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Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 6:57 pm
by johnt
As of late I've been reading about Enoch. I'm at this point somewhat confused. My confusion started as why his writings are not included in the Old Testament, the transformation to the Arch Angel Metatron, Metatron's cube, The Flower of Life ( from prior to the creation forward) and other geometrical shapes and mathmatics refering to creation and life itself. Can someone help me sort this out?

Re: Enoch?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:37 pm
by Gman
johnt wrote:As of late I've been reading about Enoch. I'm at this point somewhat confused. My confusion started as why his writings are not included in the Old Testament, the transformation to the Arch Angel Metatron, Metatron's cube, The Flower of Life ( from prior to the creation forward) and other geometrical shapes and mathmatics refering to creation and life itself. Can someone help me sort this out?
I own to copies of the Book of Enoch.. It is a fascinating and actually a scarey book imo...

"Gnostic texts were rejected by the early Christian Church not because of their unfavorable portrayal of Jesus of Nazareth, but because Church leaders knew they were not written by the original disciples, but fabricated much later by splinter groups (gnostics), who incorporated heretical teachings and false historical claims into those documents."

source: ... judas.html

Re: Enoch?

Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 10:43 pm
by johnt
Thanks Gman, I found it fascinating also. I 'm reading about the cube which also shows a animated movement of the geometrical drawings and also animated movement of the spheres. The cube itself holds so many different geometrical forms to include the Platonic Plates. The Flower of Life also holds within it the cube and a Graphic overlay of the Tree of Life. Could have these graphics been hidden long ago and only studied by those of greater wisdom and understanding? How is it that they came to light in Ethiopia? I do understand that the symbology is also a part of the Kabbala which is not taught until years of study have been accomplished first of the Torah and Talmud. Just curious.

Re: Enoch?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 7:58 am
by frankbaginski

Be very careful of Kabbala. And all things not in the Cannon. The septuagent is a safe document. If you are doing study I would recommend the Chuck Missler commentaries. Then you can branch out with a solid understanding of scripture so you can separate the sheep from the goats. I know I was all over the map before I read some good commentaries.

Re: Enoch?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:10 pm
by johnt
Thanks Frank. I will do that.

Re: Enoch?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:48 pm
by frankbaginski
johnt ,

I have no corner on understanding the scriptures. But I do know that there are some documents out there that are not inspired and they actually contradict the Bible. Many are cleaver arguments that will mislead. Many will guide you to new age kind of thinking. Remember that the road to salvation is narrow and few will find it. Many will go the easy route and stay grounded in the flesh. Remember that the world is not your friend when it comes to scripture. You may lose all. That is all part of being Christian. A tough road but well worth the effort. Once you are in the spirit you realize that by losing all of this world you are losing nothing. We are on this earth but a short time and it seems to me that you are doing just fine. Good luck in your studies.

Re: Enoch?

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2008 12:57 pm
by frankbaginski
johnt ,

The book of Enoch gives you a view into the world of spiritual warfare. If you really want to know about this subject then "The Handbook for Spiritual Warfare" is a great source. I read the prayers in the back to strengthen myself. It is the size of a dictionary but well worth the effort.

Re: Enoch?

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 2:22 pm
by bizzt
johnt wrote:As of late I've been reading about Enoch. I'm at this point somewhat confused. My confusion started as why his writings are not included in the Old Testament, the transformation to the Arch Angel Metatron, Metatron's cube, The Flower of Life ( from prior to the creation forward) and other geometrical shapes and mathmatics refering to creation and life itself. Can someone help me sort this out?
Transformers? Just kidding :) Never read Enoch!

Re: Enoch?

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 6:44 pm
by Kurieuo
bizzt wrote:
johnt wrote:As of late I've been reading about Enoch. I'm at this point somewhat confused. My confusion started as why his writings are not included in the Old Testament, the transformation to the Arch Angel Metatron, Metatron's cube, The Flower of Life ( from prior to the creation forward) and other geometrical shapes and mathmatics refering to creation and life itself. Can someone help me sort this out?
Transformers? Just kidding :) Never read Enoch!

Re: Enoch?

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:49 pm
by johnt
Well I have finished reading it and I must admit I had to go over several chapters every now and then. It was a good read although and went into more detail as far as the "Watchers" and their demise and of course what happened to their offspring. The 2nd dream I thought was very interesting also. If you have not read it yet it basically goes into more depth in regards to Genesis, the flood, future happenings to Israel and of couse judgement day leading to and thereafter. Lots of fire and brimestone and portray's G-d as not so tolerant of sinners to say the least. This could be a reason it wasn't cannonized. The images when described leave no doubt to the reader of which side you better be on so to speak. Hasn't changed my beliefs at all but personally I thought it a good read. The chapters dealing with the cycles of the sun and moon were also of interest. Just like most of the Old Testament and other materials from back then most had been passed from generation to generation verbally and then finally written down latter on towards the Roman occupation. I wonder if they felt that had they not written these things down when they did they would be lost for ever because of their occupation?

Re: Enoch?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 9:36 pm
by B. W.
johnt wrote:Well I have finished reading it and I must admit I had to go over several chapters every now and then. It was a good read although and went into more detail as far as the "Watchers" and their demise and of course what happened to their offspring. The 2nd dream I thought was very interesting also. If you have not read it yet it basically goes into more depth in regards to Genesis, the flood, future happenings to Israel and of couse judgement day leading to and thereafter. Lots of fire and brimestone and portray's G-d as not so tolerant of sinners to say the least. This could be a reason it wasn't cannonized. The images when described leave no doubt to the reader of which side you better be on so to speak. Hasn't changed my beliefs at all but personally I thought it a good read. The chapters dealing with the cycles of the sun and moon were also of interest. Just like most of the Old Testament and other materials from back then most had been passed from generation to generation verbally and then finally written down latter on towards the Roman occupation. I wonder if they felt that had they not written these things down when they did they would be lost for ever because of their occupation?
As long as you know these things about the book of Enoch, here are two other interesting reads - the Apocalypse of Peter and Apocalypse of Paul. Just take these as interesting historical reads from a time bygone as you would Enoch....