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Gay marriage and straight marriage

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:06 am
by Harry12345
(New York City) A study released Tuesday shows that legalized same-sex couple relationships appear to be longer-lasting than those without a legal status.

Conducted by researchers from the University of Washington, San Diego State University and the University of Vermont, the study is the first to examine the experiences of couples in the five years since Vermont legalized civil unions. The results appear in the publication Developmental Psychology.

“There are many ways that a legal couple status may support a relationship - more family understanding, acceptance by friends and co-workers, greater commitment that results from a public declaration, and enhanced legal protections in the form of healthcare benefits and community property,” said Robert-Jay Green, executive director of the Rockway Institute, a national center for LGBT research, education and public policy at Alliant International University in San Francisco.

“The results of this first study on the topic suggest that same-sex partners who legalized their relationships in Vermont may have been more committed to each other or functioning better prior to obtaining a civil union or that civil union status itself is helping to preserve their relationships. Future research will help clarify whether various legal statuses actually increase the likelihood that lesbian and gay couples stay together,” said Green.

The Vermont study followed-up on a 2002 project that was the first to focus on legalized relationships of same-sex couples in the US, following establishment of civil unions in Vermont in 2000.

Sixty-five male and 138 female couples who entered into civil unions during the first year they were available were asked to provide information. They were compared to 23 male and 61 female couples not in civil unions and 55 heterosexual married couples who were related to the same-sex couples in civil unions.

Same-sex couples not in civil unions were more likely to have ended their relationship than same-sex couples in civil unions or heterosexual married couples in the study. This finding supports earlier research by Lawrence Kurdek at Wright State University and by Green, Bettinger, and Zacks at Alliant International University that compared same-sex unmarried and heterosexual married couples and found marriage was linked to longer lasting relationships.

In the Vermont follow-up study sample, same-sex couples not in civil unions ended 9.3 percent of their relationships whereas only 3.8 percent of same-sex couples in a civil union ended their relationships.

Heterosexual married couples ended 2.7 percent of their relationships. The difference between the percentages of break-ups for same-sex civil union couples and heterosexual married couples were not statistically significant, demonstrating that legalized same-sex and heterosexual couples lasted longer than non-legalized same-sex couples.

The study questioned all of the couples about relationship conflict, relationship satisfaction, commitment, intimacy and equality.

Same-sex couples reported more positive relationship quality and less conflict than heterosexual married couples on several dimensions.

“In contrast to old myths about same-sex couples being deficient or less viable than male-female couples , this research project shows that same-sex partners who seek to legalize their relationships actually may be among the best functioning couples in this society,” said Green.



Why the relative lax in heterosexual marriage? Are straight marriages really less fulfilling? First the 50% divorce rate, now this? What's happening to marriage?

Christ said that marriages were designed reflect his relationship with humantiy. Considering the above, we can conclude Christ wasn't kidding when he said that; when we forsake Christ, we forsake marriage.

Re: Gay marriage and straight marriage

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 4:01 pm
by Daniel
I believe that marriage is under fire, and when I say that, it's not gay marriage that really has me concerned - it's the exorbitant divorce rate. I don't think that Christians need to be focused so much on that as they do on how many, even within their own ranks, are getting divorced rapidly. Malachi 2:16 makes it clear that God hates divorce.

That being said, I think that it's too early to draw any firm conclusions from that study, especially as there likely aren't as many gay people who have been married as many times as some straight people are (i.e. statistically, if 50% of marriages end in divorce, it does not follow that 50% of people who get married will get divorced, because some of them will be getting married and divorced over and over again), and it's only been five years, but that is an interesting study.

Re: Gay marriage and straight marriage

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 5:14 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Harry12345 wrote:Why the relative lax in heterosexual marriage?
As Daniel said,
Daniel wrote:I believe that marriage is under fire,
...and it has been under fire in the West for a number of years now. Witness our eroding values: easy sex, pornography, women's «liberation», wife-swapping, nudism, eastern religions & philosophies, legalized or tolerated prostitution, legalized or tolerated drug use, strip clubs, erotic TV, gay rights, hate litterature protected under freedom of speech...I could go on, but you get the idea I'm sure.

We have allowed into our Western cultures a whole series of immoral and criminal activities under the guise of «Freedom».

Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned? Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched? -Pr 6:27-28

Should we be surprised that marriage fares so badly?


Re: Gay marriage and straight marriage

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:26 pm
by Cross.eyed
No surprise here for sure, commitment to anything seems to be completely out of vogue. It seems as if people are always looking at a variety of things to try, but not finding what they yearn for. I can't remember the last time I saw the word loyality in the newspapers or even heard it used seriously on T.V.

To see people constantly searching for fulfillment in the material world would be no surprise to any Christian as we are sure that true happiness is impossible without Christ. The things of this world cannot deliver fulfillment, hope, purpose, or a meaningful life, so they search for what is satisfactory for the moment, whether it is people, places, or things, they look for immediate gratification and when the "thrill" is gone, so are they.

Re: Gay marriage and straight marriage

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 8:29 am
by madscientist
Fürstentum Liechtenstein wrote:Can a man scoop fire into his lap without his clothes being burned? Can a man walk on hot coals without his feet being scorched? -Pr 6:27-28
Hmm strangely enough, sometimes it is possible to walk on hot coals and NOT getting burned! It often happens, but people have come up with how one walks over em and doesnt get burnt ;) Is this showing that those yrs ago ppl didnt know it OR that it is mostly impossible but sometimes possible to walk on hot coals and not get burnt? :D hmm what a difficult question!! y:-?

Yes marriage's point is decreasing. Though, does marriage still count as REAL in God's eyes if it is purely civil? For example we know sex outside marriage is wrong; so what if 2 straight people of opposite sexes have civil marriage only - does God approve of it? OR does marriage need to be taken as sacrement in order to be fully approved by God? I mean, if it's all on papers and that's what God cares about... hm then I really don't approve of such marriage. Because, let's face it, true christians have marriage in church; others only have civil. Now, out of those civil NOT ALL are promiscuous and rotten and gone bad; many of em even if they are unbelievers have maybe high moral standards and have reserved sex for after marriage only. Of course it's most likely God likes marriage in church; but then also divorce of christians is maybe more painful than is that only done on civil grounds. Also, if 2 people decide to live together and then break up that's sad (worse if they have kids!) but then is that really "divorce" since there was no "marriage" first?
Moreover, would it be wrong for 2 ppl to live together in a household etc and NOT have kids nor sex? I mean, heard this is wrong etc but personally I wouldnt mind. E.g. many university students may live like this etc. If we can live with people of our gender then why not with others? And what if someone is homosexual - then should he not live with people of same gender?? If someone's bisexual should he live alone?? :D - Is it then wrong to live with someone we're unmarried to?

Today many people say "i dont see the point in marriage" i see their point. Yes, however christians should still have nice one in church.

Now, what if a christian (but not a strong one) wants to marry someone nonchristian? I know of such a case... hm. I wish it ends all good. Problem is, she is totally nonbeliever; he used to be then he started hating going to church, saying he doesnt see the point spending hour there listening and all the stuff. Well why some people are like that? I was with him; I hope he returns... thing is, his parents would always FORCE them to go to confessions, to church even when he didnt "have to" (catholics!) and then he said that developed strong hatred towards church. He says maybe there's a God but doesnt pray etc. Which would cause more conflict as all his family are catholics (and so am i we are related...).
Now he wants marriage; but said "not in church as I have the respect for God not to swear to God i'll be teaching my kids christian faith (as he's not doing it himself) if i know well i wont". One may say his fault what an ignorant; but his point is that at least he does not want to swear to God (something u must do when u marry in church!) to do something knowing well he won't. Hmm. As if marriage in church forces one to swear to God. WHy that? I mean, we were told to swear only when really necessary. If then it was developed (by Bible or pure tradition?) that one must swear in church he's gonna bring his kids in chrisitian faith - how to avoid it? I mean, if he still ends up nonchristian at least he "has the respect before God" which I found interesting... that he thought of it. ANy way out of this situation? I mean, he's been gioing with his gf for long time and doesnt wanna forsake her because shes not christian...