Montauk monster - what is it?

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Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by Anita »

Here is a good one that might get your goat.

This mysterious creature that washed up on Montauk beach (I know its quite gory) has been skeptical of being some kind of new evolutionary species. It looks like a beaked creature with fins.


No one seems to know what it is quite yet, but its in the process of being analysed.

However, from just looking at this picture I found a few clues that might shed some light on what it may actually be.

The first thing I noticed was the jawbone. I noticed how the jaw on the bottom dipped down and had multiple Serrated saw-like teeth. I also noticed that one pointed fang protruding out of the bottom front of the jaw. I did a google search on dog skulls and jawbones and I found an uncanny resemblance.

This is a jawbone of a Bulldog:




This is the skull and jawbone structure of a pug nose dog:


Conclusion: Its probably a dog in the Bulldog or pug nose family.
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by Anita »

It could also be a raccoon skull:

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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by Himantolophus »

looks like a badly rotted dog carcass. If they presented a view from the front it could be easier to figure it out. It looks to have paws, a tail, and the head of a pug or some other type of bulldog. The mouth area seems to be more decomposed than the rest of the head and body.

just my .02
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by B. W. »

Himantolophus wrote:looks like a badly rotted dog carcass. If they presented a view from the front it could be easier to figure it out. It looks to have paws, a tail, and the head of a pug or some other type of bulldog. The mouth area seems to be more decomposed than the rest of the head and body.

just my .02
Looks like a rotting racoon carcuss to me...
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by Anita »

No, dont you know, its a new evolutionary species! y:O2

j/k :ebiggrin:
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by zoegirl » ... efault.xml

For an animal expert's opinion

NO mystery....this is an animal that has been decomposing
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by jenna »

zoegirl wrote: ... efault.xml

For an animal expert's opinion

NO mystery....this is an animal that has been decomposing
Ok, this one gets me. I agree it's a decomposing animal, but what kind? It looks similar to a dog, but the top part of the mouth looks like a beak. It also has no hair. It hasn't gotten to the stage where it should have lost all the hair on it. Weird. :?
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by Davidjayjordan »

Amazing picture, of the devils of Montauk, as that is where the American military via insane scientists tried and achieved some time warps through demonic forces.

Do the research on MONTAUK, for it was not fiction, but just lightly covered up. For it does show the earthly bodies of demons, in this case, one of the rarer ones......... you can also see these devilish demons portrayed on Gothic churches....exactly as shown in this real life picture.

Thanks sister, it is not an evolutionary creature or mistake just one of the devil's real life demon shapes. They do have flesh and blood, just no spirit or heart.
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by BavarianWheels »

This is a demon? LOL...

Apparently the "demon" is conveniently "rotting in the backyard of a local resident who remains unidentified by the creature's finders."

What a joke!
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by Davidjayjordan »

The Lord created all things.... even evil looking creatures or those that got cursed by HIM. Therefore writing; Laughing Out Lord as LOL, might not encourage a real debate, but may be rather disrepectful to the original posting.

Besides Montauk was not a joke, and any researcher of the spiritual or physical can find out that so called aliens have bodies. This is why they need interspace vechicles. But those that don;t want to believe or study or search would like to say bodies and the physical is just a joke. I differ. Demons do possess other bodies, and can have their own. And aliens do have bodies and if you see gargyle's that's what they look like. The body that apparrently floated up at Montauk. What more appropriate place on earth, to find one.
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by BavarianWheels »

Davidjayjordan wrote:The Lord created all things.... even evil looking creatures or those that got cursed by HIM. Therefore writing; Laughing Out Lord as LOL, might not encourage a real debate, but may be rather disrepectful to the original posting.

Besides Montauk was not a joke, and any researcher of the spiritual or physical can find out that so called aliens have bodies. This is why they need interspace vechicles. But those that don;t want to believe or study or search would like to say bodies and the physical is just a joke. I differ. Demons do possess other bodies, and can have their own. And aliens do have bodies and if you see gargyle's that's what they look like. The body that apparrently floated up at Montauk. What more appropriate place on earth, to find one.
Maybe we'll find a pink elephant demon with pointy ears and tail soon...keep an eye out.

Simply amazing what people put forth as "the devil's" clothing here on earth. The demons don't want to scare anyone...that would simply push everyone to God...they don't want that!

Scripture tells us to watch for the wolves in sheep's clothing...not "gargoyles"! (see Matt. 7:15)
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by Davidjayjordan »

Yes, we are to watch out for the self righteous and church people who pre4tend to be the Lord's sheep. But we are suppose to be wiser than they, and wiser than the manipulations of mad scientists that our military governments especially the United States try to put together.

But I repeat, the similiarity between that 'body' resembles a gargioyle, and gargoyle or ugly spiritual beings do exist, even if our eyes have not yet been openned up to their existence. Prtending they don;t exist, and pretending that every picture is false and that no spiritual beings exist outside our little realm is an afront to reality and to the Lord.

So rather than talking about pink elephants in mockery, wheels, you might consider more serious about this thread and about the spirit world.

We don;t have to fear them if we have had a history in serving the Lord, and a history in fighting the devil and his plans, but if it is just bravado without substance then surely these creatures of the spirit world can scare the heaven out of the naive.

I repeat, do a simple study of Montauk. It might wake you up- to the real world of your governments or the real world of the spirit.

But what we saw, was not an evolutionary mistake. Evolution is a lie, but it is true that dam demons need bodies as they are not omnipresent like the Lord. And that includes the devil himself.
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by BavarianWheels »

Davidjayjordan wrote:So rather than talking about pink elephants in mockery, wheels, you might consider more serious about this thread and about the spirit world.
That's just hit the nail on the head here.

This thread is no more serious than chatting about the existence of pink elephants, unicorns, pots of gold at the end of rainbows, keebler elves...etc.
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by Davidjayjordan »

O.K. within minutes, anyone can use google for a starting search of what the remains of Montauk could have been..... ... ages&gbv=2

Hmmm and these gargoyles were put on spiritual temples including Westminister etc etc etc.... for a reason, not just for decoration. (Study Temple architecture and history)

So the decomposing body does resemble a gargoyle, in all its ugliness. There is no such thing as evolution, and this hardly looks like a single malfunction mistake but a totally different 'kind' of animal or evil animal.

And if the picture has not been doctored, then the location of the decomposing body can also be very significant, very very significant, bercause it was at Montauk that the devoid insane scientific military community was manipulating time via their underground experiments.

Again study the evil science of the military as they are always trying to use the Lord's science for there evil ends. ... arch&meta=

This study can at the least open the eyes of the naive as to what the military was and is doing with illlegal study and research and manipulatrion in order to try and control their populations.
This again helping people stay away from obeying blindly their local government, rather than the principles of the LORD.

Just a starter for further research for those interested
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Re: Montauk monster - what is it?

Post by zoegirl »

FIrst, the Montauk project falls under urban legend and conspiracy theories, and as such, *does* fall under the category of "fun to talk about or write sci-fi movies about" but not much else. The link you gave simply provides the search results on GOogle and those are filled with nutjob conspiracy theories.

Secondly, trying to establish that this is a demon simply by a picture is rather ludicrous and doesn't seem to fall under what a Chrstian should do. We should be using our minds and hearts to figth spiritual battles, yes, ut not fall into silly conclusions about physical beings. (not to mention that you can't with this picture alone)

So any conclusion about this animal being a demon is rather weak considering the paltry amount of evidence. YOu have urban legends and spook stories.

Spiritual warfare is so mnuch more serious and giving credence to these stories instead of focusing on scripture distracts us from the warfare itself. It seems akin to someone going to the enemy when they are fighting, pointing to the side and saying "look, what's that!" (a la "Princess Bride").

Given the time that an animal is in the water, the bloating, the deomposistion, the removal of skin by scavengers, it is no surprise that this animal is hard to recognizem, not to mention the things that can be done with speical effects.
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