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Big Bang Machine in space

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 5:33 pm
by Gman
Some interesting developments in scientific community lately...

"They say the experiment has the potential to confirm theories that physicists have been working on for decades including the possible existence of extra dimensions. They also hope to find a theoretical particle called the Higgs boson -- sometimes referred to as the "God particle," which has never been detected, but would help explain why matter has mass."

Source: ... index.html

Re: Big Bang Machine in space

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 12:04 am
by Silvertusk
Listen to this live when they switched it on yesterday on BBC Radio 4. To be honest I am quite excited about the outcome of this. If they find the Higgs Boson particle then it shows even more how wonderful the design of the universe is - where something so mind boggingly small holds everything together and is able to give everything mass so life can exist. I am even excited by Hawkings comment that it might be even more interesting if they dont find anything which will cause them to rethink a lot of their physics theories.

However when it comes down to it - it still does not explain why there is something rather than nothing - or why the universe seem to have this immense purpose to set the stage for intelligent life.


Re: Big Bang Machine in space

Posted: Thu Sep 11, 2008 5:56 pm
by Gman
Some are thinking that the experiment may cause a black hole.. Wouldn't that be nice or suck I suppose...

I'm with you though Silver... I don't see how this would impede the case for design.

What Role Faith?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 1:07 pm
by Pashan
Was it the gentiles who demanded a sign?

Is there something in the universe we can point to and say, unequivocally, "that can only be the result of God's direct influence. There is no possible natural explanation for that."

Why should we even think there might be such a thing? If there was something (X) we could point to and say, "this proves God exists," then would we need faith? We would have X instead. We would have the burning bush unconsumed by fire, or the Shekina Glory inexplicably whirling by day and glowing by night.

As for scientifically testable and repeatable experiments, God has abandoned us. God is right there, guiding your footsteps, only when you're engaged in communion prayer. Or maybe even when you're not--I cannot speak for anyone else's personal relationship with the Creator. I have a hard enough time fathoming my own.

Doubt and uncertainty are the scientist's best friends. Nothing clouds one's judgment like certainty. We know this to be the case for all the many false religions in the world.

Re: What Role Faith?

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 9:40 pm
by Gman
Pashan wrote:Was it the gentiles who demanded a sign?

Is there something in the universe we can point to and say, unequivocally, "that can only be the result of God's direct influence. There is no possible natural explanation for that."

Why should we even think there might be such a thing? If there was something (X) we could point to and say, "this proves God exists," then would we need faith? We would have X instead. We would have the burning bush unconsumed by fire, or the Shekina Glory inexplicably whirling by day and glowing by night.

As for scientifically testable and repeatable experiments, God has abandoned us. God is right there, guiding your footsteps, only when you're engaged in communion prayer. Or maybe even when you're not--I cannot speak for anyone else's personal relationship with the Creator. I have a hard enough time fathoming my own.

Doubt and uncertainty are the scientist's best friends. Nothing clouds one's judgment like certainty. We know this to be the case for all the many false religions in the world.
So it seems that science has replaced God... The ying and the yang.. The "testable" true religion...

Re: Big Bang Machine in space

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 12:33 pm
by CosmicB
If you take a distant look at this universe, you will see it takes the shape of a donut.. a blast cloud similar to the ring of smoke after a nuclear blast... This planet is in the lower right quadrant of that blast ring.. and it is "expanding".. and one day it will dissipate, and there will be no more universe, but we will be long gone.. for near the year 145,730, anyone will a good grasp of mental time-travel can spectate the last human cracking the marrow out of the bones of the second-last, for a meal...

Of course there was a "big bang", So What?.. It's over and done.. long gone a long time ago... the big thing is, What is happening NOW..?

Re: Big Bang Machine in space

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 4:15 pm
by cslewislover
I heard for the second time today that physicists, including David Hawking, do not think the big bang could've happened because of the "dirtiness" of the universe. I wasn't told what that means, so don't ask me. In response, David Hawking studied how it could be possible and wrote a book entitled "Bubble Not Bang" (or something like that). If the speaker was correct, a bubble of nondirty stuff would need to exist for the big bang to happen in. It gets pretty absurd, right? Because then where did the bubble come from? Anyway, I'm not arguing whether there was a big bang or not - God created it the way He wanted to and I wasn't there. I just mention this because obviously there isn't agreement in the science community (or they're trying to cover things up). And it gets to be the same as evolution - where did the beginning stuff come from?