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USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2008 10:48 pm
by B. W.
Sadly The USA is now an Obama Nation,

It appears the Left wing - I'll say it Marxist elements - have swept into power by swindle and successful trickery.

I am not a prophet and never claim to be. Now is your turn to chime in on what you think will happen in the future based on your best guess. So please chime in on what you think will happen under the heals of an Obama Nation?

Here is my best guess…

Be prepared for a rough ride the first hundred days after Obama is sworn in January. There will be political reprisals as well as the sad silencing of free speech in America so that any dissenting voice against the ruling powers is silenced. Internet commerce will be taxed and any blog or website that opposes the Obama will be forced to close.

Our taxes will be raised, people will see the mistake they made while others will chant with extended hand — Obama ,Obama — the Messiah - the savior - the One - the Leader!

Many Businesses will leave this country to avoid paying large taxes. Expect increasing Gas prices and fuel oil increases by spring. Expect abortion on demand, Bill Ayers type educational policy to be enacted, parent rights stripped, no school choice, and Schools becoming propaganda learning centers rather than schools.

US Sovereignty will be dissolved. US Armed forces brought to its knees. Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela will exploit US weakness — form a pack and plant missiles and may launch such a missile attack against us in the near future.

Obama's true beliefs about Israel will be realized and Israel maybe abandoned by the US very soon,,,

Watch the news and see Hamas and militant Arab Factions happily parading in the streets over the Obama win.

I guess the Christian Church in America needs awoken through a new form and type of persecution to gets its act together to come together. This is really a sad day for America — we were once a great nation but now the nuts run the show.

So what do you think will happen in the days to come...

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 3:18 am
by Kurieuo
Roe v. Wade will become solidified as abortion is made an intrinsic human right for all except the unborn who must die without a voice. Who knows, maybe this will even extend to D & X abortions given the disregard Obama had for protecting babies who had survived abortions.

I really don't know that Obama can be trusted. At least the others were obvious in the quackery (at least how the media portrayed them). Obama seems a very charismatic rhetorician, but I do not know whether there is any substance to his words. At least I have heard none.

The liberalising Obama talks of however I think means a silencing of any Christian voice. Time is the best judge. Only God is a better judge.

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 6:15 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
Were I American, I would have voted for McCain/Palin.

I guess there are profound changes ahead for the world...I hope B.W.'s dire predictions are wrong.
Kurieuo wrote: Time is the best judge. Only God is a better judge.

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:15 am
by Gman
B. W. wrote:Sadly The USA is now an Obama Nation,
Sadly? Given the poor politics of the Bush administration he probably would have gotten us all killed. We had one of the worst records of diplomacy with other nations. There were many Christians who backed Obama as well... It's not that all republicans are Christian and all Democrats are atheists here. ;)

Also I'm a strong supporter of Israel. Many Jews are not threatened with the presence of Obama in the office..

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:22 am
by FFC
Gman wrote:
B. W. wrote:Sadly The USA is now an Obama Nation,
Sadly? Given the poor politics of the Bush administration he probably would have gotten us all killed. We had one of the worst records of diplomacy with other nations. There were many Christians who backed Obama as well... It's not that all republicans are Christian and all Democrats are atheists here. ;)
Thank you.

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:25 am
by Gman
FFC wrote:Thank you.
Thanks for holding the east coast down FFC..

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 8:35 am
by FFC
Gman wrote:
FFC wrote:Thank you.
Thanks for holding the east coast down FFC..
I'll do my best to keep the evil doers out. ;)

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 11:57 am
by B. W.
Evil always tries to groom a person into accepting it...

Obama is the most Liberal senator and Biden the third I think...

It was because of the economy compounded with McCain's failure to use current facts about Obama...and the Dems Like:

It was because of the Dem's in congress is why we have the Mortgage meltdown. This was discussed in a 1999 article of the Wall Street Journal which warned of this happening WAY BEFORE BUSH.

McCain failed to connect the dots. Obama won on disdain and fear of Bush... But remember that Congress approval rating is lower than Bush's.

I voted for McCain only because of Palin. If Palin was not in the running I would have been forced to vote for McCain like I was forced to vote for Bush last election — to keep the Progressive ie Marxist out of power.

Tragically last election there was no — one to vote for and this election seemed rigged to me. How did McCain get nominated for Pres when he ran such a bad Rep nomination campaign? Why was 90 percent of the news media pro Obama?

Portent of things to come are evidenced by how Obama kicked consertative news reporters off his plane, how the lib media went after a dissenting voice, Joe the Plumber, that asked a legitimate question.

Wow — absolutely no Pun intended but we have entered a new dark age.

For those of you who voted for Obama — you do not understand Liberal speak.

They use words that to them mean the opposite of what you think:

Reaching across the aisle-- means Rep must do the reaching and conform

Bi-partisanship-- means the opposition must acquiesce always to the ruling party

Patriotism-- means show Loyalty to change Country by use social / economic conditions to consolidate absolute rule to the Party as the Party is the only people capable of ruling the ignorant masses.

Notice what Wikipdeia notes about Marxist Progressive thought and how much Obama's Rhetoric mirrors it…

....Among the points in the party's "Immediate Program" are a $12/hour minimum wage; for all workers, universal health care, and opposition to privatization of Social Security; economic measures such as increased taxes on "the rich and corporations," strong regulation" of the financial industry, "regulation and public ownership of utilities," and increased federal aid to cities and states; opposition to the Iraq War and other military interventions; opposition to free trade treaties such as the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA); nuclear disarmament and a reduced military budget; various civil rights provisions; campaign finance reform including public financing of campaigns; and election law reform, including Instant Runoff Voting.

The CPUSA recognizes the right of independence-seeking groups, many of whom have been led by communist and communist-oriented partisans, to defend themselves from imperialism, but rejects the use of violence in any United States uprising. The CPUSA argues that most violence throughout modern history is the result of capitalist ruling class violently trying to stop social change.

“While some governments run by people calling themselves Communists have been responsible for horrible acts of violence and repression, notably the Pol Pot régime in Cambodia, much if not most of the violence often blamed on revolutionary governments and parties is actually the responsibility of the conservative, reactionary, capitalist governments and parties. ... Many revolutions have been relatively peaceful, including the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the Vietnamese Revolution of 1945 . The bloodshed comes when those formerly in power initiate a civil war, or foreign armies invade, trying to reestablish capitalist, feudal, or colonial power. …While we think that an objective, detailed analysis of most situations over the last century would conclude that capitalist and reactionary governments and parties are responsible for most of the violence, it is true that Communists have engaged in armed struggle, are not pacifists, and that some who called themselves Communists have engaged in repressive tactics."
Sound nice does it not? How could you be against such noble sounding change? Evil grooms a person by use of goodness. Later, repression and the rule of Tyranny always result by exploited good intentions.

It is not about Health care and minimum wage or rights - it is about hiding intended destruction of freedom and liberty and freedom to think and engage in reason. These have to be violently suppressed.

Instead of letting Freedom and Liberty change things - force is used to only consolidate power under the disguise so appealing to noble sounding rhetoric...Tickling the ears...

The Progressive's view Christianity as a great evil - never forget this....They view Us as the enemy -- not a friend....

People are indeed governed by their Sin Nature --

Now Look at the Communist Party in America
From this sick website --

The Communist Party USA views the 2008 elections as a tremendous opportunity to defeat the policies of the right-wing Republicans and to move our country in a new progressive direction.

The record turnout in the Democratic Presidential primary races shows that millions of voters, including millions of new voters, are using this election to bring about real change. We wholeheartedly agree with them.

While we do not endorse any particular candidates, we do endorse and join in the anti-Bush/anti-right wing sentiments that are driving so many people to activism.

The fact that the Democratic frontrunners are an African American and a woman speaks volumes on how far the country has come. Hillary Clinton's campaign has attracted large numbers of supporters, especially women. Other Democratic contenders presented some excellent proposals to reverse the devastation caused by the Bush administration's policies.

Barack Obama's campaign has so far generated the most excitement, attracted the most votes, most volunteers and the most money. We think the basic reason for this is that his campaign has the clearest message of unity and progressive change, while having a real possibility for victory in November.

As we see it, however, this battle is bigger than the Democrats and Republicans, even though those parties are the main electoral vehicle for most voters today. Our approach is to focus on issues and movements that are influencing candidates and parties.

We will work with others to defeat the Republican nominee and to end right-wing control of the new Congress.

The activism growing out of this election will help guarantee a progressive mandate no matter who is elected. It is critical to our country's renewal and future.

We think this election is a great opportunity to bring an early withdrawal of US troops from Iraq. It can mean job creation and relief for those who are losing their homes or unable to pay their bills.

This election can set the stage to advance the interests of working people; of those excluded because of race, gender, sexual orientation and immigration status.

This election can begin to turn the tide: it can help bring universal health care, save the environment and start the restoration of our democratic rights. This election can strengthen democracy for all.

In the long run, we see the need for an independent “people's party” -- an electoral party that will unite labor and all democratic forces. We also are working for a political system and government whose priority is to watch the backs of working families, not fill the pockets of the corporate fat cats. Our slogan, “people before profits” and our goal of “Bill of Rights socialism” say it all.
Evil always makes appeals to goodness in order to manipulate it and bend good intentions to it's will.

Remember - people do have a 'sin nature'

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:25 pm
by FFC
BW wrote:Congrat's liberals! Your patriotism can now go about destroying America making a one party rule you so desire — you are indeed patriotic to your own cause and not to 'America' as people understand it to be!
I don't think that is a fair statement at all. As a matter of fact I feel like the whole post is full of assumptions and paranoia.

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:35 pm
by BavarianWheels
FFC wrote:
BW wrote:Congrat's liberals! Your patriotism can now go about destroying America making a one party rule you so desire — you are indeed patriotic to your own cause and not to 'America' as people understand it to be!
I don't think that is a fair statement at all. As a matter of fact I feel like the whole post is full of assumptions and paranoia.
While you may be's the inevitable outcome as we near the coming of Christ!

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:53 pm
by Gman
B. W. wrote:Evil always tries to groom a person into accepting it...
B.W. I will have to respectively disagree with you on this... Obama isn't a communist, sorry. If we want to talk about evil, there is certainly a large amount of that too in the republican party.. We needed to shed our skin of this administration to survive...

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:54 pm
by zoegirl

Obama may have run as a Centrist, but he is not.

He will run a conventionally liberal presidency. He will raise taxes when he can (I particularly liked when the definition of rich crept down from 300,000 to 150,000) and promote welfare.

He will assign liberal judges and nominate pro-abortion supreme court judges when the time comes.

I think it is fair to say that he a far more sympathetic to the terrorists than he shold be, holding to a naive idea that we can discuss something with them.

He will raise spending when he can but not in the military.

He will promote stem-cell research.

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 1:23 pm
by Gman
Thanks Zoe,

I'm not sure if taxes would be raised more under Obama though.. What also concerns me more is this huge deficit that will certainly derail the country if it goes unchecked. I might have voted republican as I have in the past, but I couldn't vote for McCain or Palin... Maybe if they nominated someone else however..

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:44 pm
by harth1026
Whether Obama's tax plan will work or not is not my main problem with Obama. My main problem is the fact that his plan shows blatant discrimination against the rich. And he justified this by saying that the rich can handle it. Even if his tax plan does work, I would not want to benefit from the forced suffering of others. It is morally wrong and it is very reminiscent of slavery. Now the economy is a national issue, and I strongly believe that we as a nation should tackle it together. We all should get screwed equally across the board.

Re: USA is now an Obama Nation

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 2:49 pm
by BavarianWheels
harth1026 wrote:We all should get screwed equally across the board.
Na...I like the idea of the rich paying more on the surface. It's like a "ha-ha!" moment. :)