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im scared!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 7:10 pm
by treeschanna510
i dont want the world to end ive always had a dream of being legislator besides something tells me id end up being left behind :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

Re: im scared!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:07 pm
by B. W.
treeschanna510 wrote:i dont want the world to end ive always had a dream of being legislator besides something tells me id end up being left behind :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

You do not have to live in fear...

Re: im scared!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:12 pm
by ageofknowledge
This is silly. Reminds me of a person who once told me they wanted to be buried not cremated after they die so Jesus can find them.


I don't worry about death. I hate suffering. Lol... Death is the easy part. I'm coming Jesus.. just wait up for me. Heal me or take me home quickly.


Re: im scared!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 3:19 pm
by B. W.
treeschanna510 wrote:i dont want the world to end ive always had a dream of being legislator besides something tells me id end up being left behind :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:
2 Timothy 1:7-10, "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 8 Therefore do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner, but share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, 9 who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works but because of his own purpose and grace, which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began,10 and which now has been manifested through the appearing of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel..."

You do not have to fear...

Such power as mentioned above comes through Christ Jesus do you want ot know Christ?

Re: im scared!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:54 pm
by Jac3510

If you are born again, you won't be left behind. If you aren't born again, you have much bigger things to worry about than that, anyway.

As far as not wanting the world to end because you want to be a legislator, work toward that goal with all your might. Have fun with it. If Jesus comes back, though, I promise you that you'll enjoy being with Him much more than having fights about politics. That would be rather like a child getting mad because he wanted to eat the mud pie he was making when Momma calls him inside because she has a double decker chocolate cake waiting inside!

The question is, if Jesus were to come back, are you ready? Do you know that you have everlasting life, that if you had to face Him today, He would invite you into His kingdom forever?

Re: im scared!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Aug 29, 2009 6:54 pm
by Gabrielman
One thing I would not do is to focus on the end. It can distrat you from serving the Lord. Too many times Churchs preach the end is here and there is nothing we can do about it. They also tend to be the ones, (in my experience) that don't really do much other than scare people away from faith. Some one may look at them and say "I don't want to be part of a religon that is full of people who think anything we do is pointless cause we only have a few years left." To put it bluntly no one know when the end is. We have been through so many scares before, and now is no different. God will come back when we least expect it. The Bible says to be ready, it means be spiritualy ready. Get right with God, follow him, love him and your family in Jesus, love those who do not know him, tell them of his love (not of the end) and how it can save them. If God comes back while you do this, you will be in great joy! :ebiggrin: That's because you will be in eternal paradise with him. Think about that, worry not, follow Him, and live for God.
God bless!

Re: im scared!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 7:48 pm
by ageofknowledge
Gabrielman wrote:One thing I would not do is to focus on the end. It can distrat you from serving the Lord. Too many times Churchs preach the end is here and there is nothing we can do about it. They also tend to be the ones, (in my experience) that don't really do much other than scare people away from faith. Some one may look at them and say "I don't want to be part of a religon that is full of people who think anything we do is pointless cause we only have a few years left." To put it bluntly no one know when the end is. We have been through so many scares before, and now is no different. God will come back when we least expect it. The Bible says to be ready, it means be spiritualy ready. Get right with God, follow him, love him and your family in Jesus, love those who do not know him, tell them of his love (not of the end) and how it can save them. If God comes back while you do this, you will be in great joy! :ebiggrin: That's because you will be in eternal paradise with him. Think about that, worry not, follow Him, and live for God.
God bless!
That's good advice!

Re: im scared!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:18 pm
by Gabrielman
Thakns man! Anyway I am trying to get back to God so beign able to help where I can is good for me. Later!

Re: im scared!!!!!!

Posted: Fri May 21, 2010 4:33 am
by Angellicrequiem
There is no need for fear when your faith is complete, nor is there any room for it. I pray the serenity and absolution you need finds you, for it comes from the Lord. There is no doubt in my heart and my mind that this world is crumbling, for the kings of this world are wearing heavy crowns filled with sin and deceit, even those who mean well take up the burden of their histories with their position and attempt to hold authority over the frightened masses.

Moreover, all this hype and paranoia over 2012 is another bid to hold fleeting control over an ever expanding base of knowledge. The state of fear and hysteria over 9/11 alone produced an incredible passing of authority to inept governance (No I'm not going into a debate over 9/11 conspiracy theories, only stating that the situation is most fortunate to the authorities who (ab)used it). If you truly repent, and in your heart believe in the words Christ spoke, then live by them, and you will come to know peace. Let the fear mongers roar into the heavens, for the one who comes will burn them away. The end of an age is upon us, the sheer inevitability of change leaves only a matter of time.

It is prophesied one will come who will calm us with lies, and we will love him for it. This too is an inevitability, because the mass dysfunction of our governance, and the centuries of lies built therein are all becoming exposed, as the sands are shaken free that entombed such hidden things. The world will love the one who lies because his lies will comfort us, and we will give him great authority. That authority too will fail.

We may not know our final hour, but know that there are those who even unto the end will offer their lives and all they are to save you, not for themselves, but because it is right to do so. Know that I say this seeking no rewards in Heaven, for never have I sought to end my own suffering, only that of others.

In the name of the Father, The Lamb, and the Holy Spirit I pray for all of us, may we be strong enough to hold steadfast, and when we are not, may God hold us upright in His will. :amen:

Re: im scared!!!!!!

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 10:05 am
by ChrisB
Angellicrequiem wrote:There is no need for fear when your faith is complete, nor is there any room for it. I pray the serenity and absolution you need finds you, for it comes from the Lord. There is no doubt in my heart and my mind that this world is crumbling, for the kings of this world are wearing heavy crowns filled with sin and deceit, even those who mean well take up the burden of their histories with their position and attempt to hold authority over the frightened masses.

Moreover, all this hype and paranoia over 2012 is another bid to hold fleeting control over an ever expanding base of knowledge. The state of fear and hysteria over 9/11 alone produced an incredible passing of authority to inept governance (No I'm not going into a debate over 9/11 conspiracy theories, only stating that the situation is most fortunate to the authorities who (ab)used it). If you truly repent, and in your heart believe in the words Christ spoke, then live by them, and you will come to know peace. Let the fear mongers roar into the heavens, for the one who comes will burn them away. The end of an age is upon us, the sheer inevitability of change leaves only a matter of time.

It is prophesied one will come who will calm us with lies, and we will love him for it. This too is an inevitability, because the mass dysfunction of our governance, and the centuries of lies built therein are all becoming exposed, as the sands are shaken free that entombed such hidden things. The world will love the one who lies because his lies will comfort us, and we will give him great authority. That authority too will fail.

We may not know our final hour, but know that there are those who even unto the end will offer their lives and all they are to save you, not for themselves, but because it is right to do so. Know that I say this seeking no rewards in Heaven, for never have I sought to end my own suffering, only that of others.

In the name of the Father, The Lamb, and the Holy Spirit I pray for all of us, may we be strong enough to hold steadfast, and when we are not, may God hold us upright in His will. :amen:
:clap: :amen:

Re: im scared!!!!!!

Posted: Sat Jun 12, 2010 11:44 pm
by Dazed and Confused
Jac3510 wrote:If you are born again, you won't be left behind. If you aren't born again, you have much bigger things to worry about than that, anyway.
That's assuming that pre-tribbers (left behinder's) are correct in their theology. has a few web pages that present the pre-wraith viewpoint, which I was pleasantly surprised to come across since I lean in that direction. If the pre-wraith stance is correct, then we will have something to worry about or at least be prepared for.

Re: im scared!!!!!!

Posted: Sun Jun 20, 2010 8:19 am
by Kristoffer
the world probably wont end.(except for in 4.5 billion years time when the sun goes red giant)

Re: im scared!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:37 am
by Columhcille
treeschanna510 wrote:i dont want the world to end ive always had a dream of being legislator besides something tells me id end up being left behind :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

I wouldn't freak out just yet ;) Remember that before the world is destroyed and build anew, the thousand years of Christ's reign on earth must take place. Christ will return before the world and the heavens are destroyed and reborn. The dead will be clothed again in flesh and we will all live together under His rule for the milenia before Judgement Day. That is the Thousand years when Lucifer is bound and will not be able to tempt us. It will be a time of great peace and learning and productivity and worship for all souls.

Re: im scared!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 10:53 am
by jlay
Notice you are new here. Glad to have you, and your input. However, you might want to look at some of the dates of post you are responding to, to see if they are still topical. For example, Tree's original post was from a year ago, and Tree has not posted here since February.

Re: im scared!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 12:09 pm
by cslewislover
jlay wrote:Columhcille,
Notice you are new here. Glad to have you, and your input. However, you might want to look at some of the dates of post you are responding to, to see if they are still topical. For example, Tree's original post was from a year ago, and Tree has not posted here since February.
Jlay, this thread isn't that old, and there have been other newer posts, and, there's no rule against bringing up older threads again. So please don't tell posters they cannot post on whatever open (unlocked) thread that they want.

Lol, welcome to the board, Columhcille!