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Inaccurate Judgement?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 1:15 am
by ConfusedoneL
After finding this site, my view has changed from atheist and drawn closer to the possibility of a god. In addition, it seems as though the Christian God is the only one with any logical backing and correlates with rational events.

That being said, a certain part of the bible that i often see repeated in this site is god does not "grade on a curve" when it comes to judgement day. I am going to be completely honest when i say it disturbs me greatly. If anything i feel more inclined to be fearful of gods prescence than accept it.

-Being a "good" person, i make generally righteous decisions, have much empathy when others are disadvantaged, etc, etc
-I have a great respect for the Church, and the Christian community and agree with many of the beliefs the bible has to offer.
-Even if i embraced Christianity i know that because of misgivings such as the issue of judgement that i harbor in my mind i realise that god would know i did not commit fully to him and would be seen as a heretic/atheist/etc.
-I cant imagine a god that would see fit to punish me as harshly as the most evil person on the planet.
-One way or another i have been endowed with life. Doing anything against my conscience is unthinkable. If anything, it would be an abomination of the life i have been given to recklessly discard my own thoughts in favor of something that feels wrong.

Is it possible that judgement is not as one sided as it is made out to be? It is one of the few topics that keeps me away from religion, and even if god is truly out there the bible cannot be 100% accurate. I would greatly appreciate some thoughts/explanations on this from the Christian community, as most atheists are so stubborn i feel like discussing any scenario in which god exists would be futile

Re: Inaccurate Judgement?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:10 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Do you have a Bible?

Re: Inaccurate Judgement?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 4:21 am
by Canuckster1127
ConfusedoneL wrote:After finding this site, my view has changed from atheist and drawn closer to the possibility of a god. In addition, it seems as though the Christian God is the only one with any logical backing and correlates with rational events.

That being said, a certain part of the bible that i often see repeated in this site is god does not "grade on a curve" when it comes to judgement day. I am going to be completely honest when i say it disturbs me greatly. If anything i feel more inclined to be fearful of gods prescence than accept it.

-Being a "good" person, i make generally righteous decisions, have much empathy when others are disadvantaged, etc, etc
-I have a great respect for the Church, and the Christian community and agree with many of the beliefs the bible has to offer.
-Even if i embraced Christianity i know that because of misgivings such as the issue of judgement that i harbor in my mind i realise that god would know i did not commit fully to him and would be seen as a heretic/atheist/etc.
-I cant imagine a god that would see fit to punish me as harshly as the most evil person on the planet.
-One way or another i have been endowed with life. Doing anything against my conscience is unthinkable. If anything, it would be an abomination of the life i have been given to recklessly discard my own thoughts in favor of something that feels wrong.

Is it possible that judgement is not as one sided as it is made out to be? It is one of the few topics that keeps me away from religion, and even if god is truly out there the bible cannot be 100% accurate. I would greatly appreciate some thoughts/explanations on this from the Christian community, as most atheists are so stubborn i feel like discussing any scenario in which god exists would be futile
The good news is that "religion" as it is commonly viewed is more a manmade creation than a God-revealed thing. The idea of God as the eternal punisher waiting to pounce upon us is a common religious theme but that is not the primary view we are given in the Bible.

The idea that God doesn't grade on a curve is actually very freeing. God gave us the law, not as a means to salvation, but rather to show us that we have no hope through our own efforts and own righteousness to meet His standards, which is perfection. So, salvation lies somewhere else. Salvation lies through Jesus Christ on the path of relationship, not religion.

I think you're onto something to realize that religion and rules are shaky ground for anyone to attempt to stand. What would it mean for you to consider that perhaps God is not a stern distant person waiting to leap upon our mistakes, bit rather a loving God who has provided what we need and simply honors and gives us the right to choose that path back to restoration by means of adoption as Sons and Daughters back into relationship with Him, rather than attempting to earn it by performance like a servant?

Re: Inaccurate Judgement?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 5:39 am
by zoegirl
Amen to that Canuckster,

It is one thing to consider that we are "good" but that begs the question "How good" It is not enough to say "Well, I'm not really as bad as those other guys or as bad as I could be" but rather "Am I righteous". Have I done everything well and good. Depravity is a tough concept but the older I am the more I realize that sin is a part of every decision I make, even the "good" ones.

Glory to God that Christ is our redeemer. IT doesn't matter WHAT our grade is, only that Christ IS our grade!

Grace is an amazing concept and the more you realize that you NEED Christ, then the more you understand grace.

Re: Inaccurate Judgement?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 7:09 am
by Kurieuo
ConfusedoneL wrote:After finding this site, my view has changed from atheist and drawn closer to the possibility of a god. In addition, it seems as though the Christian God is the only one with any logical backing and correlates with rational events.

That being said, a certain part of the bible that i often see repeated in this site is god does not "grade on a curve" when it comes to judgement day. I am going to be completely honest when i say it disturbs me greatly. If anything i feel more inclined to be fearful of gods prescence than accept it.
Consider that if God is completely holy with no impurity, God's standard might be so high that even if God did grade us on a curve, we would all appear to look in a flat line when zoomed out.

Re: Inaccurate Judgement?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:40 pm
by B. W.
ConfusedoneL wrote:. ..I would greatly appreciate some thoughts/explanations on this from the Christian community, as most atheists are so stubborn i feel like discussing any scenario in which god exists would be futile
You have that correct. It would be futile as I have done this and still do from time to time go to these type forums and discuss. I go just to plant seeds. I was once an atheist long ago and had the same questions you pose. However after struggling with the bible, I found it to a very reliable road map for life later on.

This web site, on its Home Page, has excellent articles regarding the Bible that I think you would find interesting about accuracy. Please check these out in the answers to atheist section.

Now on to comments about the bible:

Some people are of the opinion that God himself should have written his own works and not relied on human beings. That did happened Exodus 31:8 and Exodus 34:1 and people back then did not like this very much, nor believed. Some things do not changed being what human nature is.

What Elihu spoke in Job 33:6-8 sums up very well why God uses human beings to faithfully convey his words: “Behold, I am toward God as you are; I too was pinched off from a piece of clay. 7 Behold, no fear of me need terrify you; my pressure will not be heavy upon you. 8 "Surely you have spoken in my ears, and I have heard the sound of your words. “ ESV

Compare this with Exodus chapters 31, 32, 33, and 34 when people did encounter God and what happened. So God uses human agents to convey his word to us in the bible. Is the bible 100 percent accurate? Yes it is 100 per cent accurate in describing who God is, what he does, revealing his nature and Character, plans etc... Are there spelling errors and grammar mistakes — yes. Do these detract from the bible message — no.

The bible is a book that makes you think for yourself and spurs you on with questions that amazingly are answered from the pages in this book and this leads to more questions that are also answered in by this book. The problem people have with the bible is that they do not understanding this.

Many people just opine that the bible should be a text book explaining answers in a scholastic technical straightforward manner and since it is not — they declare it false. They fail to understand it is a book that makes you use your mind to uncover truth through questions. It makes you think for yourself and not the other way around as opponents suggest. Note the bible:

Proverbs 1:2-6, “To know wisdom and instruction, to understand words of insight, 3 to receive instruction in wise dealing, in righteousness, justice, and equity; 4 to give prudence to the simple, knowledge and discretion to the youth-- 5 Let the wise hear and increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance, 6 to understand a proverb and a saying, the words of the wise and their riddles.” ESV

Ecc 12:11, “The words of the wise are like goads, and like nails firmly fixed are the collected sayings; they are given by one Shepherd
.” ESV

When you go to a hostile atheists forum think of this verse below:

Ecc 9:17, “The words of the wise heard in quiet are better than the shouting of a ruler among fools.' ESV

Next Questions:
ConfusedoneL wrote: After finding this site, my view has changed from atheist and drawn closer to the possibility of a god. In addition, it seems as though the Christian God is the only one with any logical backing and correlates with rational events. That being said, a certain part of the bible that i often see repeated in this site is god does not "grade on a curve" when it comes to judgment day. I am going to be completely honest when i say it disturbs me greatly. If anything i feel more inclined to be fearful of gods presence than accept it.
...One way or another i have been endowed with life. Doing anything against my conscience is unthinkable. If anything, it would be an abomination of the life i have been given to recklessly discard my own thoughts in favor of something that feels wrong…
This answer is found in the pages of the bible. That is why so many shout against the bible as being inspired by God. The Bible answer is simple and profound. Deep down inside we all realize something is not right in ourselves. That wrongness, our imperfectness, needs to be discarded because we feel the wrong inside.
ConfusedoneL wrote: -Even if i embraced Christianity i know that because of misgivings such as the issue of judgment that i harbor in my mind i realise that god would know i did not commit fully to him and would be seen as a heretic/atheist/etc.
-Being a "good" person, i make generally righteous decisions, have much empathy when others are disadvantaged, etc, etc
-I have a great respect for the Church, and the Christian community and agree with many of the beliefs the bible has to offer.
-Even if i embraced Christianity i know that because of misgivings such as the issue of judgment that i harbor in my mind i realise that god would know i did not commit fully to him and would be seen as a heretic/atheist/etc.
-I can't imagine a god that would see fit to punish me as harshly as the most evil person on the planet.
-One way or another i have been endowed with life. Doing anything against my conscience is unthinkable. If anything, it would be an abomination of the life i have been given to recklessly discard my own thoughts in favor of something that feels wrong…
So what is it that bothers you about judgment? We all make judgments everyday? Are you saying that God cannot make judgments but we can?

Here is a story: Someone, a total stranger who you have heard yourself in the street bad mouths you — slanders you, comes to your door knocks and ask, “Can I come in to live with you — you must let me in.”

You don't know this person. They have lived their entire life bad mouthing and slandering you as evidenced by how they lived their very life. You saw his slander in the articles he wrote about you. You even tried reconcile with this stranger but he avoids all your efforts with complete disdain. He never once tried to introduce himself to you or sought to reconcile with you. You never did anything wrong to this person, yet he hates you. Now, he comes to your home and demands that you let him in to live with you and your family because you are a Christian and must.

What would you do?

Let him in — saying, “I love you — all I have is yours? All is welcome!” and after he enters your home he molest your children, makes a pigsty of your home, and kicks you out into the street. Remember — he hates you as proven by his life's actions.

Annihilate him into non-being — murder his existence? How would this be just? Would not you be guilty of great crime if you did?

Or would you tell him to depart and if he does not — call the police to escort him off your property forever? What is more merciful? What is the better judgment?

Re: Inaccurate Judgement?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 12:44 pm
by cslewislover
Being saved by grace is pretty much black-and-white, which is great (we are not saved by a graded curve). But, people will be rewarded differently in heaven, I guess based on their level of obedience (I can't find the verse right now for that).

Also, while to me it doesn't seem as clear biblically, I've read that there are varying degrees of punishment in hell.

Re: Inaccurate Judgement?

Posted: Wed Jun 25, 2008 12:20 pm
by Biblicist
ConfusedoneL wrote:After finding this site, my view has changed from atheist and drawn closer to the possibility of a god. In addition, it seems as though the Christian God is the only one with any logical backing and correlates with rational events.

That being said, a certain part of the bible that i often see repeated in this site is god does not "grade on a curve" when it comes to judgement day. I am going to be completely honest when i say it disturbs me greatly. If anything i feel more inclined to be fearful of gods prescence than accept it.

-Being a "good" person, i make generally righteous decisions, have much empathy when others are disadvantaged, etc, etc
-I have a great respect for the Church, and the Christian community and agree with many of the beliefs the bible has to offer.
-Even if i embraced Christianity i know that because of misgivings such as the issue of judgement that i harbor in my mind i realise that god would know i did not commit fully to him and would be seen as a heretic/atheist/etc.
-I cant imagine a god that would see fit to punish me as harshly as the most evil person on the planet.
-One way or another i have been endowed with life. Doing anything against my conscience is unthinkable. If anything, it would be an abomination of the life i have been given to recklessly discard my own thoughts in favor of something that feels wrong.

Is it possible that judgement is not as one sided as it is made out to be? It is one of the few topics that keeps me away from religion, and even if god is truly out there the bible cannot be 100% accurate. I would greatly appreciate some thoughts/explanations on this from the Christian community, as most atheists are so stubborn i feel like discussing any scenario in which god exists would be futile

The Bible is a big book. It is true that every word of God is profitable.
But some parts are more profitable than others.

My recommendation is for you to study the Gospel of John. The only book in the bible whose stated purpose is to tell mankind how to receive the everlasting life of God is the Gospel of John.

John 20:30 “And truly Jesus did many other signs in the presence of His disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.”

I recommend the NKJV, New King James Version.

Biblicist "Believe in Christ for Eternal Life"

Re: Inaccurate Judgement?

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 12:58 pm
by Eoccidens
Our standard is different to God's standard. God's standard is perfect and holy, and as sinful beings we cannot expect to reach that by ourselves. All sin is ultimately against God, and because God is eternal, any punishment we undergo must therefore be eternal.

If God was absolutely just, He would have left us to make the grade on our own. Unfortunately, if we fall short just once, we earn a sentence in Hell. But God became human in the form of Jesus, and because an eternal being (existing from eternity past to eternity future) took the punishment, it stands for eternity and anything in eternity can be covered by the punishment.

No, God is not entirely just, because if He was, there would have been no Jesus.