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Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:39 pm
by Bill001
Can someone help me about heaven? My oldest son died last June at the age of 43 from a heart attack. I am having such a hard time finding out about heaven. He belived in God but did go to church. I pray daily that he is in heaven. When his 3 young children die say they are in their 80's or 90's when they do will they look like old kids to my son and will he look like a young man to them?
I am hurting so much and need so many answers and this is one of them for starters.
Thank You

Re: Heaven

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 12:48 pm
by BavarianWheels
There's at least two views of the after death thing. One being that when a person dies with their faith in Christ, they go to heaven at death. The other (my belief) is that when a person dies with faith in Christ, they are simply dead in the grave and await Christ's coming to call them up.

Either way, with faith in Christ, there is no worry.

Re: Heaven

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 2:36 pm
by BavarianWheels
Bill001 wrote:Can someone help me about heaven? My oldest son died last June at the age of 43 from a heart attack. I am having such a hard time finding out about heaven. He belived in God but did go to church. I pray daily that he is in heaven. When his 3 young children die say they are in their 80's or 90's when they do will they look like old kids to my son and will he look like a young man to them?
I am hurting so much and need so many answers and this is one of them for starters.
Thank You
BTW...I'm sorry about your son...must be tough. God Bless!

Re: Heaven

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 5:28 pm
by Canuckster1127
Bill001 wrote:Can someone help me about heaven? My oldest son died last June at the age of 43 from a heart attack. I am having such a hard time finding out about heaven. He belived in God but did go to church. I pray daily that he is in heaven. When his 3 young children die say they are in their 80's or 90's when they do will they look like old kids to my son and will he look like a young man to them?
I am hurting so much and need so many answers and this is one of them for starters.
Thank You
Hi Bill.

I'm sorry for the loss and the pain. I was 42 when my Dad died at the age of 70. It's got to be harder to lose a son.

I don't really know the answers to the questions you're asking. I think Heaven will probably be different than most of us understand or expect. I do know this though, I trust God with these details and because of that I don't have a great need to speculate about things like this. A group of scribes came to Christ once with a question designed to trap him about 7 brothers who all married the same woman (7 in a row, after the eldest brother died right down to the youngest.) Jesus didn't answer the question and simply told them they didn't understand heaven or they wouldn't ask that question. Marriage doesn't exist in heaven, He said.

I suppose that age isn't an issue in heaven either. Why would it be, in terms of a place we will spend eternity? We'll be given new bodies according to different passages and it will be just as God intends.


Re: Heaven

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 6:11 pm
by B. W.
Bill001 wrote:Can someone help me about heaven? My oldest son died last June at the age of 43 from a heart attack. I am having such a hard time finding out about heaven. He belived in God but did go to church. I pray daily that he is in heaven. When his 3 young children die say they are in their 80's or 90's when they do will they look like old kids to my son and will he look like a young man to them?
I am hurting so much and need so many answers and this is one of them for starters.
Thank You
Yes, someone can help about heaven. Please send me a privet email and I can recommend a few books.

I am also grieved by your loss.

Here is something to consider, Church attendance does not make it a sure bet to arrive in heaven.

As for age in Heaven — bible teaches we receive a new body that is free from sin, sickness, and death. Therefore, one will be ageless. I heard some people and theologians remark that our new bodies may look forever young in prime of life and you'll recognize those who have departed before. I am not sure this answer your question but let matters rest in the hands of the Lord and weep for now. Later, the Lord will grant you answers and many more things - for now, rest.

Many of us on this forum have suffered loss and we'll weep with you.

God's Blessings be upon you!

Re: Heaven

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2008 7:34 pm
by cslewislover
I am very sorry over your loss, and your son's family's loss. I do not want to think about how I would feel if my son went to be with the Lord, although at this point I'm sure he'd be in heaven. My father died when I was 12, and he was 44. It was so awful, for years even, so I know it's tough in many ways. We never went to church, but I know my dad was raised going to church and that he had wanted to take us too, but my mom refused. So I think he's in heaven. God knows your son's heart and you can trust that God will do the right thing. As for our bodies, from what I read and from what seems logical, they should be youthful/prime of life. I think God can be seen in beauty, and this reflects what our glorified state will be.

Re: Heaven

Posted: Fri Sep 19, 2008 10:22 am
by PastorGuy
Bill001 wrote:Can someone help me about heaven? My oldest son died last June at the age of 43 from a heart attack. I am having such a hard time finding out about heaven. He belived in God but did go to church. I pray daily that he is in heaven. When his 3 young children die say they are in their 80's or 90's when they do will they look like old kids to my son and will he look like a young man to them?
I am hurting so much and need so many answers and this is one of them for starters.
Thank You
I am sorry for your loss. Some things to know here are important. The only way to Heaven is through Jesus Chrsit. Only if your son was born again by putting his faith in Christ which means now walking away from our sin do you become born again. Once somebody passes, there is nothing biblical about praying for them, or praying for them to get to heaven. Once you die, there is no second chance.
As far as what Heaven will be like, yes, we will have new bodies free of all the sin and pain that we had here. As far as are we able to see people we knew on earth, such as an old parent or sibbling, I dont know. We are in such glory in the presense of the Lord that all the tears and are wiped away. We do not turn into angels and fly around the clouds, but we are in awe of the angels. Angels wish they could be like us cause of the faith of born again christians had here in such a devil filled world.