catherine wrote:B.W, I must say I feel humbled after reading your post. I am not a strong Christian so I tend to be like a boat that's floating aimlessly here and there. I was raised a Roman Catholic and stopped going to church at 11. I always believed in God but wasn't sure about Him. When I was 14 I was skiving off school one day and some JWs came knocking. They really convinced me on lots of things but I couldn't keep to the perfect standards and had a problem with some of their beliefs (blood, 144000,). I don't go to any church and my only Christian contact is here. I'm 41 now and feel like I've wasted lots of years of not bothering with God. I am drawn to this site and find a lot of the posts helpful and interesting. So unfortunately I bring with me 'aberrant beliefs' possibly, and hot headedness, but I shall try to respect this forum. I just want others to know that I am not trying to win converts to my beliefs as I'm not sure of them myself. The main thing that makes me able to be a member here is that I believe in the God of the Bible and Jesus is His Son and will come back to sort all this mess out maybe sooner rather than later.
Regards …Catherine
Hi Catharine,
You describe how many people feel about being adrift and wasting a lot of years. Even for Christians, we too can feel the same about the modern Church and at times feel adrift and wasting our time.
Ephesians 4:11-17 states the purpose of the Church is to make mature believers who are growing day by day to be a reflection of Christ like virtues wherever their station in life is at. The whole body of believers should be taught how to grow into this. It is a walk of love as Christ loved.
This love is not how we define love as tolerance, or blind acceptance. The Greek word translated love I am speaking about is the word Agape. Agape is a culmination of three other Greek words also used for love (Storge, eros, phileo). It contains these elements as well and was translated in the Septuagint denoting all three of these aspects as well.
However, there is a difference in Agape and this difference is further refined within the broad definition of the Hebrew word translated 'love.' Agape is the higher from of love that nurtures, cherishes, builds, trains, so that a person will come into their own. In the case of God's Agape — people will return to him to be nurtured, cherished, built, trained, equipped, etc so they'll come into her or his own reflection of Christ like virtue.
The Agape of the world has also nurtures, cherishes, builds, trains, and equips so that a person will come into their own as selfish and self seeking (
1 John 2:16). We have been taught to limit the meaning of Agape as denoting unconditional — a love without conditions. While this is true about the nature of love, that definition alone misses the elements of nurturing, cherishing, building, training, and equipping unconditionally.
In other words, God loves so much that he does not want people to remain as they are but rather to change them — unconditionally. The change is on his terms, not ours, which is forgiveness through Christ work on the cross and resurrection. God unconditionally will send his Holy Spirit into our lives and unconditionally transform us in the image of Christ. Such love unconditionally will nurture, cherish, build, train, and equip those that place their trust in God's salvation.
God has been busy transforming the people in his Church, unconditionally. However, there are many who do not understand this unconditional demand. So for now, such experience little transformation in thier lives. This process is made slow because we resist the change God intends. We resist this change, more out of ignorance, because so much of what is taught in the modern Church neglects equipping God's people for the work of the ministry and building up believers which involves becoming mature in ones faith.
The work of the ministry is to shape people into becoming Christ like — read
2 Peter 1:2-11 for more on this subject. The leaders of the early Church once taught this but few nowadays do or understand how to teach. (
Praise God for the ones that do! The laborers are truly few! ) I know that God will unconditionally awaken the modern Church to this need, all in due time. He maybe even awaking this in you and that could be a reason for feeling adrift and wasting a lot of years.
So, if any of you reading this are tired of living your life on your own, adrift, I recommend coming to Jesus Christ as the gospel proclaims and become a child of God in whom God's Love (Agape) will unconditionally nurture, cherish, build, train, and equip you which gives your life a new purpose and direction as well as helps you overcome and learn from the adversity that afflicts us all.
I am going to end with John chapter three. I will add comments in parenthesis that help refine the original Greek words and phrases used and in some cases add a comment for clarity.
John 3:14-21 Comments:
John 3:14-21, “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, 15 that whoever believes in him may have eternal life. (
This is the work and purpose of the Cross forgiveness of sins— Note Romans 10:9-17 and Luke 12:8 and Luke 18:13-14)
“16 For God so loved (
unconditionally nurtures, cherishes)the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world (
leave the world as it is, fallen), but in order that the world might be saved (
rescued from great danger) through him.
“18 Whoever believes in him is not condemned (
left as they are, lost, adrift, in opposition to God), but whoever does not believe is condemned (
left as they are, lost, adrift, in opposition to God — note Romans 1:16-32) already (
--->now), because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God. (
The only one who has power to forgive, save, and transform one into a new creation - Note 2 Co 5:17 and Gal 6:150).
“19 And this is the judgment (
sundering, separation): the light (
light expels darkness) has come into the world, and people loved (unconditionally nurture, cherish, build, train, and equip) the darkness rather than the light because their works (
deeds, enterprise, undertakings produce) were evil (
Blindness to their bad nature/condition that is diseased, corrupting, which produces toil, hardship, and ruin to others and themselves).
“20 For everyone who does wicked things (
the above worthless things) hates (
detest) the light (
growth that light produces that expels darkness) and does not come to the light (
growth that light produces), (
in order that his works may not be reproved) lest his works should be exposed.
“21 But whoever does what is true (
meaning: believing in Christ [who stated he is Truth] to be transformed by God's hands) comes to the light (
Note — metaphorically light causes growth and expels darkness), so that it may be clearly seen that his works (
occupation, deeds now and will be and) have been carried out in (in/by) God (note Ephesians 1:4-7 to clarify this last sentence more fully).” ESV
Sadly, many in the modern Church neglect the saving truth that God's love cast out and expels darkness in our lives so that we can become partakers of the divine character of the Lord Jesus Christ. (See
Romans 8:29 and 2 Co 3:18). This
'saving truth' also transforms us so that we learn to love unconditionally evidenced by how we nurture cherish, build, train, and equip those whom we have contact with (with wisdom and discernment of the Holy Spirit along with learning these skills developed / taught by apostles, prophets, evangelist, pastor/teachers within the Church i.e. Leadership within the Church).
We also learn to love God unconditionally evidenced by how we nurture, cherish, build, train, and equip our personal relationship with the Lord through scripture reading, prayer, talking and reasoning with the Lord. This is a process that transforms us and expels darkness from our lives. It confronts us and test - do we love darkness more than light? If so, light expels darkness may become very painful but know, once expelled what joy that awaits you in new freedom from the old dark ties that had you bound to slavery!
So again let me conclude with this statement: if any of you reading this are tired of living your life on your own, adrift, I recommend coming to Jesus Christ as the gospel proclaims and become a child of God in whom God's Love (Agape) will unconditionally nurture, cherish, build, train, and equip you which gives your life a new purpose and direction as well as helps you overcome and learn from adversity that afflicts us all.
The Lord wants to bestow his riches on all who call on him,
his greatest is love. In this you find life. However, sin, lostness, adriftness, aimlesses has taken hold. The cruel taskmaster of darkness has taken hold. Our sins, separate us from God and the riches he wishes to bestow.
Sin ugliness and arrogance ruins one's life keeping one wandering aimless in a wasteland seeking hope or a drop of water that can really satisfy. You never find any anywhere at all. You find only illusions that first appear as real but closer inspections prove these all a mirage.
In this, you discovered you need help from the divine. Will you let the Lord begin the process that will restore true meaning and purpose to your life? If so please, do as the tax collector and pray likewise as he:
Luke 18:13, “
But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me, a sinner!” ESV
Romans 10:9-13,
“…because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. 11 For the Scripture says, "Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame." 12 For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. 13 For "everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." ESV
John 3:21, “…
But whoever does what is true (meaning: believing in Christ [who stated he is Truth] to be transformed by God's hands) comes to the light (Note — light causes growth and expels darkness), so that it may be clearly seen that his/her works (occupation, deeds now and will be and) have been carried out in (in/by) God.” ESV
In this, you'll find what eternal life is all about…