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Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 1:25 pm
by FFC
Has anybody heard of this new movie coming out called "Religulous"? It's directed by Larry charles and seems to be a direct attack on religion, Christianity in general. I heard Larry and Bill discussing the movie and their views on NPR. They are using the premise that they just want people to examine what they believe in the hopes that they can at least admit there is room for doubt in their religious worldviews.


Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 5:44 pm
by zoegirl
Won't see it

There are plenty of serious dicumentaries out there to allow people to "question" (huh, just watch History CHannel or Discovery about every Christmas or Easter to get the plethora of shows about how the Christmas account and resurrection account is *really* true)

But this is just the most basic and elementary superficial atheist dogma just put in movie format, designed to not honestly put forth questions but spread easily refuted atheist dogma.


Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 5:34 am
by FFC
zoegirl wrote:Won't see it

There are plenty of serious dicumentaries out there to allow people to "question" (huh, just watch History CHannel or Discovery about every Christmas or Easter to get the plethora of shows about how the Christmas account and resurrection account is *really* true)

But this is just the most basic and elementary superficial atheist dogma just put in movie format, designed to not honestly put forth questions but spread easily refuted atheist dogma.

You are right. When I listened to Bill Maher and Larry Charles talking about Christianity on NPR they were anything but objective. A statement was made that Christianity is dangerous because we Christians are actually looking forward to the end of the world. I guess that would be scary to an well it should be. :roll: It sounds to me like a rehashed argument regarding Muslims being dangerous because they are not afraid to die for their faith, and in fact recieve a reward in doing so.

It's just "funny" how unbelievers are so afraid of us and our influence. They use the same stale arguments against Christianity and religion as if they came up with an origonal idea. It just really burns me to see Jesus'/God's name drug through the mud.


Posted: Tue Oct 07, 2008 3:05 pm
by Daniel
It would be more relevant if they specifically tried to disprove Christianity. If they aimed for the resurrection other than making silly character attacks/ad hominem stuff that isn't objectively relevant to anyone. Notice that he lied about whom he was interviewing and often went for cultists and the uninformed. If he had interviewed a Josh McDowell or Lee Strobel, he probably would have simply cut that tape out of the film anyway.


Posted: Fri Oct 10, 2008 7:57 am
by FFC
Daniel wrote:It would be more relevant if they specifically tried to disprove Christianity. If they aimed for the resurrection other than making silly character attacks/ad hominem stuff that isn't objectively relevant to anyone. Notice that he lied about whom he was interviewing and often went for cultists and the uninformed. If he had interviewed a Josh McDowell or Lee Strobel, he probably would have simply cut that tape out of the film anyway.
Thank you, Daniel. You are absolutely right.


Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 12:04 pm
by Gman
Just an fyi, I have seen the movie and did a review of it here. In my opinion it is a weak film that only focuses on the bad aspects of religion, which of course if you dig hard enough you may find some. As for the attacks on the Bible, I thought that most of them where pretty easy to defuse. According to Bill Maher, however, they were show stoppers... A number of people he interviewed were just layman or had no degree in theology. No wonder why he may have got some "off the wall" remarks... Anything he could do to make Christianity look stupid.


Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:40 pm
by FFC
Gman wrote:Just an fyi, I have seen the movie and did a review of it here. In my opinion it is a weak film that only focuses on the bad aspects of religion, which of course if you dig hard enough you may find some. As for the attacks on the Bible, I thought that most of them where pretty easy to defuse. According to Bill Maher, however, they were show stoppers... A number of people he interviewed were just layman or had no degree in theology. No wonder why he may have got some "off the wall" remarks... Anything he could do to make Christianity look stupid.
That is the whole point. He doesn't care about honestly seeking truth...and he doesn't want to talk to anyone who knows what they are talking about because he already has his mind made up. He just wants people to stop believing. He is tired of Christianity's convicting influence.


Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 1:49 pm
by rodyshusband
If there is one thing that frustrates me the most is when a skeptic/atheist refuses to allow a response. Maher, when questioned about being heavy handed and downright rude, has responded with, "Hey, I'm a comedian...". The same thing with Penn Gillette, of Penn & Teller fame.
There is a difference between honest skeptics, those who are willing to ask to hard questions and listen to a response, and an individual who simply wants to argue.
Those who bring their angry, bitter disbelief to the public forum do so for profit, fame, attention...not for honest questioning. Most people see people like Bill Maher for what they are.
The film has flopped at the box office.


Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:30 pm
by Gman
rodyshusband wrote:If there is one thing that frustrates me the most is when a skeptic/atheist refuses to allow a response. Maher, when questioned about being heavy handed and downright rude, has responded with, "Hey, I'm a comedian...". The same thing with Penn Gillette, of Penn & Teller fame.
There is a difference between honest skeptics, those who are willing to ask to hard questions and listen to a response, and an individual who simply wants to argue.
Those who bring their angry, bitter disbelief to the public forum do so for profit, fame, attention...not for honest questioning. Most people see people like Bill Maher for what they are.
The film has flopped at the box office.
It was also interesting to see that there were only a handful of people that went to see this film in my city. I fail to see where Maher was taking this... If you take away God out this world then what do you really have? You live to die and that's it... Forget about how you treat others and live in your sins to the fullest with no remorse... I've never seen someone celebrate "nothingness" with so much enthusiasm and be so happy with the outcome. It's like going to a fancy restaurant and instead of ordering sirloin steak, you settle with the parsley. Wow... y/:)

The problem however with this film is that if you haven't studied up on some of the things he addressed about Christianity you might become easily influenced by him... I can see the divide becoming much stronger after this film. The few that where there were laughing their heads off. It was sad to see him misguiding people like that...


Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 1:29 pm
by rodyshusband
Gman wrote:
rodyshusband wrote:If there is one thing that frustrates me the most is when a skeptic/atheist refuses to allow a response. Maher, when questioned about being heavy handed and downright rude, has responded with, "Hey, I'm a comedian...". The same thing with Penn Gillette, of Penn & Teller fame.
There is a difference between honest skeptics, those who are willing to ask to hard questions and listen to a response, and an individual who simply wants to argue.
Those who bring their angry, bitter disbelief to the public forum do so for profit, fame, attention...not for honest questioning. Most people see people like Bill Maher for what they are.
The film has flopped at the box office.
It was also interesting to see that there were only a handful of people that went to see this film in my city. I fail to see where Maher was taking this... If you take away God out this world then what do you really have? You live to die and that's it... Forget about how you treat others and live in your sins to the fullest with no remorse... I've never seen someone celebrate "nothingness" with so much enthusiasm and be so happy with the outcome. It's like going to a fancy restaurant and instead of ordering sirloin steak, you settle with the parsley. Wow... y/:)

The problem however with this film is that if you haven't studied up on some of the things he addressed about Christianity you might become easily influenced by him... I can see the divide becoming much stronger after this film. The few that where there were laughing their heads off. It was sad to see him misguiding people like that...
All true. It is up to us to address the sincere questioner, the honest skeptic and those looking for answers. We are to do this with patience and love. Some will always regard us as idiots, lost, angry, uneducated...whatever. Depending on how we respond, they may actually listen to what we have to say.
I see people looking for some sort of answer to life. They do not respond well to negativity, crudeness or one sided conversations with no interaction. The days of the soap box, mega phone toting evangelist is over. People, especially today's youth, are open to thoughtful discussion. I thank God for ministries like the Veritas Forum, RZIM and Reasons to Believe who can pronounce the gospel in an intelligent, rational forum and are well prepared to answer the hard questions.

Given the opportunity, I would see this film with an honest skeptic and discuss it after wards.


Posted: Tue Oct 14, 2008 4:47 pm
by Gman
rodyshusband wrote:I see people looking for some sort of answer to life. They do not respond well to negativity, crudeness or one sided conversations with no interaction. The days of the soap box, mega phone toting evangelist is over. People, especially today's youth, are open to thoughtful discussion. I thank God for ministries like the Veritas Forum, RZIM and Reasons to Believe who can pronounce the gospel in an intelligent, rational forum and are well prepared to answer the hard questions.

Given the opportunity, I would see this film with an honest skeptic and discuss it after wards.
Excellent post rodyshusband... :thumbsup: Perhaps there is hope.