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Apollo Astronaut Says Gov. Is Covering Up UFOs

Posted: Fri Jul 25, 2008 3:20 pm
by Anita
What does anyone think about this?

I of course DO NOT believe that any other life exists anywhere in the Universe other than earth.

Though this guy is a NASA astronaught, if he's fibbing what would be his motive? And people continue to rant on and on about UFO's. Personally I think they are something else.

Re: Apollo Astronaut Says Gov. Is Covering Up UFOs

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 7:06 am
by Anita
Nobody has chimed in here yet? Or nobody has any other ideas?

How about “Transient Lunar Phenomenon”. These are luminous flashes of gas witnessed on the moon. ... cd=1&gl=us

The motive here might be that we put more money into going back to the moon and further researching it.

What nobody realizes is that we will never know the ages of the moon because G-d Himself created it. It says so in the Bible. Genesis 1:16 - G-d made two great lights—the greater light to govern the day (the sun) and the lesser light to govern the night (the moon). He also made the stars. I understand its human nature to be curious, but why would we continue to pursue it when the moon will never give up its true secret anymore than an acorn seed can by just looking at it. We can never know its true ages aside from G-d creating it to facilitate our seasons. Or by reason of an acorn growing into a tree.

Sure we get science from it, but like that acorn seed which we can analyze under a microscope and do chemicals analysis on it, but all this information about it does not tell us its true ages - which is growing into a tree. The moon will not give up its secret any more than an acorn seed aside from G-d telling us so.

Re: Apollo Astronaut Says Gov. Is Covering Up UFOs

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:05 pm
by Daniel
I don't believe in extraterrestrial life for biblical reasons, but I honestly don't know why this guy would be hiding.

Also, when Jimmy Carter was running for president, he promised to uncover the truth about Area 51. It was one promise he never kept..

I really don't know what to think.

Re: Apollo Astronaut Says Gov. Is Covering Up UFOs

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:14 pm
by Gman
UFO's? Most likely the return of the Nephilim....

Re: Apollo Astronaut Says Gov. Is Covering Up UFOs

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:02 pm
by Anita
The moons to small for them! :ebiggrin:

Re: Apollo Astronaut Says Gov. Is Covering Up UFOs

Posted: Sun Sep 07, 2008 4:50 am
by emjay
Daniel wrote:I don't believe in extraterrestrial life for biblical reasons,
Why not? I always believed 'chariots of fire' to represent UFOs.

Re: Apollo Astronaut Says Gov. Is Covering Up UFOs

Posted: Tue Sep 09, 2008 5:07 pm
by Screwtape
I think it's a load of bull. That said I have absolutely no problem with the notion of ET life existing out there somewhere. The Bible is silent on the matter, after all. I wonder what the effect on many believer would be if the dug up some fossilised single cell organisms? I suspect that quite a few would find their faith in tatters.

If we do find anything I believe it will be a very basic life form, or the remains of one. Beyond that, given the vast expanses of space between Earth and any other potentially inhabitable planet, I think we will never know if there is anything approaching intelligent lifeforms.

Re: Apollo Astronaut Says Gov. Is Covering Up UFOs

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 1:55 am
by catherine
I recently stumbled upon some very interesting Youtube vids of Nasa footage of UFOs. It really does make you wonder about it all. It's worth checking them out. David Sereda uses physics etc to put his point across and I'd be interested to know if his Physics seem to hold up? There are quite a few videos to watch but it is well worth it and if you are interested in space, quantum physics, etc then I think you will be in for a surprise........ :ewink:

Re: Apollo Astronaut Says Gov. Is Covering Up UFOs

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 8:03 am
by Zebulon
catherine wrote:I recently stumbled upon some very interesting Youtube vids of Nasa footage of UFOs. It really does make you wonder about it all. It's worth checking them out. David Sereda uses physics etc to put his point across and I'd be interested to know if his Physics seem to hold up? There are quite a few videos to watch but it is well worth it and if you are interested in space, quantum physics, etc then I think you will be in for a surprise........ :ewink:
Hi Catherine,

This one is my favorite... for a good laugh ! ... re=related

I never saw a UFO so I am still sceptic. But I did see and photographed a multitude of planes leaving trails that lasted very long time... And the weather simply changed dramatically after.


Re: Apollo Astronaut Says Gov. Is Covering Up UFOs

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:00 pm
by MethodOfGrace
Daniel wrote:I don't believe in extraterrestrial life for biblical reasons, but I honestly don't know why this guy would be hiding.
Hi! I don't quite understand...where in the Bible does it say that life was NOT CREATED anyplace else?

Re: Apollo Astronaut Says Gov. Is Covering Up UFOs

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:21 pm
by cslewislover
Zebulon wrote:
catherine wrote:I recently stumbled upon some very interesting Youtube vids of Nasa footage of UFOs. It really does make you wonder about it all. It's worth checking them out. David Sereda uses physics etc to put his point across and I'd be interested to know if his Physics seem to hold up? There are quite a few videos to watch but it is well worth it and if you are interested in space, quantum physics, etc then I think you will be in for a surprise........ :ewink:
Hi Catherine,

This one is my favorite... for a good laugh ! ... re=related

I never saw a UFO so I am still sceptic. But I did see and photographed a multitude of planes leaving trails that lasted very long time... And the weather simply changed dramatically after.

:pound: :pound: Victor, how did you find such quality entertainment?!

(catherine, I clicked on your url and it wasn't there - maybe check?)

Re: Apollo Astronaut Says Gov. Is Covering Up UFOs

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:19 pm
by awms
I would have no problems if simple life were to found on other planets. I think God had open the scenario that man would not fall to sin. Thus at some point we would leave earth and have dominion over other planets as we spread. I'd think he would give us animals on those planets as well.