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Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 2:02 pm
by B. W.
Zoe — and Dr Who fans -- Did you see last Friday's Dr Who?

At the end of the show when the Doctor dropped off the Roman family on a hill overlooking Pompeii and off in the distance the pryoplastic cloud was heading for them — then the Doctor left.

This made me recall the Doctor's dilemma that he faced earlier as not to change history — do you think the volcanic cloud overtook the family after the Doctor left and he did that deliberately or do you think the family made it through okay?

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 2:12 pm
by zoegirl
Hmm, Interesting idea, however, I'm inclined not to think thaT

He did say to Donna that he needs someone and so I think he genuinely wanted them to survive. It seemed to be that he simply gave up on seeing what could be done and she gave the push for him to help them. He was genuinely horrified at what he had to do. He aso said that there were some things that could be done and are plastic to the timel;ine.

Also, (and this is much more prosaic), it was a much more dramatic end to the show. It gave them a was to show how the word volcano came to be. The family got to see the results,etc. I think it was merely a plot device. Think how dull it would have been if he droppped them off in France or Russia..... :esmile:

Did you see the end of the "Adipose" episode? The teaser shot of Rose !!?!?!?! at the end. She was the one Donna told about her mom's key's/ She turned around and then faded?!?!? What's up with that?

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 5:16 pm
by cslewislover
I saw that episode about Pompeii. Did I see a different ending? The one I saw showed the family alive and well later, with the son "turned around." The episode showed that, to me, the consequences of saving them were bad in one sense anyway - their home shrine had The Doctor and the tardis in it, and they were worshiping/praying to them. The writers might have just thought that that was funny, but it obviously shows that The Doctor changed history in probably a bad way.

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 5:36 pm
by zoegirl
MAybe I missed that last part, the last thing I remember is the Doctor telling Donna that she was right, he did need someone. THis was after the family was on the hillside watching the cloud from Vesuvius. Was there a last part?

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 6:00 pm
by cslewislover
Well, this is very interesting! I saw this on YouTube - I saw the whole episode there (I know, I shouldn't have watched it there, and I haven't gone back :oops: ). The end I described was right there with it, seamless. It's hard to imagine that someone got a hold of an alternate ending!!!

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 6:15 pm
by zoegirl
Well, was it a different ending? or just that we didn't catch it? Maybe you saw the original BRitish version and p[erhap[s the American version had that few second left. I wioll have to google that and see the end. Did you see the part I talked about? With them on the hillside wathcing the volcanic cloud?

ok, solved the mystery....saci=fi must cut and edit for not only was the very ending cut they edited some of the show as well. DOnna does not pick up the child and they don't show her deliberating as much.

As for the worship....well the Romans and those in that time perios were know for gleefully adopting any new GOds. Even in scripture Paul addressed those that worshipped an "unknown God" Doesn't seem too much of a stretch that they would adopt the doctor.

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Sun May 04, 2008 6:31 pm
by cslewislover
Yeah, I saw that part. And, I just came on to say what you said. I mean, I guessed that the episodes on YouTube were from Great Britain (I saw the second episode a while back too, so it had to be from GB), and that perhaps the cable versions here just cut the ending off. That seems weird to me, but it's a guess. It makes me wonder, if that's true, does it happen often and what version do I have on the DVDs I bought?? (Well, they're from BBC, so they're uncut. Duh. I'm glad I'm not paying for cable/satellite, however, since I would feel ripped off.)

OK. You wrote more while I was writing. As far as being bad, I meant that, can you imagine, archaeologists later finding these images (I mean within the context of The Doctor Who world, or course :mrgreen: )? Or, there could be further consequences than that, that they could actually play on in a later episode.

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 3:57 pm
by zoegirl
Ha, like the new images.....the Master right?!?!?

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Mon May 05, 2008 4:28 pm
by cslewislover
Yeah! Thanks. It would be wrong to view the episodes on YouTube, right? I don't know how they don't get taken off there, but people have posted two more episodes (that I know of) since I looked last. And now my son is saying "Let's watch them!!" And it's very tempting, but I told him "no" since they are copyrighted and they shouldn't be on there in the first place. :crying:

Testing a smilie: Image

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:40 pm
by B. W.
6/6/2008 show:

Now what do you think of the Doctor's daughter?

Another Time Lord ???

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:57 pm
by zoegirl
I asm so annoyed, I fell asleep at 7:30 last night and woke up twenty minutes after the show started. I will have to delay respoinses until I try to see it. I have been so exhausted what with graduation, final exams, end of the year!!

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 7:26 pm
by zoegirl
Ok, now the ending I watched last night makes much more sense!!

Yeah,, how about that?! She regenerated (r do you think that was only the terra forming?) so she seems to have some of the Time-Lord abilities.

She was very good at protraying what a daughter of the Dr would be like. She even had some of the quirky idiosynchracies of the Doctor.

Alhtough the las tfew shows have been over the top on the pacifist attitude, with the no guns and no war propaganda. A bit annoying considering the vehemence with which the Doctor ahs battled the Dalex. Of course, the Dalex were made to be an object of syumpathy the last season with Rose.

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:13 pm
by B. W.
zoegirl wrote:Ok, now the ending I watched last night makes much more sense!!

Yeah,, how about that?! She regenerated (r do you think that was only the terra forming?) so she seems to have some of the Time-Lord abilities.

She was very good at protraying what a daughter of the Dr would be like. She even had some of the quirky idiosynchracies of the Doctor.

Alhtough the last few shows have been over the top on the pacifist attitude, with the no guns and no war propaganda. A bit annoying considering the vehemence with which the Doctor ahs battled the Dalex. Of course, the Dalex were made to be an object of syumpathy the last season with Rose.
I agree - the pacifist attitude was over the top but what do you expect with liberal media? Just think, maybe they'll make a future creature on the show will look like George Bush then the Dr really gets mad!?!? :pound:

Oh well...

I think the Doctor's daughter will be in more shows and is most likely is another Time Lord - a chip off the old hand ;)

Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:02 pm
by B. W.
...I wrote this --- Just think, maybe they'll make a future creature on the show will look like George Bush then the Dr really gets mad!?!?
I stand corrected - I forgot that the Sontarans do look a little like Bush... :lol:

And the symbolism of cars - oil - poision air ... well liberal media at work! y:O2


Re: Zoe - and Dr Who Fans...

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:24 pm
by zoegirl