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morton's demon

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 12:07 pm
by zoegirl
morton wrote:Maxwell suggested a famous demon which could violate the laws of thermodynamics. The demon, sitting between two rooms, controls a gate between the two rooms. When the demon sees a speedy molecule coming his way (from room A), he opens the gate and lets the speedy molecule leave the room and when he sees a slow molecule coming at the gate (from room A), he holds it closed. Oppositely, when he sees a speedy molecule coming at the gate from room B he closes the gate but when he sees a slow molecule from room B coming toward the gate he opens it. In this way, the demon segregates the fast moving molecules into one room from the slow ones in the other. Since temperature of a gas is related to the velocity of the molecules, the demon would increase the temperature of room B and cool room A without any expenditure of energy. And since a temperature difference can be used to create useful work, the demon would create a perpetual motion machine.

Maxwell's demon was shown to fail by Szilard who showed that the demon needed to use light (and expend energy) to determine a fast molecule from a slow one. This energy spent to collect information meant that the demon couldn't violate the 2nd law.

The reason I mention this is because I realized tonight that the YECs have a demon of their own. In a conversation with a YEC, I mentioned certain problems which he needed to address. Instead of addressing them, he claimed that he didn't have time to do the research. With other YECs, I have found that this is not the case (like with who refused my offer to discuss the existence of the geologic column by stating "It's on my short list of topics to pursue here. It's not up next, but perhaps before too long." Message-ID: a3bv4t$v2m$ ) And with other YECs, they claim lack of expertise to evaluate the argument and thus won't make a judgment about the validity of the criticism. Still other YECs refuse to read things that might disagree with them.

Thus was born the realization that there is a dangerous demon on the loose. When I was a YEC, I had a demon that did similar things for me that Maxwell's demon did for thermodynamics. Morton's demon was a demon who sat at the gate of my sensory input apparatus and if and when he saw supportive evidence coming in, he opened the gate. But if he saw contradictory data coming in, he closed the gate. In this way, the demon allowed me to believe that I was right and to avoid any nasty contradictory data. Fortunately, I eventually realized that the demon was there and began to open the gate when he wasn't looking.

However, my conversations have made me aware that each YEC is a victim of my demon. Morton's demon makes it possible for a person to have his own set of private facts which others are not privy to, allowing the YEC to construct a theory which is perfectly supported by the facts which the demon lets through the gate. And since these are the only facts known to the victim, he feels in his heart that he has explained everything. Indeed, the demon makes people feel morally superior and more knowledgeable than others.

The demon makes its victim feel very comfortable as there is no contradictory data in view. The demon is better than a set of rose colored glasses. The demon's victim does not understand why everyone else doesn't fall down and accept the victim's views. After all, the world is thought to be as the victim sees it and the demon doesn't let through the gate the knowledge that others don't see the same thing. Because of this, the victim assumes that everyone else is biased, or holding those views so that they can keep their job, or, in an even more devious attack by my demon, they think that their opponents are actually demon possessed themselves or sons of Satan. This is a devious demon!

He can make people think that the geologic column doesn't exist even if one posts examples on the internet. He can make people believe that radioactive dating doesn't work even if you show them comparisons of tree rings compared to radiocarbon dating. He can make people ignore layer after layer of footprints and burrows in the geologic column (see ) and believe that burrowing can occur and animals can walk around unimpeded during a global flood. He can make people think that the sun is shrinking, that the stars are all within 6000 light years of the earth, or that God made pictures in that light of events which never happened. He can make people believe that fossils aren't the remains of animals and are 'petrifactions' placed there by the devil. He can make people ignore modern measurements of continental motion, stellar formation, or biological speciation. He can make people believe that 75,000 feet of sediment over an area 200 by 100 miles can be deposited in a few hundred years, and he can make people believe that Noah trained animals to poop into buckets on command. He can make people deny transitional forms which have traits clearly halfway between two groups. This is a dangerous demon.

But one thing that those unaffected by this demon don't understand is that the victim is not lying about the data. The demon only lets his victim see what the demon wants him to see and thus the victim, whose sensory input is horribly askew, feels that he is totally honest about the data. The victim doesn't know that he is the host to an evil parasite and indeed many of their opponents don't know that as well since the demon is smart enough to be too small to be seen.

But unlike Maxwell's demon, Morton's demon doesn't expend any energy--he gets his victim to expend it for him. He can get his victim to expend massive amounts of intellectual energy figuring out how to convince the world that they are wrong. The victim will spend hours reading supportive books or searching through scientific literature noting only those portions which support the YEC position. And the victim will spend lots of energy trying to convince others to come see things the way they do. Thus, the demon gets its victims to spend energy to help it spread the infection.

The demon drives his victim to go to YEC conventions so that the demon can rest. By making his victim be with those equally afflicted, the demon doesn't have to shut the door or even be watchful. This is because it allows the demon time to rest when all that is in the room is supportive data. For the victim, there is comfort in numbers even if they are few.

Those who try to help the poor victims escape the ravages of Morton's demon wear themselves out typing e-mails explaining data and facts which never get through the demon's gate. After years of weariness, the philanthropic individual dies of fatigue. This is oh so devilish a situation!
Copyright 2002, 2004 G.R. Morton. This can be freely distributed so long as no changes are made and no charges are made.

Any comments? I found this to be particularly accurate. Sometimes this is what I am confronted with in my class.

Re: morton's demon

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:39 pm
by Swamper
Makes sense to me, though some YEC-ers out there would probably say that the OEC-ers are calling them demon-possessed now...

Re: morton's demon

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2008 7:34 pm
by David Blacklock
To a certain extent, you are what you read.

Good post, Zoey


Re: morton's demon

Posted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 1:01 pm
by Canuckster1127
Speaking as a former YEC myself, this is exactly what I did.

YEC is pretty simple.

1. Start with the assumption that the Bible teaches a 6,000 year old world as absolute truth.
2. Look for evidence to support that claim in the physical universe.
3. Obfuscate and circumvent any evidence that contradicts that claim.
4. When presented with clear evidence to the contrary return to premise #1.

Arguing with a YEC proponent is frustrating because they've confused their Theology with the Bible itself. I've found it's better to approach things from that direction than from science. If a world view doesn't allow for the acceptance of conflicting data you have to address the world view and not keep presenting data.

Most YEC proponents too have been conditioned that way and not come to the conclusion on their own, so that's important to realize and not get personal with it. Most people are reasonable and willing to talk if you approach them with respect. I have to remind myself of that many times when I get frustrated and remember what it was like for me until I grew enough and had the courage to pursue some of the paths that were closed in my earlier education.

Re: morton's demon

Posted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:02 pm
by zoegirl
Canuckster1127 wrote:Speaking as a former YEC myself, this is exactly what I did.

YEC is pretty simple.

1. Start with the assumption that the Bible teaches a 6,000 year old world as absolute truth.
2. Look for evidence to support that claim in the physical universe.
3. Obfuscate and circumvent any evidence that contradicts that claim.
4. When presented with clear evidence to the contrary return to premise #1.

Arguing with a YEC proponent is frustrating because they've confused their Theology with the Bible itself. I've found it's better to approach things from that direction than from science. If a world view doesn't allow for the acceptance of conflicting data you have to address the world view and not keep presenting data.

Most YEC proponents too have been conditioned that way and not come to the conclusion on their own, so that's important to realize and not get personal with it. Most people are reasonable and willing to talk if you approach them with respect. I have to remind myself of that many times when I get frustrated and remember what it was like for me until I grew enough and had the courage to pursue some of the paths that were closed in my earlier education.
From my experience I am finding that the conditioning is a HUGE impact. They have been told over and over again that thinking about the possibility of the earth being old is tantamount to heresy. That is such an incredible influence that that becomes the gatekeeper. I try very hard to not get personal. It's becomes tough when they attack one's faith.

Re: morton's demon

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 3:42 pm
by zlecapitaine
Hi guys. I personally am a YEC, i guess, although i certainly haven't spent years studying it, and comparing evidence. I'm open to new ideas (or i'll try to be) - if someone would like to convince me of an old earth, they are allowed, i am sure that most if not all of you have spent more time searching for evidences than i have.

Anyways, the whole demon thing - In my thinking demons certainly do influence people's thought. However, I don't see why a demon would have any interest in leading someone to believe in a young earth, rather than an old one. Satan and his legions have no other interest than to take God's people away from him. They hate god, and they hate his people. But if a christian believes in a young earth, in what way are they farther from Christ than a christian who believes in an old one? We are brothers and sisters in Christ, and if we have a small difference of belief, but we still share the love of Christ, than in no way has the demon accomplished the only thing he wants to do - which is to drive us away from Christ.

Also, it is simply human nature to be biased toward what one already believes. That is the way humans think - we set out to confirm our beliefs rather than to challenge them. Being biased is not limited to any one certain belief - An OEC is not necessarily less biased than a YEC, evolutionist, Hindu, whatever.

Re: morton's demon

Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2008 9:11 pm
by zoegirl
THe article was meaning to represent a metaphorical demon, that part of a person's psyche that prevents them from examining the evidence. At least that is what I read it as. I don't think the author is meaning that YEC'ers are under the influence of an actual demon, but rather they are so dead set against anyting contrary to YEC that they refuse to acknowledge the evidence. (this would be similar to someone sticking their fingers in their ears and singing "lalalalalalal" when someone tries to talk to them).