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Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 11:22 pm
by Sharna
This is just a thread for discussing all those fun little questions we all get about God and free will...

To start us off, I read an interesting question today.
Why do we pray if God already knows what is going to happen?

I am sure that we can all help each other here and give some valuable input, because we all face these questions at one point or another, and to tell the truth, it is easy to get stumped! y:-?
God bless

Re: Omnipotence

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:19 am
by roysan78
Why does a child talk to his/her father/mother?

It helps build a relationship. Imagine a child being born, and let alone for 20 years, and then meets his father who is going to die soon. What good would that do? I believe prayer helps build a relationship with God, and helps us get closer to him. I believe by asking God for certain things in prayer, you get an answer, and that helps build your relationship.

I mean, really. If you're 20 years old, and you go to meet your dad for first time, and he's about to die, there is no way you are going to learn anything about him in his final five minutes of life. He can leave you final words, but you'll never know ANYTHING about most of his life. So, if we ignore prayer, and just die - then meet God (if he's real), what good would that do, honestly? We wouldn't know anything about him. We wouldn't know his love, relationship, and feelings about us because we never talked to him. And he wants us to know just that. So, we can die and meet God and know nothing about him, or we can live, know God, feel God, then die peacefully and smile upon him when death knocks and welcome him with open arms.

Jesus prayed, even. He was constantly praying to his father. THAT should tel you something. If the son of God prayed to God, then prayer must have some meaning. Which it does....

We pray because God cares about us. What good would it be to ignore someone who loves you so much? It wouldn't make any sense, at all. Imagine seeing someone who loves you and you just saying "Eh, get lost".

Prayer helps us align with God's will. Prayer helps us with a relationship. We pray because we are given the ability from God to!

So, prayer helps:

Build a relationship with God
Invites God into our lives and actively has him working in ours
It touches the heart of God
And lastly, because God almighty has invited us to do so.

Re: Omnipotence

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 1:11 pm
by Sharna
Great answer! Thank you.