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Used up and tossed aside

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:08 am
by skunkshocker
I have noticed a growing popularity in Agnosticism and Atheism in the world. What I have come to conclusion of is that we live on this planet for 70-90 years on average. We enjoy living in the 21st century with running water, email and internet, plenty of food and money, homes to keep us warm, no major wars or disease threatening our livelihood. Most governments and societies were built on by our forefathers/ancestors/relatives and they worked hard and endured much hardships to make the world better for us. When they were working on making life better for their children and future generations (us), they prayed, went to church, read the Bible, feared God, prayed and ate together at the dinner table (I would like to stop here and say thank you for their hard work). Many of us still carry the torch that our ancestors carried by worshiping God and loving his son, Jesus for dying for our sins (I would like to stop here and say God Bless you all for being Christians).

With the comforts of the 21s century afforded to us, we are able to ponder the thought of evolution, non-existence of God, and even making slanderous remarks about those who do claim to be Christians. I see this as a slap in the face to the ancestors of those now proclaiming to be Atheists or Agnostics. I support Science along with the ideas/theories they come up with, in fact I find it fascinating and always incorporate it into my Christian faith. I think we as a race will never fully understand science without including Christian faith into theories. This is how our ancestors helped us make leaps in technological advancements and this is how we must make advancements for the human race, in the name of God.

Thoughts? :)

Re: Used up and tossed aside

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 6:20 am
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
skunkshocker wrote:Thoughts?
You are right! The Bible predicted this a long time ago in 2 Timothy 3:1-4. Isn't it great!

Now, go out and talk to people about Christ because that is the Great Commission.


Re: Used up and tossed aside

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 9:28 am
by cslewislover
I think what you're saying about comforts and giving up faith is a western phenomenon. In the east, like in China, faith is increasing. And they are giving up on what their ancestors believed and taught as well. As far as science or anything else, yes, God needs to come first. But we don't always know how to fit everything together. We just need to lean on the Lord for understanding, even an understanding that some things may be a mystery to us.

Re: Used up and tossed aside

Posted: Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:15 am
by skunkshocker

Love for God and his son Jesus is the greatest love of all. When I think of how great this love is, I often stop and smile while thinking of all my blessings. I do not own much, nor do I want to. I am happy that I have the love of Jesus and myself in my heart. My spirit grows stronger everyday as I pray and grow closer to God. With this love in my heart I am able to spread it into other areas of my life such my relationship with my wife, daughter, co-workers, strangers, my dog, and everyone else I come into contact with. I see love in a new light, it is something that cannot be expressed in words (at least I cannot). The Holy Bible does an amazing job of expressing this love in Psalms and other books. My question is, without God how can you feel love? How can you enjoy art, music, nature, or find peace?
