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Why was there other religions before Christian religion?

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:32 pm
by acviseu
if man was in contact with God since it's beginning why did other religions appear before the Christian religion,like greek mythology for example?

Re: Why was there other religions before Christian religion?

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:46 pm
by Canuckster1127
acviseu wrote:if man was in contact with God since it's beginning why did other religions appear before the Christian religion,like greek mythology for example?
Christianity is an extension of Judaism, and was seen early on as a sect of it, not a new religion.

As to why there are other religions, that would point to the spiritual nature of man in general. Considering Man is spiritual in nature as Christianity believes, then it would follow that in the absence of divine revelation through the Bible and in the context of the Jewish Nation that man would seek to express that spitituality within the context of their own culture.

Some critics point to this as evidence that Christianity isn't unique or even that it builds upon the mythology and religions of other cultures. It is equally valid in most cases to note that the spiritual nature of man is the common denominator and that the religious creations would have some similarities and partial truths alluded to or maintained through Man's history tracing back to the common descent from Adam through Noah etc.

Re: Why was there other religions before Christian religion?

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 2:50 pm
by acviseu
thanks for the reply.

can you explain to me how do we get from God creating Adam and Eve to the appearance of Greek Mythology for example.

Re: Why was there other religions before Christian religion?

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 3:06 pm
by Canuckster1127
acviseu wrote:thanks for the reply.

can you explain to me how do we get from God creating Adam and Eve to the appearance of Greek Mythology for example.
Not off the top of my head.

Part of man's creation in the image of God is reflected in our imagination and ability to create fantasy and fiction. There's any number of ways that gets tied into mythology on either a formal or informal basis.

Re: Why was there other religions before Christian religion?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 4:06 am
by Kurieuo
acviseu wrote:thanks for the reply.

can you explain to me how do we get from God creating Adam and Eve to the appearance of Greek Mythology for example.
Who says that Greek Mythology is necessarily religious? Everyone loves to hear stories with heroes, strange creatures and what-have-you. The popularity of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings are cases in point.

Re: Why was there other religions before Christian religion?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 9:28 am
by FFC
Kurieuo wrote:
acviseu wrote:thanks for the reply.

can you explain to me how do we get from God creating Adam and Eve to the appearance of Greek Mythology for example.
Who says that Greek Mythology is necessarily religious? Everyone loves to hear stories with heroes, strange creatures and what-have-you. The popularity of Star Wars and Lord of the Rings are cases in point.
... :egeek: As well as every comic book we have ever read.

Re: Why was there other religions before Christian religion?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:43 am
by gogobuffalo
Yea. I think Greek mythology was a way for the Greeks to explain the world around them. As you can definitely see on this board, nobody likes not knowing (hope that's understandable, I'm sick and therefore my intelligence may be limited). The Greeks had no sophisticated means of finding out why the sun rises, so they made stories with great heroes to explain them. Someone else pointed out that everyone likes great heroes and such, and that is a great point. By creaing their mythology, the Greeks killed multiple birds with one stone. They provided an explanation for the unknowns, a reprive for the people's spiritual wants, etertainment, and a standard upon which people could measure themselves. So that is why religions like what the Greeks had exist. Of course God doesn't want us to just come up with any religion to fulfill our spiritual needs, He wants us to come to Him through the religion He has helped man establish, which I believe to be Christianity. If you have othere questions regarding why I believe Christianity is the one true religion out of a sea of religions out there, just message me, I'd be happy to help. Hope what I said here helped provide an explanation, and God Bless!

Re: Why was there other religions before Christian religion?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 10:46 pm
by JCSx2
acviseu wrote:thanks for the reply.

can you explain to me how do we get from God creating Adam and Eve to the appearance of Greek Mythology for example.
The tower of Babel may have had something to do with it.

Re: Why was there other religions before Christian religion?

Posted: Fri Dec 21, 2007 2:29 am
by Silvertusk
I like the way the fictional book "Oriel's Diary" puts it. There are renegade angels on earth and it is them that set themselves as the gods in the other religions. For instance Orisis, Baal, Zeus, Apollo etc and pursuade people to believe in them. They are all just Angels who fell with Lucifer.

There is no biblical evidence for this, and it is from a book of fiction - but I do like this idea.


Re: Why was there other religions before Christian religion?

Posted: Sat Dec 22, 2007 1:49 pm
by jenna
Silvertusk wrote:I like the way the fictional book "Oriel's Diary" puts it. There are renegade angels on earth and it is them that set themselves as the gods in the other religions. For instance Orisis, Baal, Zeus, Apollo etc and pursuade people to believe in them. They are all just Angels who fell with Lucifer.

There is no biblical evidence for this, and it is from a book of fiction - but I do like this idea.

Actually, this and the tower of babel are closely related. Nimrod started the idea of the Tower, and people actually started worshipping him as a god. I can't give all the specifics, but he is tied into all the false "creator" gods like Zeus and the others.

Re: Why was there other religions before Christian religion?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 9:51 pm
by acviseu
how is the Towar of Babel portrayed in the Bible?

Re: Why was there other religions before Christian religion?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 9:54 pm
by jenna
Actually. the only thing it really says about it in the bible is the people building it and God scattering their languages. To get a true understanding and read about it a little more you may want to read some encyclopedias or history books on the subject.

Re: Why was there other religions before Christian religion?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 2:48 pm
by Gman
acviseu wrote:if man was in contact with God since it's beginning why did other religions appear before the Christian religion,like greek mythology for example?
I think you will find the answer in what the meaning or definition of what Christianity is... The message of Christ has been around since the beginning of time... Find out what Christianity means, and you will find your answer. :D

Re: Why was there other religions before Christian religion?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 6:19 pm
by acviseu
i found a good read about the Tower of Babel ... -babel-13/