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Christian constuction

Posted: Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:33 am
by JC333
In the OT, the Israelites and/or their Judges/Kings were punished for (or at least commanded against) assisting in the construction of pagan temples and other worship sites that did not honour Jehovah.
Today, does God condone Christians as tradespeople in the constructing (ie carpenters, electricians, etc) or operation (ie clerical, janitorial) of such places as Hindu temples, Buddhist shrines, New Age shops, etc. or are these actions sinful?

I'm looking for different thoughts and opinions on this issue. Scripture would be great too please.

Re: Christian constuction

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:26 am
by LXX
1Co 8:4 Then concerning the eating of things sacrificed to idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is no other God except one.
1Co 8:5 For even if some are called gods, either in the heavens or on the earth; (even as there are many gods, and many lords);
1Co 8:6 but to us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we for Him, and one Lord Jesus Christ, through whom are all things, and we by Him.
1Co 8:7 But the knowledge is not in all; but some being aware of the idol eat as an idolatrous sacrifice until now; and their conscience being weak is defiled.
1Co 8:8 But food will not commend us to God. For neither if we eat do we excel, nor if we do not eat are we lacking.
1Co 8:9 But be careful lest this authority of yours become a cause of stumbling to the weak ones.
1Co 8:10 For if anyone sees you, the one having knowledge, sitting in an idol-temple, will not the weak one's conscience be lifted up so as to eat things sacrificed to idols?
1Co 8:11 And on your knowledge the weak brother will fall, he for whom Christ died.
1Co 8:12 And sinning in this way against your brothers, and wounding their conscience, being weak, you sin against Christ.
1Co 8:13 On account of this, if food offends my brother, I will not at all eat flesh forever, so that I do not offend my

jc333...from reading this, the false gods of these religions do not exist. If understanding in the persons mind that is doing the job is that it is a sin then it is! But if this job, in this person's mind is at peace with God and see's it as just an income then the judgement is between God and that person. I think these are the best verses to dwell on for your question.

God bless

Re: Christian constuction

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 6:12 pm
by Jac3510

I thought of those verses, but I didn't post them when I thought of the following counter example: should a Christian work in a factory that produces heroin or pornography? Should he drive the truck that delivers them? Should he work as the salesmen for such items?

The verses you posted seem, to me, to be talking about personal liberties in terms of my own relationship with God. Fine enough. But does that mean that I should use my liberties in such a way that will enable/encourage others to fall into sin?

Which is most deadly? Drugs, pornography, or idolatry?

Perhaps I am just a brother of weak conscience, but I don't think I could participate in the construction of a building that was going to be used expressly for purposes that would further separate people from Christ. How would that not constitute my helping push them further away from their Savior?

Re: Christian constuction

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 7:57 pm
by JC333
Jac3510 wrote:Perhaps I am just a brother of weak conscience, but I don't think I could participate in the construction of a building that was going to be used expressly for purposes that would further separate people from Christ. How would that not constitute my helping push them further away from their Savior?
Lxx, I would like to hear your thoughts on that ^

This is a very interesting subject so please continue discussion.

For now, I looked up those verses you posted and I looked at a couple of commentaries for them. ... 8-9-13.htm

Also my MacArthur study bible commentary says for verse 12: "A strong warning that causing a brother or sister in Christ to stumble is more than simply an offense against that person; it is a serious offense against the Lord Himself (Mt. 18:6-14)
Jac3510 wrote:The verses you posted seem, to me, to be talking about personal liberties in terms of my own relationship with God. Fine enough. But does that mean that I should use my liberties in such a way that will enable/encourage others to fall into sin?
Mt. 18:6-14

EDIT: Eeek, I forgot to say thank you for the verses. :beat:

Re: Christian constuction

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2009 4:21 am
by LXX
jac3510 and jc333...first of all I am not supporting the hypathetical senerio that was presented but showing that scripture has an answer to it. (not the others you just added in your second comment)
jac3510 The verses you posted seem, to me, to be talking about personal liberties in terms of my own relationship with God. Fine enough. But does that mean that I should use my liberties in such a way that will enable/encourage others to fall into sin?

1Co 8:9 But be careful lest this authority of yours become a cause of stumbling to the weak ones. This answers your thought here jac3510. This was in the original scriptures that I sent.

As a personal answer to your question I would not participate in any of the mentioned professions.

Now, not going to the extreme examples as previously stated, but what about a company that produces beer or wine and you work for them?
Some Christians have no problem and others do! I have no problem with a brother working at a place like that or building a place like that.

Our liberties are great our responsibility also is great to other believers but our final guide to all of this is our relationship with God and the leadingof the Holy Spirit. Romans chapter 14 also explains this.

God bless

Re: Christian constuction

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 5:20 am
by Alex G
The answer is that the Theocracy of Israel, the time of which you are referring, the the period today which is the church age, do not operate under the same protocol. While some protocols for believers have transcended the varying economies, administrations or dispensations of God for people, most do not. And in this case the commands for the Judges and Kings were a specific protocol for the Theocracy or Nation of Israel during this period.

Today there is no national theocracy with any such restriction. God's people are now resident in a spiritual nation via the church and are not under the same protocol. Now, it is true that the resources of the church, that is that which is given to God via the church are to be used properly for God's work and not for the advancement or benefit of pagan or heretical doctrine or causes.

But the individual believer is free to be employed as he wishes. However, it might be that in your conscience you are offended by participating in any such construction and under that principle which is found in the NT (and already pointed out by others) you are bound by your conscience. But no, you are not bound by the protocol given to the Judges and Kings during the Theocracy of Israel with regard to the topic you mentioned.

I am interested in the specific passage you are citing regarding this restriction on Judges and Kings so if you have a minute do you mind posting the passage?

Re: Christian constuction

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:58 pm
by ageofknowledge
I once was working for a Gateway network solution provider in SoCal back in 2000 and was sent out to upgrade a BDSM private club's systems that ran it's own internet subscription only BDSM porn site. I met with the owners. They were pagans into magic and seriously into BDSM sexual immorality in every way you can think of (and maybe a few you cannot) looking to upgrade their infrastructure so they could grow. I was polite during the initial interview and got the guided tour. It was obvious to me they were seriously deceived and oppressed. I returned to the office and asked to speak with the Vice President of the company. I told him I could not do the job as it conflicted with my Christian values. He tried to make me. I quit. Later I got much a better job as the network admin of a very prestigious medium sized construction company that was over 100 years old and had old fashioned values and that lasted a few good years before leaving to work for a very good real estate law firm. Then I got laid off after which I got sick and am today where I'm at (not all bad though). I guess each person has to figure out what they are and are not willing to do. I often wonder about Christians that work for alcohol companies. I'm not Mr. Perfect and don't judge people for working for tobacco or alcohol companies but I do wonder about it.