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2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:37 am
by catherine
I can't help feeling that 2000 years is a long time without any 'visible' actions from God. All through Bible history, things happend (the flood, Moses, etc etc, Jesus coming). Jesus and Paul talk as if the culmination ie the 2nd coming, judgement etc was going to happen in the first century. (I've just read an article at which pretty much sums up the main points I have been pondering about this issue. Unfortunately the article didn't give me an answer. There doesn't seem to be much evidence of the Holy Spirit operating in this world either, no breaking news flashes about someone being raised from the dead, only spurious 'healing' claims from so called evangelists. (They're always healings that you can't really measure - you never get someone's missing leg being replaced, or a down syndrome person being healed). I do have many doubts and would like your feedback guys. :?

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 9:57 am
by Canuckster1127
You're assuming quite a lot aren't you?

2,000 years without any discernible acts of God? That sounds suspiciously like an absolute statement attempting to assert a negative.

What's your basis for making that assumption?

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 11:09 am
by frankbaginski
catherine ,

I have written a post on this issue - apologetical forums - the Bible and scripture - time of the gentiles

I had the same thoughts and wrote down what I found out and decided to share. It is a long post but one that may shed some light on this subject. I hope this helps.

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:15 pm
by catherine
Hi Frank, thanks for your reply. I must admit I had a glance at that posting before but had skipped through it. I have now read it in its entirety and found it very very interesting. It's amazing how my appreciation of the New Testament ie Jesus's sacrifice etc has grown by now knowing about what the things in the Old Testament actually stood for. I need you to expand on a couple of points please:
'Come, and let us return unto the LORD: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.
After two days, will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight.
Then shall we know, if we follow on to know the LORD: his going forth is prepared as the morning; and he shall come unto us as the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the earth.
Hos 6:1-3

It says in scripture that a thousand years is like a day to the Lord. So the previous verse could be saying that after 2000 years and then sometime in the third millennium we will receive the end times prophesy. A Bible year is 360 days so we are approximately 2002 years since His crucifixion.'

Are you saying that we will be revived (ie by a latter rain of the Holy Spirit) now we are in the 2nd day? and that another 1000 y ears is to pass til the 2nd coming? Also I didn't understand your reference to 360 days and being 2002 years since His crucifixion. Sorry, my brain is going slow. It's been a long day.
'How lucky we are to be living now. Everyone of us can experience the miracle of indwelling of the Spirit of God'.

This would make sense and explain the apparent 'abscence' of events like the flood, Moses and Israelites, etc, etc because now we have the Holy Spirit, but I am scared i may have sinned against the Holy Spirit or if not that then my present situation is barring me from being born again and receiving that reassurance that can only come from His Spirit that I am a child of God Rom8:16,17. There is a scripture that aptly describes me. I can't find it at the minute but the gist of it is 'weak willed women loaded down by sins, led astray' something along those lines. I would like to say more but don't want to go on too much. Anyway, I await your clarification on the above points. Bye for now.

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:26 pm
by catherine
Hi Canuckster, thanks for your reply. Well the Bible 'stops' with the first century Christians so unless I rely on Historical writings (which I'm not aware of), I don't know of any other 'similar' mind blowing events like the flood or Jesus coming, miracles like raising some one from the dead, since the first century. I've been on this earth 41 years and have never seen or met anyone who claims to have seen anything like what happened when Jesus and then the early apostles and disciples were alive. Unless of course I've not bumped into the right people. Sorry if I sound flippant, but I certainly don't mean to be. Even Jesus made allowances for people's lack of faith. I've recently read the gospel of John and a few times he said 'believe on the miracles'. I think he knows people aren't just going to blindly accept second, third hand accouts without evidence. He showed doubting Thomas some evidence. I know he says blessed are those who belive who haven't seen, and to a point I believe though I haven't seen. Hope you can see where I'm coming from. :esmile:

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 1:47 pm
by Canuckster1127
catherine wrote:Hi Canuckster, thanks for your reply. Well the Bible 'stops' with the first century Christians so unless I rely on Historical writings (which I'm not aware of), I don't know of any other 'similar' mind blowing events like the flood or Jesus coming, miracles like raising some one from the dead, since the first century. I've been on this earth 41 years and have never seen or met anyone who claims to have seen anything like what happened when Jesus and then the early apostles and disciples were alive. Unless of course I've not bumped into the right people. Sorry if I sound flippant, but I certainly don't mean to be. Even Jesus made allowances for people's lack of faith. I've recently read the gospel of John and a few times he said 'believe on the miracles'. I think he knows people aren't just going to blindly accept second, third hand accouts without evidence. He showed doubting Thomas some evidence. I know he says blessed are those who belive who haven't seen, and to a point I believe though I haven't seen. Hope you can see where I'm coming from. :esmile:
I do know where you are coming from and I'm not trying to flippant either. Perhaps you should look and see if there are some first hand accounts out there with evidence to the same level that you accept other historical events. One should be consistent in that regard don't you think?

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 3:19 pm
by catherine
Canuckster, I have read many books, read hundreds, if not thousands of internet articles, visited churches, so I have been and am looking. I've been to meetings where 'God's Spirit' is being poured out and the only things happening were things that can be re-produced by man e.g falling over (I think I was the only one who didn't fall back, maybe because I prayed beforehand only for God to make me fall, not man), speaking in tongues (with no interpretation), laughing. No healings, no prophecies! I had a personal experience of the 'Holy Spirit' at a Gerald Cotes meeting quite a few years ago (during the Toronto Blessing time) and I experienced stuff that made me feel scared (natural reaction I suppose) so I prayed to God and said 'If this is you Jesus/God, please comfort me so I know this is you, but still I was scared, so I came to the conclusion that it wasn't God. Anyway, have disgressed a bit, but yes, I am looking. NOt sure why you assumed I hadn't.

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 6:16 pm
by zoegirl
Catrherine, why do you feel like those places are the only sources of "God's actions"?

It seems like you have provided only the charismatic churches as you feel like these are the only places you can go?

I think we should always be suspicous of any interaction where we are scared. One of the most amazing things about spiritual meetings inscripture is that they all begin with "Do not fear" I highly doubt that the meetings there were from the Holy Spirit.

I guess the question really is "What are you defining as an action from God?" Are you looking for a water into wine moment? I believe miracles are seen in very unique times in the Bible and that the majority of moments may seem mundane and lacking in that "showboat" feel.

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2008 7:24 pm
by frankbaginski
catherine ,

I have posted over 200 times on a different sections of this forum. Today is the first time I came to this section. I left to go watch the game. As I entered the house to watch TV a DVD was playing and a man who works in spiritual warfare was talking. He was talking about how some people are brought to faith by not seeing God. I know that these events were no accident. This happens to me more and more as time goes by.

In many ways I am like you. God has chosen this time in my life to be hidden from me. Two years ago I was shocked into studying scripture by a vision. Since then no direct talk or visions. There is a reason for this. No talking in tongues, no falling down, etc. The post I sent you to concerns the scriptual basis for the gap, or time of the church. It does not deal with a lot of why. I think tonight I was shown why.

Let's talk about God's presence for a moment. If Jesus were to come down and stay with you, what would you do? Like all people that believe in Christ we would worship Him and want to be with Him. His presense would be a shock and a reality. We would receive a direct line to the truth. This is how He communicates. It would be an overwhelming experience. But how much faith would grow as a result of His visit? None, faith is learning the deep meaning of scripture knowing He is standing beside you without seeing Him. And it is only through faith that we are saved.

Have you ever wondered why the disciples did not understand some parables that were clearly simple? They were in the presence of the Lord and deeper meaning does not come that way. After Christ rose from the dead He met two on a road. They did not see Him as Christ, He taught them about how scripture foretold about how the Christ would come and take the sins of the world and be ressurected on the third day. He was teaching them the deeper meaning of scripture. Later when He ate with them they saw Him as Christ and He vanished. Faith is learned from within and is not handed to us as manifestations. If you can't see or hear God then God is calling you to faith. Know that He is standing right beside you as He is me. Do not be concerned with what the eyes see. Only be concerned with developing your spirit and the deeper understanding of God. If God never talks to me again it is His choice, my faith is built on His rock. I do not need to see it. God has plans for you just like He has plans for me. In His own way He will show us. Do not think that since you don't fall over that you somehow were missed. God loves you and knows more than you do what you need. Trust Him as I trust Him and let Him reveil Himself through scripture.

Christ came to this earth to take on the sins of the world. He also taught us how to love Him and how we should live our lives. But if you recall the disciples were not sure who He was. They did not have faith. Only with Pentacost and the Holy Spirit did they develope faith. Faith that changed them and allowed a few men to change the world. They went from men huddled in a room afraid of everyone to men who stood before armies and nations to shout the Word. That courage came from faith not from being a witness.

I have often wondered how a nation like the jews could have so many miracles in the past and still not see truth standing in front of them. It may be that God chose them to demonstrate to the world about faith. I don't know if this is true. They are the chosen people and God has plans for them. And those plans are different then the Gentiles.

In my post I was saying we are in the third day so anytime now we could see God in the rapture.

I feel in my bones you have not sinned against the Spirit.

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:05 am
by catherine
Hi Zoegirl, thanks for your feedback. I didn't mean to imply that only charismatic churches have 'evidence' of God. I have been to many different Christian churches so it's only because the charismatic ones purport to have the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that I was using them as an example. Anyway, my initial question may have sounded negative, but I was comparing how in Old Testament times, God worked in 'big' ways ie the flood and that our time has had the longest period - 2000 years where it 'appears' like God has left us to get on with it. Going by Frank's replies, I see that we have the Holy Spirit with us and I don't expect a water into wine miracle for myself. The only miracle I would ask for and do ask nearly every day, is that I would know that I am loved by God and am saved. To me that is a miracle. Anyway, thanks again for your feedback. It's good to know there are people like yourself who take the time to help. :D

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:22 am
by catherine
by frankbaginski on Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:24 am

catherine ,

I have posted over 200 times on a different sections of this forum. Today is the first time I came to this section. I left to go watch the game. As I entered the house to watch TV a DVD was playing and a man who works in spiritual warfare was talking. He was talking about how some people are brought to faith by not seeing God. I know that these events were no accident. This happens to me more and more as time goes by.

In many ways I am like you. God has chosen this time in my life to be hidden from me. Two years ago I was shocked into studying scripture by a vision. Since then no direct talk or visions. There is a reason for this. No talking in tongues, no falling down, etc. The post I sent you to concerns the scriptual basis for the gap, or time of the church. It does not deal with a lot of why. I think tonight I was shown why.

Let's talk about God's presence for a moment. If Jesus were to come down and stay with you, what would you do? Like all people that believe in Christ we would worship Him and want to be with Him. His presense would be a shock and a reality. We would receive a direct line to the truth. This is how He communicates. It would be an overwhelming experience. But how much faith would grow as a result of His visit? None, faith is learning the deep meaning of scripture knowing He is standing beside you without seeing Him. And it is only through faith that we are saved.

Have you ever wondered why the disciples did not understand some parables that were clearly simple? They were in the presence of the Lord and deeper meaning does not come that way. After Christ rose from the dead He met two on a road. They did not see Him as Christ, He taught them about how scripture foretold about how the Christ would come and take the sins of the world and be ressurected on the third day. He was teaching them the deeper meaning of scripture. Later when He ate with them they saw Him as Christ and He vanished. Faith is learned from within and is not handed to us as manifestations. If you can't see or hear God then God is calling you to faith. Know that He is standing right beside you as He is me. Do not be concerned with what the eyes see. Only be concerned with developing your spirit and the deeper understanding of God. If God never talks to me again it is His choice, my faith is built on His rock. I do not need to see it. God has plans for you just like He has plans for me. In His own way He will show us. Do not think that since you don't fall over that you somehow were missed. God loves you and knows more than you do what you need. Trust Him as I trust Him and let Him reveil Himself through scripture.

Christ came to this earth to take on the sins of the world. He also taught us how to love Him and how we should live our lives. But if you recall the disciples were not sure who He was. They did not have faith. Only with Pentacost and the Holy Spirit did they develope faith. Faith that changed them and allowed a few men to change the world. They went from men huddled in a room afraid of everyone to men who stood before armies and nations to shout the Word. That courage came from faith not from being a witness.

I have often wondered how a nation like the jews could have so many miracles in the past and still not see truth standing in front of them. It may be that God chose them to demonstrate to the world about faith. I don't know if this is true. They are the chosen people and God has plans for them. And those plans are different then the Gentiles.

In my post I was saying we are in the third day so anytime now we could see God in the rapture.

I feel in my bones you have not sinned against the Spirit.
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Hi Frank, I have read many of your posts and you seem to be on the same wave length as me. Where do you get your info regarding the Jewish festivals etc? Anyway, I take on board what you say about having faith, it's just hard a lot of the time. I'll give you an example. Say I had an arranged marriage and I never met my husband. He lived on the other side of the world and a relative of mine would send me letters telling me what he was up to etc. I would find it very hard to 'love' him and be motivated to have a relationship. This is how I struggle. I go so long and then I seem to get fed up with the lack of feed back (I pray but it's like praying into the air). I felt like this two nights ago, and was ready to throw in the towel (again) but then I thought, no. This is like a pattern. This is my problem, not Gods. Just because I feel like this doesn't mean God is any less real. I have no problem believing in God, as the evidence to me (ID) is overwhelming. It's all the other stuff (Jesus, Holy Spirit, obeying His Commands etc) that I then struggle with, because I feel unloved by Him and He's even further away than the other side of the world. The other me - the bad me, then says 'Oh, this is all probably unreal. Why make it hard for yorself' and so on. Maybe I'm making excuses. God knows my heart. :?

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 2:27 am
by Kurieuo
catherine wrote:Hi Zoegirl, thanks for your feedback. I didn't mean to imply that only charismatic churches have 'evidence' of God. I have been to many different Christian churches so it's only because the charismatic ones purport to have the gifts of the Holy Spirit, that I was using them as an example. Anyway, my initial question may have sounded negative, but I was comparing how in Old Testament times, God worked in 'big' ways ie the flood and that our time has had the longest period - 2000 years where it 'appears' like God has left us to get on with it. Going by Frank's replies, I see that we have the Holy Spirit with us and I don't expect a water into wine miracle for myself. The only miracle I would ask for and do ask nearly every day, is that I would know that I am loved by God and am saved. To me that is a miracle. Anyway, thanks again for your feedback. It's good to know there are people like yourself who take the time to help. :D
Christians who have been very influenced by Pentecostal churches often turn out to have the same kind of questions you do when questioning their faith. I myself had to explore them and also wondered similar things. In the end I came to the conclusion that most of what I experienced as "charismatic gifts" was more facade than real, even though I still believe the real does in fact exist. Thankfully my faith is grounded also in reason rather than simply felt experiences or seeing miracles, something I feel most Pentecostal churches overlook.

That said, I recently came across discussions in another thread from a while back which you might find of interest: Charismatic chaos?

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 7:38 am
by catherine
Hi Kurieuo
I agree with all your points. I've checked out the link you provided and they more or less discussed lots of things I'd been wondering. I won't 'throw the baby out with the bath water' so to speak just because most of it seems dodgy. I have never had an emotional experience or a vision or anything like that, so all I can go on for now is my common sense and what the Bible claims as truth. Thanks for your input.

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 10:10 am
by frankbaginski

I came to God through a study of quantum mechanics. I started to read the scriptures and came to Jesus soon after that. I had many problems with scripture and the world. I had many voices in my head telling me what to do. Over time I realized they were not me. I did not own those thoughts and I was not in any way attached to what they said. My head now is pretty clear and I deal with an occasional odd thought by pushing it into a pit. Given the right spiritual tools you can hide from evil. I know I had to learn this if I was to move forward. I strongly suggest you read The Handbook for Spiritual Warfare by Murphy. The back of the book is very difficult to read, it deals with examples of pure evil. But the tools are so important to know. I read out loud the prayer at the back of the book when I feel I need my defenses fixed.

The world is not your friend. Believe me that evil knows you are on this path. They have power in the world but no power over you. Just realizing this fact will make you strong. There are many good people on this site to help. Kurieuo for one is rock solid.

Re: 2000 years of 'nothing' - Jesus and Paul imply 1st Century.

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2008 11:08 am
by catherine
quantum mechanics has got to be one of the most fascinating subjects. I wish I could understand quantum physics. Thanks for your advice. I too have experienced thoughts that troubled me. I realised they were a result of a condition called OCD. Since I have known this they don't occur very often now. I have sensed evil a couple of times in my life but never had any real experience of demonic forces thank goodness. I've just read The Screwtape Letters by CS Lewis - a very good book. I'm enjoying reading all the topics posted in these forums. Bye for now. :lol: