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To be baptize or not

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:12 pm
by Lufia
I have joined a baptist church last month or so. They told me, but with no pressure, that i should be baptize. I have read the bible a lot about this subject and what i have learn is that people started to believe in Christ and then they were baptize. As a catholic, i was baptize as a baby but it was not my decision obviously. But still it was done in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

So, do i need to be baptize again?

Re: To be baptize or not

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 5:43 pm
by cslewislover
Hi Lufia. Here are two resources, if you want to look (there are a lot on the internet). The first one is quite short. I think both of them say baptism isn't really necessary, but one should do it anyway. I wouldn't know about if you should be baptized again, although I have a friend who felt it was necessary each time he changed church types (he's been baptized three times, lol). ... ptism.html

Re: To be baptize or not

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:51 am
by rodyshusband
Hi lufia.
I was raised Roman Catholic, saved in a United Methodist Church and recently joined a Baptist church. I was baptized as an infant and immersion baptized last year. If you desire to join a church, you accept the form of worship and the requirements for membership in that church. Although I was saved long before joining the Baptist church, I agreed to baptism, since it is required for membership.

Re: To be baptize or not

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 9:28 pm
by B. W.
By all means, be baptized and praise the Lord for it! Be Baptized with the understanding that you, indeed, want your life changed by Christ and it will mean something to you later on.

I was first baptized in a Southern Baptist Church and the only thing I wanted was a changed life with the old being left in the 'dunking tank.' It happened.

I was baptized again at another Church a few years later and only got wet. Then again, later in another Church and only got soaked.

I think there are better people than I am to explain the real meaning of baptism. All I can say is that Romans 6:4 speaks of walking in new life.

My first baptism was with that naked intent and nothing else. It meant and still does mean a lot to me. I arose out of that water feeling clean, vivified, the memory does not grow dim. The other times, I just got wet.

So ponder the meaning of Romans 6:4:

“We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life” ESV

Re: To be baptize or not

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 9:37 am
by Zebulon
B. W. wrote: I was baptized again at another Church a few years later and only got wet. Then again, later in another Church and only got soaked. -

I was baptized in a Catholic church as well, at the age of 4 months old. I cant recall any of it. I know today that it costed my father some money. Maybe thats why the Roman Catholic Church babtise so young... the quicker you baptise them the quicker you get the bucks ! :mrgreen:

My doughter was born in 1988 and my wife decided that regarding baptisim it would be of her own decision if things should happen this way. At age of 6 and a half, she came to us and said that she wanted to be baptised. She already had made all arrangements as she does usually when she wants something. I was not a believer at the time and I must say that I was pretty against all religions. I did not asked her any questions and did not try to interfier in her decision.

She was baptised as she whished, that is what was important to her (and to me and her mom).


Re: To be baptize or not

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:04 pm
by B. W.
Zebulon wrote:
B. W. wrote: I was baptized again at another Church a few years later and only got wet. Then again, later in another Church and only got soaked. -

I was baptized in a Catholic church as well, at the age of 4 months old. I cant recall any of it. I know today that it costed my father some money. Maybe thats why the Roman Catholic Church babtise so young... the quicker you baptise them the quicker you get the bucks ! :mrgreen:

Ah, I see you got the humor of my being soaked! :ewink:

Re: To be baptize or not

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 1:20 pm
by Zebulon
B. W. wrote:
Ah, I see you got the humor of my being soaked! :ewink:
Yup ! It helped me start the day on a good foot (french expression ?)



Re: To be baptize or not

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:27 pm
by Lufia
i have made my decision, i'll get baptize. I know it doesn't save but i think that it is important even Jesus was baptized and He also insisted on being baptize. I don't know if i'll have the same 'results' as you B.W. but i hope so :esmile: I'll do it for Christ because i'm very shy and that testimony in front of many people ... Boy it'll be hard. Plus, i don't know exactly what to say :?

I don't know if i'm in the truth but for me baptize is like saying to Jesus; I believe what you have done on the cross for me, i've got eternal life because of You, i'm yours and i give You my life. And to be immerge is to be clean of my past life.

Re: To be baptize or not

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 2:42 pm
by cslewislover
Do you have to say something? I remember my pastor asked me a question or two, I think, but I just said yes or something :o . I'm shy too, and it was in a dunk tank in front of the church . . . but I felt like you and of course did it.

Re: To be baptize or not

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:36 am
by Lufia
Yes i must say my testimony y:">

Re: To be baptize or not

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 8:51 am
by cslewislover
Oh, wow. I'm SO shy in front of groups as far as speaking goes, that that would be very hard for me. Partly because I became a Christian in what many would view as an unusual way. Well, may the Lord be with you! (or change churches, lol) :mrgreen:

Re: To be baptize or not

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 10:09 am
by zoegirl
I just had to answer questions and say yes or no.

I was baptized as an adult and I know it doesn't save but is nice to have a public profession of faith

Re: To be baptize or not

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:39 am
by FFC
I was baptised twice as an adult. Once when I thought I was saved, and another time when I knew I was.

I'm sure there is no saving quality to the act, but it is commanded and we need to be obedient to the Lord in all things.

Re: To be baptize or not

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:03 am
by daddysgirl
Hey Yall I have a question along these lines my sister in law says that she was baptised at a local baptist church after having been saved I myself was saved at the age of 12 in my Great uncles penecostal church I probably was baptised but dont remember it my church does believe strongly on this issue we are non-denom but pretty much follow the baptist faith which does require a strong commitment to God to folow Jesus and as he was baptised by John to then also be washed clean and baptised into the faith ok having said that this question gets deep theologoically I am having great difficulty in understanding my sister in law she says she was saved and baptised as were the children but... she then went on to commit what I am begining to believe were acts of apostasy I read a paper 2 years ago that my Pastor wrote on the subject so I do understand the concept what I need to know is it possible to commit an act of apostasy if you are not knowlegeable about the subject ? She ( the sister in law ) does not even open her Bible outside of church, Did not know who Job was when I brought him up I would think it a safe bet she couldnt even qoute John 3:16 so do you the Moderator or anyone else here have an opinion on this ? I quite frankly do not care for this woman she has really caused a lot of problems in my family but I fear for my stupid brother and the innocent children that are involved !!! thank you so much for any input on this Yours truly in Faith Daddysgirl