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Interesting site on suppressed scientific findings

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 10:07 am
by Swamper
I found this site yesterday or the day before and I'm looking through it right now. It's got some pretty interesting stuff.

Have a look around and let me know your thoughts.

Re: Interesting site on suppressed scientific findings

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 12:55 pm
by B. W.
Swamper wrote:I found this site yesterday or the day before and I'm looking through it right now. It's got some pretty interesting stuff.

Have a look around and let me know your thoughts.

Interesting site 8)

Re: Interesting site on suppressed scientific findings

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 2:11 pm
by Himantolophus
At first I thought this was going to be a creationist site with the usual mumbo-jumbo but it was an interesting read.

They had a lot of stuff on Physics and how we claim to know things but there is the possibility that we don't. We have people on all sides of the debate claiming evidence for this and that and we can't be sure who to trust

He talks a lot about aliens and the origin of civilization. He has the opinion that there was an advanced civilization far in advance of modern civilization that had advanced technology. I don't know why this knowledge suddenly disappeared and re-appeared again? All civilization with a written history (~6-8K years) are primitive ones (agrarian and herding peoples living in simple dwellings and no technology). The technological aspect of human civilization seems to have risen only in the last 2000 years, and most quickly in the last 500 years.

He gives interesting examples of artifacts dating to 250,000 years ago from Mexico and the mystery on how humans trasnformed wild grains and legumes into the domestic plants we see today. Supposedly, a race of people may have existed in the distant past that was able to do crazy things and build huge monuments (the Sphinx maybe). He never says "aliens" but I don't know what this "advanced race" was and where they got their technology.

He also has a article on the "face of Mars" and says NASA is covering up the evidence that the "face" is artifical.

I don't particularly buy into the whole "scientific conspiracy" to reject opposing theories because the rejecting and modification of existing theories is what science is all about. I see plenty of good science going on all over the place in all different fields and ideas and explanations have evolved over the last 150 years as new info comes in. I think the physics people are basing whole grand theories on purely theoretical stuff and if they are proven wrong then the foundation of lots of other things will be screwed up (gravity, spped of light, relativity, big bang). The whole "aura and mystique" of Einstein is so rooted in physics nowadays that no ones wants to go "back to basics" and start over.

On the alien thing, I think there is something fishy going on out there and the possibility that aliens had an impact on our pre-historical past is intriguing.

Re: Interesting site on suppressed scientific findings

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:18 pm
by zoegirl
Cue the weird choral music and big black monolith!!