst the theory and it needs to be abandoned.

Re: Countering Evolution: A primer.

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 6:29 pm
by David Blacklock
Drddunks, I suggest you have not looked at the evidence, as presented by those who advocate it. There's nothing like listening to the other side.


Re: Countering Evolution: A primer.

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 12:44 pm
by frankbaginski

In a limited sense microevolution is part of the creation. The best book that describes its limits is The Edge of Evolution by Behe. Most Darwinist use microevolution and extend it into macroevolution with a waving of the arms and saying millions and millions of years. I am a YEC and have no problem with microevolution as a built in method for all created species to adapt to the evironment.