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The "United Nations"

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 6:30 pm
by Ngakunui
Before I start, just let me say first that I believe the United Nations is the largest threat to humanity within existence- at least when it comes to non-natural things.

(Also, I would suggest you read the topic in the following link to get an idea of how serious this is: ... 30&t=33309)

Ever since its formation in the ashes of the League of Nations, it has constantly been pushing towards a global, internationalist hybrid of Socialist and Fascist ideals. It has been responsible for sparking wars, rumors of wars "in the name of peace", it has caused anti-individual movements and genocide "in the name of equality", and it has shut the mouths and airing of grievances of the oppressed "in the name of free speech", it has caused the defacto outlaw of various ideals "in the name of freedom" .But not hypocritically for once, believe it or not, it has done all these things in the single, stand-alone idea of "Unity". Regardless of every argument, or statement they make one day about "freedom" or "peace", it is thrown out the window the next and was never even considered in the first place- they excuse this hypocrisy by saying it is "done in the name of change", it should come as no surprise why the Earth is ruled by corrupt bureaucracies, with a single, thin thread in the middle.

If I had to compare the true goal of the United Nations to something in nature, it wouldn't be something that destroys by division; it would be the only natural thing that I know of that causes destruction over and over again without really making anything; a Black Hole: A singularity of sheer darkness and destruction on a system-wide scale. It's only goal is "UNITE UNITE UNITE", and it goes about doing that in such a way that there is no individuality amongst it; just an extremely large mass compressed into a single point. As a result, it is impossible to see it by the light reflecting off of it, because there isn't any: rather, the immense pull it generates and wake of destruction are all that can really be observed by it, because it's impossible to see what really lies within it unless you go inside, and by then, you're as good as dead, because there's no escape.

While there certainly are some, albeit few reasons for "unity", they are not to the absurd, worldwide extremes to which the United Nations stresses them by any means- in fact, in contrast, I think that the ancient, tribal modes of government in which humanity was highly diverse and unregulated are much more capable of keeping human kind at peace and more prosperous.

The lust for power that the "U.N." has is evident in the current, observably regulated progress of human technology. While advancements in surveillance and computer technology have skyrocketed, technology regarding transportation, especially those that may allow future colonization of other planets seem to be discouraged. While this is certainly due to a lack of demand, you must realize who's controlling the majority of political and philosophical movements, and thus the consumers and therefore their demands. A sudden uncontrolled jump towards spacetravel could very quickly "disunify" humanity, as well as make it more culturally and politically diverse- not exactly what you would want if your goal is to essentially conquer mankind.

I probably sound like I've read a great deal of science fiction, but in all honesty, I rarely do. If you do a bit of research about people like... let's say Genghis Khan, you'll find quite a few parallels to his overall philosophy and that of the "U.N.". The same goes for just about any other politician that likes to glorify ancient "conquerors", which is also why I'm not so fond of when people glorify the old pagan "Roman Empire"(I mean seriously, people; I'm talking about the Rome that put us in arenas to be executed, hunted us down like wild game, had complete control of near all the Mediterranean World, had no morals whatsoever, etc.), and in all honesty, it should come as no surprise that the World is becoming more and more like it as the day passes.

I pray the whole thing will resolve in the same way the Tower of Babel did, but it's pretty evident it's unlikely: largely because the U.N. heavily promotes Interlingua(mostly around in Africa) and English as "World Languages"(also discredits "politically incorrect dialects") to "prevent" such a scenario. Personally, I see a few possible outcomes of the "U.N." completing the majority of its goals:

>Some nations come under "new management"(hopefully via election), and succeed from the U.N..
>The whole U.N. thing blows over like the League of Nations did(which could be even worse than the U.N., seeing how many times worse the U.N. is than the League of Nations)
>U.N. succeeds in forming international terror-state, which has other possible outcomes;
>>It's so ungodly that nations succeed as a result, causing another world war- or,
>>A world-government where there is no freedom, individuality, or anything of the sorts.
>Near-extinction of humanity, which sends us to the same kind of government we had in the Stone Age.

And that's the likeliness of each, in order(in my opinion), with the first of which maybe not being so likely.

Please discuss.

Re: The "United Nations"

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 2:51 pm
by Slinking
The biggest threat is not the UN, but the influence of Satan, and our disobedience towards God.

The UN is a world governing body supposedly to benefit mankind, but because it is run and ruled by man, it will fall, for there is none righteous, no, not one (Ps. 3:14).

The Bible says that Satan is the god of this world (Eph 2:2). He controls earthly kingdoms (Luke 4:5-7). He tries to deceive man so they will not know the truth.

Another big threat is our disobedience towards God. The Bible says to choose life, so that we may live (Deut 30:19). But man in general have chosen to reject God, to reject His way of life, to instead, choose for themselves what is good and evil as when Eve ate from the forbidden tree.

Biblical prophecy states that the world will degrade into total evil (Matt 24:37), but before total destruction occurs, Jesus will come back and the government will be “on his shoulders (Isaiah 9:6).”

So let's not worry about how the UN should be changed, or what not. The end will come, because the Bible says so. Instead, let's serve the Lord and continue on the race (Acts 20:24).

Re: The "United Nations"

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:09 pm
by B. W.
Slinking wrote:The biggest threat is not the UN, but the influence of Satan, and our disobedience towards God.

The UN is a world governing body supposedly to benefit mankind, but because it is run and ruled by man, it will fall, for there is none righteous, no, not one (Ps. 3:14).

The Bible says that Satan is the god of this world (Eph 2:2). He controls earthly kingdoms (Luke 4:5-7). He tries to deceive man so they will not know the truth.

Another big threat is our disobedience towards God. The Bible says to choose life, so that we may live (Deut 30:19). But man in general have chosen to reject God, to reject His way of life, to instead, choose for themselves what is good and evil as when Eve ate from the forbidden tree.

Biblical prophecy states that the world will degrade into total evil (Matt 24:37), but before total destruction occurs, Jesus will come back and the government will be “on his shoulders (Isaiah 9:6).”

So let's not worry about how the UN should be changed, or what not. The end will come, because the Bible says so. Instead, let's serve the Lord and continue on the race (Acts 20:24).
I'll add one more point...

There is a definite cry going out in the current political scene summed up as — 'Peace and Safety'

Also, People are becoming more lovers of themselves. What once was deemed evil is now becoming more viewed as good and what was once good is now becoming more viewed as evil. A new intolerant tolerance now sets the stage for a new governing morality. A slow sense of helpless is setting being to set in as a national ambience. All these things are intensifying as well.

So Slinking your post says it very well nothing more I can add here - good post...

Re: The "United Nations"

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 10:11 pm
by ageofknowledge
B. W. wrote:
Slinking wrote:The biggest threat is not the UN, but the influence of Satan, and our disobedience towards God.

The UN is a world governing body supposedly to benefit mankind, but because it is run and ruled by man, it will fall, for there is none righteous, no, not one (Ps. 3:14).

The Bible says that Satan is the god of this world (Eph 2:2). He controls earthly kingdoms (Luke 4:5-7). He tries to deceive man so they will not know the truth.

Another big threat is our disobedience towards God. The Bible says to choose life, so that we may live (Deut 30:19). But man in general have chosen to reject God, to reject His way of life, to instead, choose for themselves what is good and evil as when Eve ate from the forbidden tree.

Biblical prophecy states that the world will degrade into total evil (Matt 24:37), but before total destruction occurs, Jesus will come back and the government will be “on his shoulders (Isaiah 9:6).”

So let's not worry about how the UN should be changed, or what not. The end will come, because the Bible says so. Instead, let's serve the Lord and continue on the race (Acts 20:24).
I'll add one more point...

There is a definite cry going out in the current political scene summed up as — 'Peace and Safety'

Also, People are becoming more lovers of themselves. What once was deemed evil is now becoming more viewed as good and what was once good is now becoming more viewed as evil. A new intolerant tolerance now sets the stage for a new governing morality. A slow sense of helpless is setting being to set in as a national ambience. All these things are intensifying as well.

So Slinking your post says it very well nothing more I can add here - good post...
Both posts cosigned. I like this response from the Christian community for those that have an interest in politics. Get your Bible and start a local group.