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Saved yet sinning imagination

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 8:04 am
by jdmays
I've been born again for a few years now yet I seem to struggle with sinful imaginings. I know it is wrong and I've prayed but I just can't shake it. I know that if I were to carry out
these things in reality I would not be seen as a Christian.

What am I to do? I once shared part of this with a church leader but to no avail. I really struggle with this.

Re: Saved yet sinning imagination

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 9:20 am
by cslewislover
I think everyone has that problem. Even J. Vernon McGee said he was plagued with sinful thoughts during his sermons. You can imagine where they came from! Luther had some great saying about it, too, and I wish I could remember it exactly. Something like, The birds can fly around my head and try and land and make a nest, but I don't need to let them roost there.

Re: Saved yet sinning imagination

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:05 pm
by zoegirl

We have all been there and we are all going to struggle with this. Whether or not the thoughts come from pride, lust, anger...I've been sitting in a meeting hearing something someone is saying and being impressed with them and yet at the same time I fight the jealousy that comes from hearing someone else say something good and I wasn't the one who said it. How pathetic!

I have found that those are the moments when we need to run to God the most and flee to God and yet the scarry thing is, those are the moments when the shame of those thoughts can keep us from God. The grace of CHrist is more powerful than anything and should not keep us form HIs throne! And yet those are the times where we are stricken with the idea that we can earn our place with the LOrd. After all, that's why He died, because our nature places us in opposition from HIm and we see this in the thoughts we have. And those times when we still think these thoughts are the times when we just run to Him.

I think, too, the more we grow the more we become aware of the sin in us as the sanctification continues.

Re: Saved yet sinning imagination

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:02 pm
by jdmays
I see I am not the only one.
My biggest fear is that these continous imganings/thoughts will one day lead me to act them out. I don't want to do that.

You say flee to God, I've tried prayer and that hasn't worked, so what do I do beyond prayer? I wonder many times if there is something spiritually wrong with me. I don't want to sound freakish, but many times I wonder if I have a demon.

I can't explain it. It is so unnatural. Pray for me please.

Re: Saved yet sinning imagination

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 1:23 pm
by zoegirl
Every teaching I have heard is that a saved person, one that has Christ dwelling within them, cannot be possessed by a demon.

I suppose the question becomes one of these thoughts. Are these thought of somehting illegal? (not necessarily asking for you to elaborate if you do not care to) I mean, if they are thoughts revolving around doing actual harm to someone or acting out these toughts, then I would suggest getting the help of someone who can address these thougths, like a CHristian psychologist or a pastor who specializes in counseling. ONly you know how tempting these thoughts are to becoming reality, so you need to be active in seeking seomone out who can help in accountability.

Re: Saved yet sinning imagination

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 2:42 pm
by cslewislover
Yes on what Zoe said. Christians that have Jesus in them cannot have a demon in them as well.

Re: Saved yet sinning imagination

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2009 10:37 pm
by ugo
Hi JDmay

You mentioned you shared this issue with your Pastor.
I was wondering if you and other people in your Church have set up an accountability group where you can regular pray with and share your life. As for prayer. You said it did not work. I sense you treat God like Santa Claus making up a list.
Of course He heals but it may not be the timing or the way you want.
As for sin I am the king of sin. I grew up with 3 alcoholics, my father, mother and grandfather. I was abused, intoriduced to pornography when I was five and saw abuse of young children by my grandfather. this hurt more than anything else. He was a peodophile and a warlock. A witch for another name. I was routinely hurt mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I was often visited by demons and would say I was "possessed".
I grew up alone and suicidal at times. Later in life I studied every religion trying to find freedom. I studdied the New Age for ten years. I nearly destroyed my marriage but through Christ I was saved but over a period of 3 years there was a raging battle between the old me and the new one wanting to be born.
I have been freed. But i had also worked hard in counselling, prayer and just surrendering to God.
God took much pain from me but He also left "thorns" in me. The Apostle Paul also had a thorn.
Thre thoughts you mention can be demonic (as in outside of you) but we must also take responsibility for them.
I sense that many of these thoughts are not yours but that you take them on.
Our thoughts can be like a well worn path that we follow easily and effortlessly. You may never get rid of that path. This is not hopeless as what you now need to do is wear out a new path that takes you away from the one you now tread on. Memorise verses, listne to music (Christian) read the word and allow God and His revelation to fill you.
IN the end do you bel;iev God can help you? Will you try this alone? If so then good luck. You will need a core group of peeple to help you. I encourage you as to tell someone about the issue is courageous and brave. So keep it going and I know if you surrender to our Master, you will grow. But do not think it will be easy either. Jesus offers us love and peace but also persecution. Focus on His Eternity.
God Bless.