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Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 5:58 pm
by buffalo1d
I was wondering about all this, the bible reads in galatians,

Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:19-21

the word translated "sorcery" is the Greek word pharmakeia, from which we get the English word "pharmacy." The primary meaning is "the use or the administering of drugs" (usually associated with sorcery or idolatry). Since this verse comes from a list of things that if practiced would preclude one from heaven, this should be a reasonably strong suggestion that the Christian should not practice drug use. In addition, the book of Revelation lists drug use as one of the things for which the unrepentant will suffer the wrath of God.

my question is this, I am in a wheelchair and I have chronic pain all the time. I am prescribed vicodin, is this considered drug use, will I not go to heaven if I take it for pain? Thanks for the help. God bless

Re: pharmakeia?

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:05 pm
by zoegirl
Thereare others here who are vastly better are the examination of the word; but from someone who must take three differenct medications for colitis, I hope I have some validity with the question.

I think the reasoning and motivatio behind the drug use would clear up the trranslation "sorcery". I'm sure an examination of the history would reveal a misuse of durgs and herbs and certainly the many idolatrous religions of the day certainly contributed to that misuse.

For those who misuse drugs to escape life, their sorcery can essentially be a replacement for God. Drug abuse< i think, for many started with the pain and misery of life and the need to mask and dull that misery, instead of seeking God, they sought drugs.

For medicating illnesses and the pain of our bodies, I think medication has its purposes. I don't think there is anything sinful about using drugs properly. Just like healing a broken bone, medicines have their purposes.

As always, there is a danger to misplacing our trust FROM God to medicines alone, but God works through medicines as well as doctors, nurses, and surgeons. It is because of Him that they do work.

Just some thoughts.

Re: pharmakeia?

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:41 pm
by Canuckster1127
buffalo1d wrote:I was wondering about all this, the bible reads in galatians,

Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, and things like these, of which I forewarn you, just as I have forewarned you, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. (Galatians 5:19-21

the word translated "sorcery" is the Greek word pharmakeia, from which we get the English word "pharmacy." The primary meaning is "the use or the administering of drugs" (usually associated with sorcery or idolatry). Since this verse comes from a list of things that if practiced would preclude one from heaven, this should be a reasonably strong suggestion that the Christian should not practice drug use. In addition, the book of Revelation lists drug use as one of the things for which the unrepentant will suffer the wrath of God.

my question is this, I am in a wheelchair and I have chronic pain all the time. I am prescribed vicodin, is this considered drug use, will I not go to heaven if I take it for pain? Thanks for the help. God bless
The use of the word in the context of the old testament focused upon the use of hallucenogetic drugs to induce trances or to lower inhibitions for temple prostitution and things of that nature. That is the context I see in Revelation as well and not simply the use of any drug.

While there are certainly elements of this today in the context of drug abuse, I am reasonably confident that the use of prescribed medications responsibly under the care of a physician to manage pain or treatable conditions is not what the scriptures are speaking about. I do not believe that your situation as you describe it even comes close to the context of that passage. I don't see a problem with it until it moves beyond treatment to drug abuse or use of drugs to achieve an altered state of consciousness.

That said, recognize that pain management doesn't necessarily mean medicating to where there is no pain at all, but rather to where it is manageable. Modern medicine, in my opinion, does have a tendency to err on the side of eliminating all pain and not looking at the consequences of chronic use and people can get hooked on prescription drugs and that is not much better than any other situation if you get to where you need the drug and are willing to lie, cheat or steal to get it which can happen with prescription drugs like vicodin which I believe can be addictive especially for long term use. Consider a program that used other methods too that are non-drug related. Physical therapy can help for some. Acupuncture works for some. They might be good options that are not addictive. Don't be afraid to try other methods.

Talk with your doctor, tell him/her your concerns and I have to believe a good doctor will work with you to manage things according to your desires and concerns.

I don't believe a sound scriptural argument can be given that anyone using prescribed medications is a sorcerer or that any person doing so is lost.

Re: pharmakeia?

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 7:49 pm
by Gman
buffalo1d wrote:my question is this, I am in a wheelchair and I have chronic pain all the time. I am prescribed vicodin, is this considered drug use, will I not go to heaven if I take it for pain? Thanks for the help. God bless
It's for God to judge who goes to heaven or not, not us... As for taking drugs, wine was sometimes prescribed for medicinal purposes.

1 Timothy 5:23 "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities."

On the other hand, however, the Bible also warns against indulgence of wine and strong drink... Proverbs 20:1; 21:17; 23:30,31; 31:4.

I believe any mind alterating drugs, when taken in excessive amounts, can cloud your judgment and make you dependent on it. Many doctors are aware of this and prescribe this drug carefully. On top of that vicodin is actually bad for your body and could lead to liver failure. I was on it for awhile but had to stop due to this problem. There are other ways to deal with pain other than taking drugs. Eating a balanced diet and visits to my chiropractor were actually more helpful than any drug...

Re: pharmakeia?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 4:15 am
by buffalo1d
thanks for all your responses and help. Let me explain, I am in awful pain from my waste down, legs, feet, bottom. I get no relief sitting, laying, or standing ( I can stand a little) and there is no escaping the pain, driving me nuts. Not the type of pain diet, or therapy helps much. I don't want to take pain meds, but I really think I am at the point were I don't have a choice its that bad. I think I will take my prescribed vicoden prayfully and pray they work and not have to resort to stronger meds or if they have anything else. I just hope I am not stuck with this pain or sinning. The Lord is good regardless, glory to Him. Hope I am doing right. thanks for all your help. God bless

Re: pharmakeia?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 6:27 am
by Canuckster1127
buffalo1d wrote:thanks for all your responses and help. Let me explain, I am in awful pain from my waste down, legs, feet, bottom. I get no relief sitting, laying, or standing ( I can stand a little) and there is no escaping the pain, driving me nuts. Not the type of pain diet, or therapy helps much. I don't want to take pain meds, but I really think I am at the point were I don't have a choice its that bad. I think I will take my prescribed vicoden prayfully and pray they work and not have to resort to stronger meds or if they have anything else. I just hope I am not stuck with this pain or sinning. The Lord is good regardless, glory to Him. Hope I am doing right. thanks for all your help. God bless

Thanks for the explanation. I'm pausing to pray for you as I finish this post.

I do not believe at all that you are sinning to do what you can to manage pain of that nature. There is no virtue in suffering for its own sake when there are means to alleviate the pain.

I hope you will let us know how you are doing so we can pray for you and bounce things back and forth if it will help. For what it is worth I am a former pastor, a cancer survivor and a former volunteer chaplain for the American Cancer Society and I'll be glad to offer what help, limited though it is, from a distance that I can. There are some great people on this board as well too, as you've already seen who have good insight as well.



Re: pharmakeia?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 3:24 pm
by JesusSmiles
Gman wrote: 1 Timothy 5:23 "Drink no longer water, but use a little wine for thy stomach's sake and thine often infirmities."

On the other hand, however, the Bible also warns against indulgence of wine and strong drink... Proverbs 20:1; 21:17; 23:30,31; 31:4.
Good explanation!

When I had some dental surgery done a couple of years ago ...I took pain meds and plenty of them.
After my mouth was healed....I didn't need to take the pills any longer.

To take medication as needed for a true physical or emotional, problem is not the same as taking pills to escape from dealing with life. I think by our own God given conviction we will know the difference between the two.