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Prayer and Faith vs. Doctors and Medicine

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:30 am
by Rich
Prayer and Faith vs. Doctors and Medicine

This was in response to a widely reported case in which the parent's inaction led to the death of their child.

Re: Prayer and Faith vs. Doctors and Medicine

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 11:25 am
by Cross.eyed
This is a good sense article to post Rich-thanks again- and I hope there are many who will read it.

When our 6mo. old Grandson came down with a virus and a terrible deep cough we were very concerned to say the least. The doctor had stated that the virus was very dangerousfor children of his age.

My wife and I prayed for God to guide our little boy's doctors and heal him as He would.
This particular event had a good ending but as the article states, God is who gives us doctors.

Whenever a tragedy like this happens it seems there is always someone who claims "WELL...they just didn't have enough faith"

The knowledge and wisdom that a good doctor needs is already known by God.
God already knows our needs even before we ask. :amen: