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Speaking in tongues.

Posted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 2:33 am
by oscarsiziba
What tongues are these?Heavenly or human,backing Scripture.

Re: Speaking in tongues.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 12:08 am
by Kurieuo
oscarsiziba wrote:What tongues are these?Heavenly or human,backing Scripture.
What tongues are what? I didn't know heaven had a tongue. Is it like a slippery dip? :shakehead: :P

Re: Speaking in tongues.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 2:23 am
by Silvertusk
Tongues is one of the things I really don't get and sometimes I think it is sometimes just gibberish, but people do it anyway just to show off how spiritual they are.

Please someone enlighten me.


Re: Speaking in tongues.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 4:29 am
by Cross.eyed
I don't get it either.

One of my Christian buddies was telling me about a mutual friend of ours giving a message at church in tongues and that the Pastor had given the translation in the same language as the KJV.
My only question was "Why would GOD relate to a modern speaking congregation in an ancient language?"

Another friend of mine told me that tongues was proof of The Holy Spirit being in us. After she gave me an example I ask her what she had said and she didn't know claiming that it was a language that only GOD knows.

I feel confident that The Holy Spirit is my guide but I still can't grasp tongues. Perhaps this is because I can butcher the english language in ways that President Bush could only dream about! :?

Re: Speaking in tongues.

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 5:41 pm
by brother jim
When the manifestation of the Holy Ghost comes up on you ,along with unspeakable joy, a peace that passes understanding, and righteousness, you will speak as the Spirit gives utterance.

Also someone will stand and begin to speak (not a language known to the speaker) in an foreign language, and someone else
will interpret. For instance you and you're church speaks predominately English, you stand and begins to speak (Spanish, or
French, or Mohawk etc.) in a foreign language, and your friend tells the congregation the message from God to everyone in English.

Finally we are instructed to pray in tongues (alone,in our prayer closet) which we donot understand, but it among other things builds our most Holy faith

Re: Speaking in tongues.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 2:27 am
by Silvertusk
Nope. Still doesn't make sense to me. When I pray I pray in English so I know what I am saying to God. I don't feel that I am worshipping God if I don't know what I am actually saying.

I can understand the disciples being given the gift of languages of the world - that at least makes sense when they were preaching to people from all over the world.

But sometimes when I pray at church i can hear sometimes people sitting next to me saying complete gibberish - and it really is nonsense. It really gets my back up for some reason because instintively i think it is not genuine and they are just trying to show off.

Maybe it is a failing in me.



Re: Speaking in tongues.

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2008 3:56 am
by Cross.eyed
Silvertusk wrote:Nope. Still doesn't make sense to me. When I pray I pray in English so I know what I am saying to God. I don't feel that I am worshipping God if I don't know what I am actually saying.
Yep, same here. I would have to know what I'm saying, not knowing sounds very mysterious.
I can understand the disciples being given the gift of languages of the world - that at least makes sense when they were preaching to people from all over the world
And they didn't have to travel far to find a different dialect that without tongues would require at least some translation.
But sometimes when I pray at church i can hear sometimes people sitting next to me saying complete gibberish - and it really is nonsense. It really gets my back up for some reason because instintively i think it is not genuine and they are just trying to show off.
I'm sure there is some grandstanding, but I wonder if some need to do religious things in order to feel religious.
Maybe it is a failing in me.
Yeah, me too, I could easily be wet behind the ears about the whole thing.

Re: Speaking in tongues.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:01 am
by Silvertusk
I am glad I am not alone in this. I hope I will get what it is all about some day.

Re: Speaking in tongues.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 3:38 am
by Cross.eyed
Silvertusk wrote:I am glad I am not alone in this. I hope I will get what it is all about some day.
If not in this life, then most certainly in the next!

Re: Speaking in tongues.

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 10:03 am
by oscarsiziba
What does the Bible say about the PURPOSE of tongues?What is their purpose?

Re: Speaking in tongues.

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2008 10:07 pm
by Gman
oscarsiziba wrote:What does the Bible say about the PURPOSE of tongues?What is their purpose?
To spread the word of God... They are not words of gibberish however, they were the languages known to people. Most people claim that they were supernatural tongues, but if you examine it closer, they weren't.

If you want a good book on it I would suggest "The Corinthian Catastrophe" by George E. Gardiner.

Re: Speaking in tongues.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 7:46 am
by JesusSmiles
oscarsiziba wrote:What does the Bible say about the PURPOSE of tongues?What is their purpose?
Paul said.........I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all.” 1 Corinthians 14:18 (KJV)

The main benefit or praying in tongues is supernatural guidance. When you pray in the Spirit, you make yourself sensitive to the will of God (1 Corinthians 14:4, Jude 20). The Word of God can teach us God's general will for our lives, but the Holy Spirit can reveal God's specific will to us. It can also lead us into wonderful praise and worship.

1 Corinthians 14:19 Paul goes on to say... “yet in the church.” Paul is saying that most of his prayers, both in the Spirit and with the understanding, were outside the church service during his personal prayer time.

I think each person should read the scriptures on this subject and ask God for guidance. I've known great Christians on both sides of this issue and I certainly don't think it should be a polarizing point. I've always looked at praying in the Spirit much like don't HAVE to....but you CAN.

Re: Speaking in tongues.

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 10:49 pm
by Gman
JesusSmiles wrote:
oscarsiziba wrote:What does the Bible say about the PURPOSE of tongues?What is their purpose?
Paul said.........I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all.” 1 Corinthians 14:18 (KJV)

The main benefit or praying in tongues is supernatural guidance. When you pray in the Spirit, you make yourself sensitive to the will of God (1 Corinthians 14:4, Jude 20). The Word of God can teach us God's general will for our lives, but the Holy Spirit can reveal God's specific will to us. It can also lead us into wonderful praise and worship.
Hi JesusSmiles,

I'm sorry... No offense but I would have to disagree.. I think when Paul was speaking of tongues here he was actually speaking of the tongues of man. The verse, I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all.” 1 Corinthians 14:18 (KJV) was referring to the tongues of man. Paul basically knew how to speak the language of the Romans, Greeks, Hebrews, etc... He had the gift to translate into other languages because he understood them. He had the natural ability or gift to pick up languages of other nations because he had an interest in them and had studied them. Others not... They may have had a gift of prophecy or knowledge.
JesusSmiles wrote:1 Corinthians 14:19 Paul goes on to say... “yet in the church.” Paul is saying that most of his prayers, both in the Spirit and with the understanding, were outside the church service during his personal prayer time.
Yes, however in verse 18 he says "I thank God that I speak in tongues (other known languages) more than all of you." Basically he was downplaying his gift in verse 19.
JesusSmiles wrote:I think each person should read the scriptures on this subject and ask God for guidance. I've known great Christians on both sides of this issue and I certainly don't think it should be a polarizing point. I've always looked at praying in the Spirit much like don't HAVE to....but you CAN.
I don't think these tongues were something not understood by man. Even in prayer we need to speak clearly unto God. I know it can be a confusing topic...

Re: Speaking in tongues.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 6:28 am
by JesusSmiles
Gman wrote: I'm sorry... No offense but I would have to disagree..
Awww Gman.......No offense taken at all! I was just trying to answer the original posters question based on the view point and scriptures used by those who do believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. I do realize there are two different 'camps' on this issue and those on both sides love and worship the same God. It's all good. :D

Re: Speaking in tongues.

Posted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 12:20 pm
by Gman
JesusSmiles wrote:Awww Gman.......No offense taken at all! I was just trying to answer the original posters question based on the view point and scriptures used by those who do believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit with evidence of speaking in tongues. I do realize there are two different 'camps' on this issue and those on both sides love and worship the same God. It's all good. :D
No problem.. Thanks. ;) I know what you mean but what the Pentecostals and Charismatics are doing could be deceiving to the body of Christ. We need to be careful...

It can be a confusing topic because there are two different cases of it.

1) The occasion of Speaking in Tongues on Pentecost was done by the Holy Spirit (supernaturally)...One voice, but everyone heard it in their own cannot be duplicated or manufactured by mere mortal men. Acts 2:4.

Why was this given?

a) To reveal the power of God. Act 2: 11, 12.
b) To reverse the work at the tower of Babel where God confounded man's language due to their rebellion. Gen. 11:9. Basically at the tower of Babel God split man apart via languages, at Pentecost he unites them once again (under the Holy Spirit this time).

2) Another occasion of Speaking in tongues is merely a gift of God that allows a person to accurately interpret another language. Some people have a natural ability to pick up other languages. As an example take the savant Daniel Tammet. "Tammet was challenged to learn Icelandic in one week. Seven days later he appeared on Icelandic television conversing in Icelandic, with his Icelandic language instructor saying it was "not human" and "genius!"

Why was it given?

a) Mainly to spread the word of God to other nations. 1 Cor. 14:22
b) To reveal the works of the Holy Spirit.