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Make me a Christian

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 9:02 am
by Harry12345
I'm not sure if you people in the USA have anything similar, but there's a program running over here in Britian called 'Make Me a Christian', a reality TV show in which a a group of reverands/ preists attempt to convert a group of volunteer athiests to Christianity. You can read about it here: ... stian.html

Personally, I think watching a life-changing decision that I made being turned into fodder for the public's entertainment was cringeworthy, and this show stands as a testament to the way consumer/ entertainment culture has literally grabbed every concept it can and wrangled it for every last penny it can get... but that's just my opinion, and some may like the idea of Christianity getting TV publicity. However, whatever your opinion on televised Christianity is, if it isn't done well, it can only cause problems and, well, this show isn't done that well...

First of all, the first thing the reverands do is go to each of the volunteer's houses and confiscate all the items that 'disagree' with Christianity, in an attempt to make them more succeptable to Christ's teachings. I though it was the other way round, but there you go... :ermm: The issue I take with this is that it presents a false image to the athiest audience. It says that if you remove things that can cause you to sin, you'll be more likely to put your faith in Jesus Christ. The reality, however, is that if someone's going to sin, they're going to sin. You have to put your faith in Jesus Christ FIRST, then start combing your life and removing objects that could cause you to sin. Without a solid foundation in Christ, throwing out your porn and your books on Witchcraft is fundamentally useless.

The second issue with the show is the way one of the athiests, Martin, is shouted down by the reverand when he questions a Christian doctrine. The issue Martin had with the doctrine was perfectly legitimate, and in fact had a more than reasonable answer, but instead of calmly addressing Martin's concern, he shouts him down and tells him to be quiet. What message does this send to the athiest public???!!! It sends the message that Christians are inherent tyrants, an image we Christians really don't need publicly enforced right now.

The third issue is the issue that hits closest to home: the way that the tolken gay person, Laura, is treated. Basically, the reverand takes her to a fair with lots of families there and tells her to 'become inspired' by the loving families. Here that, folks? Lifelong celibacy and devotion to God is no longer a virtue! I wish I could make this stuff up! Too many television Christians think that for gays, the ultimate goal is to overcome your attraction and GET MARRIED AND HAVE KIDS DARNIT. Never mind the Christians who struggle with SSA who want to live a life of celibacy and devotion to God. :shakehead: The prospect of marrying is quite alien to me personally, I'd rather live my life devoted to God. Getting married and having kids is not the end all be all of human happiness. To say otherwise is to completely undermine the Christian-Christ relationship, which is the greatest relationship a human being can have. But, according to the media's portrayal of Christianity's attitude to homosexuality, it's GET MARRIED AND HAVE KIDS!!! QUICK!!!1!1111!!! Also, it presents the false idea that being gay can be cured by anything but the blood of Jesus Christ... IT CAN'T. You can stare at families all day - heck, most gays were born into a familiy they could be 'inspired' by! If God wants to cure you of your SSA, HE ALONE will do it. If you wants to try the believer in fire and test him by letting the SSA remain present, then He will. It's not up to us.

So obviously this show messed up alot. I personally believe that Christianity shouldn't be televised in the way that this show did, but I want to hear your opinions: Do you think, if done right, a televisation of Christianity in this way could help shape the public image of what a Christian is (which, at the moment, isn't a very nice image...)

Re: Make me a Christian

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 10:14 am
by Leprechaun
I only saw one episode of this, which was last nights one which I tihnk is the one you saw andI have to agree with what you say. The produces clearly picked the reverand in question to create controversy. The reverand was the stereotypical Christian bad-guy. I also noticed that no one seemed to be inspired, there was one guy who said he felt better but wasn't sure if it was faith and he reverand said he was making great progress but as far as I could see he was just having a good time he didn't seem particlary enlightened to me.

Re: Make me a Christian

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2008 6:17 pm
by zoegirl
Sounds awful....I wonder if a show liek that would be tolerated here, I hope not. We still have a lot of people that would be offended by that and many poeple would boycott the salesproducts I would hope.

Plus, all it seems we have to do is make a reality program about somebody being "THE BEST ________" (fill-in- blank!) and the set up situations where the "reality" people get in fights!! That seems to be the rut we are in.

Alhtough I will onfess I was a big Survivor fan as well as The Amazing race....that was cool

(UNtil Doctor Who starts back up....or CHuck!!)