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Difficulty with holy lifestyle

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:08 pm
by Miki Suzaki
Hi, I'm new here, but I've been reading GodandScience for a long time, and I really love it. I hope I'm posting in the right forum. I am a Christian, and lately I have been having problems that I can sum up into two.

The first is, sometimes, I feel wonderfully close with God. I'll admit, this didn't start happening until a few weeks ago. I have been a Christian a while, but something just "clicked" and my belief jumped from feeling like a page in a storybook to...well completely real. It was very shocking, but i really enjoyed praying and worshiping. Every time I would finish I felt like the world was just matter, and understood that in the face of heaven and God, it was worthless. Now though, it feels like I have walked off that path. I get distracted really easily, by games, life, etc. After I do those things it feels like I almost can't worship how I did before, and I really want to. Any help with keeping God in focus 24/7 and getting back on the worship track when you've knowingly(and purposely) gotten off of it? I know there are no magic solutions, but anything helpful I would take to heart.

The second problem is, I have no idea what God wants me to do. I know that if God gives you a talent, you should not waste it. He gave something of a talent for art, but also, he gave me a chance...or rather, he forced me, to study the bible. Not formally, mind you, but on websites like GodandScience and StandtoReason, and it feels like I shouldn't waste that either. The problem is, it is obvious to use those gifts to promote His Kingdom, but I just do not know how, or how to get started.Any advice?

Thank you

Re: Difficulty with holy lifestyle

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 7:30 pm
by Gman
Miki Suzaki wrote:Hi, I'm new here, but I've been reading GodandScience for a long time, and I really love it. I hope I'm posting in the right forum. I am a Christian, and lately I have been having problems that I can sum up into two.

The first is, sometimes, I feel wonderfully close with God. I'll admit, this didn't start happening until a few weeks ago. I have been a Christian a while, but something just "clicked" and my belief jumped from feeling like a page in a storybook to...well completely real. It was very shocking, but i really enjoyed praying and worshiping. Every time I would finish I felt like the world was just matter, and understood that in the face of heaven and God, it was worthless. Now though, it feels like I have walked off that path. I get distracted really easily, by games, life, etc. After I do those things it feels like I almost can't worship how I did before, and I really want to. Any help with keeping God in focus 24/7 and getting back on the worship track when you've knowingly(and purposely) gotten off of it? I know there are no magic solutions, but anything helpful I would take to heart.
Hi Miki.. Welcome to the forum. What really helps me is not to make it too complicated. Just realize that God is love.. So if you focus more on love, I believe God will reveal himself to you more.. One way to do this is become thankful for our lives and for others.

1 John 4:8
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
Miki Suzaki wrote:The second problem is, I have no idea what God wants me to do. I know that if God gives you a talent, you should not waste it. He gave something of a talent for art, but also, he gave me a chance...or rather, he forced me, to study the bible. Not formally, mind you, but on websites like GodandScience and StandtoReason, and it feels like I shouldn't waste that either. The problem is, it is obvious to use those gifts to promote His Kingdom, but I just do not know how, or how to get started.Any advice?

Thank you
How do you enjoy giving?

The Bible says there are various ways you can express your gifts. You can serve others in so many ways.. With your time, art, music, giving to others, sharing your knowledge, etc..

1 Peter 4:10

10 Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms.

It can be a bit complicated. I would suggest prayer first, then ask other believers what they might suggest. Ultimately, however, it is between you and God.

Re: Difficulty with holy lifestyle

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:12 am
by jlay
Miki Suzaki wrote:Hi, I'm new here, but I've been reading GodandScience for a long time, and I really love it. I hope I'm posting in the right forum. I am a Christian, and lately I have been having problems that I can sum up into two.

The first is, sometimes, I feel wonderfully close with God. I'll admit, this didn't start happening until a few weeks ago. I have been a Christian a while, but something just "clicked" and my belief jumped from feeling like a page in a storybook to...well completely real. It was very shocking, but i really enjoyed praying and worshiping. Every time I would finish I felt like the world was just matter, and understood that in the face of heaven and God, it was worthless. Now though, it feels like I have walked off that path. I get distracted really easily, by games, life, etc. After I do those things it feels like I almost can't worship how I did before, and I really want to. Any help with keeping God in focus 24/7 and getting back on the worship track when you've knowingly(and purposely) gotten off of it? I know there are no magic solutions, but anything helpful I would take to heart.

The second problem is, I have no idea what God wants me to do. I know that if God gives you a talent, you should not waste it. He gave something of a talent for art, but also, he gave me a chance...or rather, he forced me, to study the bible. Not formally, mind you, but on websites like GodandScience and StandtoReason, and it feels like I shouldn't waste that either. The problem is, it is obvious to use those gifts to promote His Kingdom, but I just do not know how, or how to get started.Any advice?

Thank you
Welcome, and thanks for sharing your concerns here. I hope we can give you some guidance in your faith walk.

2nd problem first.
Saying I have no idea what God wants me to do, is not accurate for a Christian. Yes, we can become confused and distracted, but that is far cry from saying "I have no idea." God has given us His Word, and it in facts does give us instruction on how to live and what to do. What kind of Bible study plan are you currently following? Saturating ourselves in His Word is a good start. When we are IN the Word, the Holy Spirit can speak to us and work through us to know and do His will.
I remember a number of years back, after I had gotten back into regular study of the Word, I prayed for God to show me areas where He was working and wanted me to join in. Let me tell you, it came flooding in with abundance. I have had no lack of areas to serve in, I assure you. And God made it crystal clear. And I can assure you there is no lack for you either.
So, get in the word, get in the word, get in the word. And look to the Word with as much prayerful consideration as you do "worship".
God is the doer. He is the source and the power. He is the one who designed you and when He designed you He created you to fill a part that He specifically designed for you. And He is going to supply and provide everything. It isn't up to you. All you need to do is respond and seek Him. Faith is not a doing thing, it is a being thing. Does a baseball bat have any ability. No, it is the person holding the bat that has the ability. All the bat has to do is be available. Availability, not ability. And who is holding the bat makes all the difference in the world. Stop worrying about producing. Seek the heart of God and He will produce through you.

Regarding the first. I would be very cautious about pursing feelings or a "buzz" when it comes to matters of faith. A lot of "church" today is about worship EXPERIENCE. I love to sing praises. However there is a lot of counterfeit things going on that are about emotionalism and not spiritualism.
There are some days I feel "spiritual" and some where I don't. Daniel continued to pray three times a day even when he knew it put his life on the line. The reason his life was in danger is because of how faithful he was in his prayer life. He did it even when he didn't "feel" like it. I think many Christians struggle with these same things, because we base so much on feelings. And so many churches are about revving us up and not actually the real truth of putting our hand to the plow.