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pigs flying/ swine flu....get it?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 6:12 pm
by zoegirl
Well, my poor pun aside...

ANybody experiencing anything in regards to the swine flu... or H1N1 as the pork industry would probably prefer?

Here in MD, they have decided to close two schools. We have 9 probable cases, although I don't think any have been confirmed.

Re: pigs flying/ swine flu....get it?

Posted: Fri May 01, 2009 6:29 pm
by cslewislover
My son is sick now, but I haven't taken him to the doctor. y:-?

Re: pigs flying/ swine flu....get it?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 6:35 am
by rodyshusband
Here in western New York state, one "reported" case in one school has raised debate about closing the school.
By "reported", I mean they reported one case of the flu, unconfirmed as swine flu...then disputed...then reevaluated...then listed as "possible" other words, they don't know but it makes for a good headline.

Re: pigs flying/ swine flu....get it?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 9:00 am
by Gman
I've heard they are trying to find the right oinkment for it... :roll:

Re: pigs flying/ swine flu....get it?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 9:03 am
by cslewislover
Gman wrote:I've heard they are trying to find the right oinkment for it... :roll:

Lol. My son does have a flu or very bad cold, but it didn't seem necessary to take him to the doctor. Now if his ear gets infected, then I'll take him. Even with that, his chances of getting antibiotics are probably 50/50.

Re: pigs flying/ swine flu....get it?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 9:10 am
by Gman
cslewislover wrote:
Gman wrote:I've heard they are trying to find the right oinkment for it... :roll:

Lol. My son does have a flu or very bad cold, but it didn't seem necessary to take him to the doctor. Now if his ear gets infected, then I'll take him. Even with that, his chances of getting antibiotics are probably 50/50.
Hey sorry about that... You might want to consider taking him to the doctor before that just in case. Here are the symptoms...

Re: pigs flying/ swine flu....get it?

Posted: Sat May 02, 2009 8:43 pm
by Byblos
cslewislover wrote:My son does have a flu or very bad cold, but it didn't seem necessary to take him to the doctor. Now if his ear gets infected, then I'll take him. Even with that, his chances of getting antibiotics are probably 50/50.
Antibiotics are useless against the flu, H1N1 or otherwise. You need anti-viral medication like Tameflu and I believe that's a RX medication. The flu will have to run its course regardless. Just keep him hydratyed and monitor any signs of high fever.

Re: pigs flying/ swine flu....get it?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 8:04 am
by jlay
Yep, antibiotics are great for bacteria, but do nothing to the flu virus.

If your child is young and running a high fever, I would at least call you doctor. Anit virals are only effective if given in the first 48 hours of symptoms. Also it is not the flu per se that is killing people. It is contracting pheumonia, which occurs because the body is so weakened by this flu strain.

Re: pigs flying/ swine flu....get it?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 8:09 am
by cslewislover
Yeah, thanks guys. :) Concerning the antibiotics, I did just mean if he got a bacterial ear infection. He's had a lot of congestion and mucus, but he's only had a small amount of fever, actually. This morning, while he was sleeping, I could tell that he was breathing a lot better than the day before. :esmile:

Re: pigs flying/ swine flu....get it?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 8:30 am
by Byblos
cslewislover wrote:Yeah, thanks guys. :) Concerning the antibiotics, I did just mean if he got a bacterial ear infection. He's had a lot of congestion and mucus, but he's only had a small amount of fever, actually. This morning, while he was sleeping, I could tell that he was breathing a lot better than the day before. :esmile:
Glad to hear he's feeling better. y[-o<

Re: pigs flying/ swine flu....get it?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 8:25 pm
by jenna
My husband got sick and immediately thought "swine flu'. Luckily it wasn't, but he does have pneumonia (again) and will be in the hospital for probably a week. :econfused: