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What is the meaning of fasting?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2007 8:47 am
by Ashley
I may be asking strange. I would like to know how I may fast. I note that in bible it was something that the believers did a lot.

Now a day, is it still meaningful to fast? If it is, how can I do that in reverence for the Lord? I don't want to malnutrite myself. Thank you for your information.


Re: What is the meaning of fasting?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 8:39 pm
by JCSx2
Ashley wrote:I may be asking strange. I would like to know how I may fast. I note that in bible it was something that the believers did a lot.

Now a day, is it still meaningful to fast? If it is, how can I do that in reverence for the Lord? I don't want to malnutrite myself. Thank you for your information.


There are different levels of fasting.

For example during Lent, people give up an item of pleasure for the time being. Such as drinking, chocolate, meat, whatever. They don't actually stop eating all together. Others fast to clean their system and purify their bodies as well as minds. (I personally do not get this, I understand it but I do not get it.)

It is something you must do to glorify the Lord, not just to do to try something new, I think that is the key right there.

You can go on a no meat fast, or a broth only fast. Well the more I talk about it the less I realize that I know about it.

Someone else HELP

Whats up with fasting?

Re: What is the meaning of fasting?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 9:00 pm
by jenna
Fasting is a way of "atonement". It helps us draw closer to God, since it lets us know how totally reliant we are on Him for everything we have. It can be used for a sign of total humiliation towards Him, or to simply draw us closer to Him. If you do it correctly you will not malnutrate yourself. There are definite times to fast, such as the Day of Atonement, which is one of His Holy Days described in the O.T. As far as HOW you do it, let the bible show you. God definitely wants you to be "at one" with Him, but does not want you to starve yourself or make yourself sick. Fasting and prayer usually only lasted for 1 or 2 days, except in the cases of extreme circumstances. Hope this helps some. :wave:

Re: What is the meaning of fasting?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 9:18 pm
by zoegirl
jenwat3 wrote:Fasting is a way of "atonement". It helps us draw closer to God, since it lets us know how totally reliant we are on Him for everything we have. It can be used for a sign of total humiliation towards Him, or to simply draw us closer to Him. If you do it correctly you will not malnutrate yourself. There are definite times to fast, such as the Day of Atonement, which is one of His Holy Days described in the O.T. As far as HOW you do it, let the bible show you. God definitely wants you to be "at one" with Him, but does not want you to starve yourself or make yourself sick. Fasting and prayer usually only lasted for 1 or 2 days, except in the cases of extreme circumstances. Hope this helps some. :wave:

In what way is this a way of atonement? Understandably this was a symbolic means in the Old Testament, but after Christ and His atoning sacrifice for us, what does fasting do for atonement?

Is fasting required, in your opinion? And if so, what verses from the NEw Testament support your view?

Re: What is the meaning of fasting?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 9:23 pm
by jenna
As far as whether it is required or not, I think that may be up to the individual. It is a definite way of drawing closer to God. If you have read the above posts, you would see that I waas answering the questions asked by them as far as the proper ways to do it, not as a requirement. I am beginning to really dread answering ANYTHING, because it seems that no matter what I do, I am always put on the defensive here.

Re: What is the meaning of fasting?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 9:42 pm
by zoegirl
fair enough,

I just wanted to clarify atonement. As I thought you have said before as well, Christ was the atoning sacrifice for us. That was all. I just didn't want to see fasting presented as a requirement. I didn't think you meant it so, thus the question.

I know there are some times where the discipline of fasting can be helpful. It can be a means of focus, as you said, bringing the person closer to God.

Re: What is the meaning of fasting?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 9:47 pm
by jenna
Fair enough. I just think people need to read my posts thoroughly before questioning me. I really get tired of defending myself on just about everything I post. It's pretty sad when I get questioned or put under a microscope simply because whoever didn't take the time to read my post. If you notice I said NOTHING at all about it being a requirement, I was simply answering the question about reasons to fast and the proper way to do it, for those who wanted to.

Re: What is the meaning of fasting?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 10:03 pm
by zoegirl
jenwat3 wrote:Fair enough. I just think people need to read my posts thoroughly before questioning me. I really get tired of defending myself on just about everything I post. It's pretty sad when I get questioned or put under a microscope simply because whoever didn't take the time to read my post. If you notice I said NOTHING at all about it being a requirement, I was simply answering the question about reasons to fast and the proper way to do it, for those who wanted to.

Ugh, let's calm down. I read your post perfectly well, thank you.

When people use the phrase atonement, atonement means to be reconciled to Jesus. YOU said that fasting can be a "way of atonement" , or a way of being reconciled to God. NOw. all considering, I would think this would be a perfectly sensible phrase to question. You COULD have been implying that fasting is part of reconciliation to God, part of salvation. Simple enough query....

Considering that this concept (being reconciled to God) is so crucial, I wanted clarification. Good grief.

Re: What is the meaning of fasting?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 10:37 pm
by jenna
"Good grief"? First let me point out that I DID NOT say that if was for reconciling with God. I said it was for drawing closer to Him. There is a big difference between the two. This is why I got upset, because my post was not read correctly. Any how, like you said, it's behind me now. yp**==

Re: What is the meaning of fasting?

Posted: Sun Dec 23, 2007 10:54 pm
by zoegirl
jenwat3 wrote:Fasting is a way of "atonement".
Your words. I am NOT putting words in your mouth, or message, in this case. You said it, I read it perfectly well, I wanted clarification, YOu clarified....

By using the word atonement, it is implied that it is a means of reconciliation. That is why I asked for clarification. Atonement is too crucial a doctrine to not ask for clarification.

Atonement means a reconciliation to God. By including fasting as a way of atonement, you are conveying the idea that by fasting you are atoning.

And considering that atonement is so crucial a doctrine....anyway, went through this already.

Re: What is the meaning of fasting?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 8:03 am
by Ashley
Thank you for all who replied to me. I have got some ideas how to fast now.
These days, I felt like dstant from God; the feeling's been quite strong recently because for some reasons I wasn't able to show up in church for some time. Occassionally I sang some hymns and thought of HIm under my own steam. The solitude on my business trip was unbearable... feel like doing something FOR Him because He was being with me. To show my need and express my love for Him. I want Him.

very often I felt myself a bit filthy, rather doubtful whether He heard me even I whispered to him in my heart. Of course I knew He was always there watching and listening to us even we didn't find Him. It was just the case I fell into sin when temptation enticed me. I felt so weak and helpless..

Somehow I thought of fasting.. something that at least I clearly know that I am committing myself to do something for Him, an objective that is measurable and well-defined. Simply the way to fast I've got little idea, like : what food should I avoid or should I starve, drinking water only... etc.

Reading the replies, I perceive that fasting means abstinence from something that we usually do or take. Food is fleshly desire , I think if we stop doing for some fleshly desires or lower the level of doing these for, e.g 2 - 3 days JUST FOR SAKE OF HIM. It shows a committment or determination that strengthens our faith.

my personal opinion only, though.

Thanks so much to all of you. thank you.


Re: What is the meaning of fasting?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:26 am
by Byblos
Ashley wrote:Thank you for all who replied to me. I have got some ideas how to fast now.
These days, I felt like dstant from God; the feeling's been quite strong recently because for some reasons I wasn't able to show up in church for some time. Occassionally I sang some hymns and thought of HIm under my own steam. The solitude on my business trip was unbearable... feel like doing something FOR Him because He was being with me. To show my need and express my love for Him. I want Him.

very often I felt myself a bit filthy, rather doubtful whether He heard me even I whispered to him in my heart. Of course I knew He was always there watching and listening to us even we didn't find Him. It was just the case I fell into sin when temptation enticed me. I felt so weak and helpless..

Somehow I thought of fasting.. something that at least I clearly know that I am committing myself to do something for Him, an objective that is measurable and well-defined. Simply the way to fast I've got little idea, like : what food should I avoid or should I starve, drinking water only... etc.

Reading the replies, I perceive that fasting means abstinence from something that we usually do or take. Food is fleshly desire , I think if we stop doing for some fleshly desires or lower the level of doing these for, e.g 2 - 3 days JUST FOR SAKE OF HIM. It shows a committment or determination that strengthens our faith.

my personal opinion only, though.

Thanks so much to all of you. thank you.

Hi Ashley,

Your personal opinion seems to make a lot of sense. That's exactly how I've always thought of fasting, a way of remembering the sacrifices Jesus made for us and a way for us to attempt to walk in His footsteps. Although we can never measure up (thank God for His Grace, right?) it is certainly worth the effort to make it a goal so we can stay close to Him. Thank you for your thoughts.

Re: What is the meaning of fasting?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 3:46 pm
by jenna
zoegirl wrote:
jenwat3 wrote:Fasting is a way of "atonement".
Your words. I am NOT putting words in your mouth, or message, in this case. You said it, I read it perfectly well, I wanted clarification, YOu clarified....

By using the word atonement, it is implied that it is a means of reconciliation. That is why I asked for clarification. Atonement is too crucial a doctrine to not ask for clarification.

Atonement means a reconciliation to God. By including fasting as a way of atonement, you are conveying the idea that by fasting you are atoning.

And considering that atonement is so crucial a doctrine....anyway, went through this already.
"Atonement" means "at one with". Nowhere is it implied that it is a means of reconciliation. By including fasting as a means of being "at one" with God. y/:)

Re: What is the meaning of fasting?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 7:20 pm
by zoegirl
See for a brief summary of the doctrine of atonement.

Peace, Peace!

Considering that atonement can often be misapplied, I wanted clarification. The most widespread application of the word means to make right, to make amends. Or, as I said before, reconciliation to God. Christ is the means of atonement....not fasting.

So, again, when you used the word, I wanted to make sure it wasn;t used (or that anybody reading it was misapplying its meaning) in a way that miscontrues fasting and its possible means of reconciliation. I asked, you clarified, you said you meant it wasn't a requirement. I thought so, you affirmed it. Let's move on.

Re: What is the meaning of fasting?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2007 8:35 pm
by jenna
:sstopwar: yp**== :giverose: