some doubts...

Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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some doubts...

Post by zirui »

hi people I'm new here:)
I used to be a free thinker and was converted not long ago. However I developed some doubts about Christianity over time...
1, Scientists: Dinosaurs appeared earlier than humans.

2, Why Jesus would tell the person he helped not to tell others about him? Jesus came to earth to become known right?

3, there are mainly three religions in the world and many more, how can you be sure that Christianity is the ultimate truth?

4, Humans have succeeded creating new species through merely several thousand years, say, dogs and new flowers, plants and fruits like bananas, how can you be so sure that species haven't change throughout the time?

5, why there are no implications in the bible that the earth is round or all the other scientific facts that humans found out today?

6, why there is religion in the first place? Can you deny that it is there for psychological comforts?

7, yes, there have been cases that lives were changed after being converted to the Christian faith, but is it the power of the Christ, or it is that they've grown up, or it is that they have found this psychological support?

8, all humans are created by God right? So why he made some of them do not believe in him?

9, if God is all-powerful, why can't he totally destroy Satan?

10, can you be absolutely sure that all the faithful Christians have not suffered a lot in their lives? That all of them have found “peace and joy” in their lives?

11, then all the other humans have no “peace and joy” in lives? Is it not possible to live a happy life without Jesus?

12, if God want all of us to be saved, why can't he just reveal himself to us?

13, according to you, only humans have souls and all those stuff, but there have been cases where animals show the thing that is called “humanity”. Haven't you heard of one of those stories? Say, the monkey show sympathy part? And God say it's okay to kill them and eat them?

14, Christians will follow God? Then what about the Christians in Shakespeare's time? Almost all of them discriminated against Jews. So all of them are fake Christians?

15, how can you say that all the ones who do not believe in Christ are partly driven by the Devil? I feel it is just not a very good thing to say.

16, “All humans are sinful.” Why? Is it Adam and his wife's fault? Every one of us is born innocent, why do we have to be labeled “sinful” because of our ancestors whom we even never got a chance to talk to? So sons are guilty because their fathers are criminals?

17, the first two humans are of the same race. So by right, there should be only one race in the world. If you say the other races were developed over time, then: 1) animals and plants can also change? 2)the human history of civilization should be much longer than the several thousand years that we know of, because it would have took millions of years for humans to divide into three races.

18, I read of something on the internet: the Bible we know today itself has changed a lot compared to one that was dug up several thousand years ago, not the language, but the storyline…

19, I tell you something similar to Jesus' story, you must have heard of it in the Humanities lesson: Hong xiuquan---“God's Chinese son”. He claimed that he is the son of God and he gained the support of millions of people who fought for him for at least 20 or 30 years… How can you be sure that Jesus is not someone like Hong xiuquan?

20, yes, I know there were many miracles being performed by the Christ, but it was really a long time ago. Stories change from generation to generation. Give you an example, the Chinese history says that Liubang, an emperor later than the Christ, was born after when a green dragon went into her mum's belly and whenever he went there was colorful clouds over his head. "Many people saw this too", so this is true also?

21, if God is real and he loves us even if we are not Christians, he wouldn't have make all the earthquakes and storms happen which caused so much pain.

22, if I am God, I love humans, I wouldn't have cared whether they love me or not. I will love them and make them happy and hide myself. I would not have ask them to praise me or worship me…

23, I see tremendous similarities between Christianity and Islam and Buddhism and other religions. The three religions grew by themselves without knowing each other (especially Christianity and Buddhism), but how come they ended up so alike? Is it because of the similarities between human minds?

24, why do we have to say or sing out loud if we love God? Wouldn't he know if we say it in our hearts?

that's all...
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Re: some doubts...

Post by cslewislover »

You were converted not long ago? Hello, by the way. My eyelids are very heavy and I'll be going to bed in a minute. Just to address #4, humans have never made a viable new species. All those things that you mention, all domesticated things, are just variations within a species. I'm pretty positive that is correct, and if I'm not, the mods that know more about that area of science can correct me.

There are answers to your other questions - well, at least the ones I read. But I must go to bed.
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Re: some doubts...

Post by zirui »

Dog is a new species that human created. It can breed~
and if human can change wolves to dogs, why can't nature?
many of these changes can accumulate and maybe result in an entirely new kind of organism?
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Re: some doubts...

Post by jlay »

11, then all the other humans have no “peace and joy” in lives? Is it not possible to live a happy life without Jesus?
Where does the bible promise happiness? The Bible says that sin is pleasurable, but only for a season. I have no doubt there are plenty of "happy" people who don't know God. God didn't send His son so you could be happy, but so you could be righteous.

Matthew 5:10-12
"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven...."

John 15:18-21
“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you... If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you... because they do not know Him who sent Me."

2 Tim. 3:14
"…all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. But you must continue in the things which you have learned ..."
12, if God want all of us to be saved, why can't he just reveal himself to us?
The Bible: The Bible is God's written revelation to humankind. Complied by various men under the guidance of the Holy Spirit (2 Pet. 1:21), the Bible is the very Word of God. Most of what we know about God, including the person and work of Jesus, is found in the Bible. It reveals all the doctrine, rebuke, correction and guidance that is needed for godly living (see 2 Tim. 3:16-17).
Conscience: God has revealed Himself to everyone through an internal sense of right and wrong. Romans 2:14-15 states that every person has the Law of God “written in their hearts.” This internal compass that alerts us to what is right and wrong points to the Ultimate Lawgiver who determines right and wrong.
Nature :God has revealed certain truths about Himself through nature or the created order. Psalm 19:1-6 states, “The heavens are telling of the glory of God; and their expanse is declaring the work of His hands.” Nature tells everyone about God's glory and that everything is made by Him. Romans 1:18-21 declares, “For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.” According to this text, nature reveals that God exists and that He is powerful. This testimony is so powerful that no person can claim that he or she knows nothing about God.
Personal Revelation: Many, many Christians can provide you with personal testimony of how God has made Himself manifest to them.
Christ: Jesus Christ is the ultimate way that God has revealed Himself to mankind, and revealed His desire to reconcile the lost world to Himself.
16, “All humans are sinful.” Why? Is it Adam and his wife's fault? Every one of us is born innocent, why do we have to be labeled “sinful” because of our ancestors whom we even never got a chance to talk to? So sons are guilty because their fathers are criminals?
Everyone will be judged according to their own deeds. "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad." 2 Cor 5:10
Do you have to teach a child to lie? No, they have the capacity to lie. Don't blame your ancestors for your willful disobedience to God.

22, if I am God, I love humans, I wouldn't have cared whether they love me or not. I will love them and make them happy and hide myself. I would not have ask them to praise me or worship me…
Isaiah 55: 8-9
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts.

My friend, you are not God.

5, why there are no implications in the bible that the earth is round or all the other scientific facts that humans found out today?
He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in. Isaiah 40:22
This also says, he stretches out the heavens, which science confirms, that yes, the universe is stretching.
-“The Bible treated allegorically becomes putty in the hands of the exegete.” John Walvoord

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Re: some doubts...

Post by cslewislover »

zirui wrote:Dog is a new species that human created. It can breed~
and if human can change wolves to dogs, why can't nature?
many of these changes can accumulate and maybe result in an entirely new kind of organism?
You are mistaken. Dogs are a subspecies. And why not nature? Most no one here disagrees with that, that microevolution takes place. There is a huge variety of genes and all that available for a species to change. That's why there is so much variety within the human species. There are numerous threads on this issue already about this, and there are articles on the main site. This is one of them:

10, can you be absolutely sure that all the faithful Christians have not suffered a lot in their lives? That all of them have found “peace and joy” in their lives?
You seem like you are an atheist or an agnostic who came here to ask a lot of questions that often get asked. If you aren't really converted, it's OK to say. This is an odd question. A great many Christians have suffered a lot and have been killed for their faith, in the early church and in the present day. The apostles were persecuted and killed (most of them, anyway), yet they did not develop a different understanding of the faith. We have peace and joy with the Father and can have peace and joy about eternity, even if we have troubles with the forces against us here. God wants us to enjoy life too, but as a gift from Him, not as a sought after goal.
12, if God want all of us to be saved, why can't he just reveal himself to us?
He does.
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Re: some doubts...

Post by Gman »

zirui wrote:hi people I'm new here:)
I used to be a free thinker and was converted not long ago. However I developed some doubts about Christianity over time...
1, Scientists: Dinosaurs appeared earlier than humans.
Doesn't conflict with the Bible. Bible doesn't really say except that animals where created before man..
zirui wrote:2, Why Jesus would tell the person he helped not to tell others about him? Jesus came to earth to become known right?
Doesn't this contradict your question 22?
zirui wrote:3, there are mainly three religions in the world and many more, how can you be sure that Christianity is the ultimate truth?
Addressed here.. ... gions.html
zirui wrote:4, Humans have succeeded creating new species through merely several thousand years, say, dogs and new flowers, plants and fruits like bananas, how can you be so sure that species haven't change throughout the time?
Unfortunately there is no proof that new species have been created recently.
zirui wrote:5, why there are no implications in the bible that the earth is round or all the other scientific facts that humans found out today?
The Bible teaches that the earth was a sphere.. ... bible.html
zirui wrote:6, why there is religion in the first place? Can you deny that it is there for psychological comforts?
Contradicts John 16:33. Psychological comforts? We are told to sacrifice our lives to God and others.. Give up worldly pleasures for heavenly ones. How is this comforting? Why can't I go drink, get drunk, and party with my friends? I would say however that we have hope..
zirui wrote:7, yes, there have been cases that lives were changed after being converted to the Christian faith, but is it the power of the Christ, or it is that they've grown up, or it is that they have found this psychological support?
Or maybe they found something greater than themselves?
zirui wrote:8, all humans are created by God right? So why he made some of them do not believe in him?
Never stated in the Bible..
zirui wrote:9, if God is all-powerful, why can't he totally destroy Satan?
Addressed here... ... icity.html
zirui wrote:10, can you be absolutely sure that all the faithful Christians have not suffered a lot in their lives? That all of them have found “peace and joy” in their lives?
We are told that in this life we will face trouble. John 16:33 Peace comes from knowing God.
zirui wrote:11, then all the other humans have no “peace and joy” in lives? Is it not possible to live a happy life without Jesus?
Temporary joy.. not long lasting.. 2 Corinthians 4:18
zirui wrote:12, if God want all of us to be saved, why can't he just reveal himself to us?
He already did... Through Christ.
zirui wrote:13, according to you, only humans have souls and all those stuff, but there have been cases where animals show the thing that is called “humanity”. Haven't you heard of one of those stories? Say, the monkey show sympathy part? And God say it's okay to kill them and eat them?
Maybe souls but not spiritual lives..
zirui wrote:14, Christians will follow God? Then what about the Christians in Shakespeare's time? Almost all of them discriminated against Jews. So all of them are fake Christians?
Some Christians are fake, others not.. Nothing surprising here... Even today.
zirui wrote:15, how can you say that all the ones who do not believe in Christ are partly driven by the Devil? I feel it is just not a very good thing to say.
It depends, what verse are you referring too?
zirui wrote:16, “All humans are sinful.” Why? Is it Adam and his wife's fault? Every one of us is born innocent, why do we have to be labeled “sinful” because of our ancestors whom we even never got a chance to talk to? So sons are guilty because their fathers are criminals?
Addressed here.. ... l-sin.html or here.. ... egood.html
zirui wrote:17, the first two humans are of the same race. So by right, there should be only one race in the world. If you say the other races were developed over time, then: 1) animals and plants can also change? 2)the human history of civilization should be much longer than the several thousand years that we know of, because it would have took millions of years for humans to divide into three races.
The Bible doesn't say... It is possible that other races were created along with Adam. Genesis 1:27.
zirui wrote:18, I read of something on the internet: the Bible we know today itself has changed a lot compared to one that was dug up several thousand years ago, not the language, but the storyline…
Addressed here..
zirui wrote:19, I tell you something similar to Jesus' story, you must have heard of it in the Humanities lesson: Hong xiuquan---“God's Chinese son”. He claimed that he is the son of God and he gained the support of millions of people who fought for him for at least 20 or 30 years… How can you be sure that Jesus is not someone like Hong xiuquan?
Did Hong xiuquan die for his followers?
zirui wrote:20, yes, I know there were many miracles being performed by the Christ, but it was really a long time ago. Stories change from generation to generation. Give you an example, the Chinese history says that Liubang, an emperor later than the Christ, was born after when a green dragon went into her mum's belly and whenever he went there was colorful clouds over his head. "Many people saw this too", so this is true also?
Addressed here.. ... false.html
zirui wrote:21, if God is real and he loves us even if we are not Christians, he wouldn't have make all the earthquakes and storms happen which caused so much pain.
Addressed here.. ... ering.html
zirui wrote:22, if I am God, I love humans, I wouldn't have cared whether they love me or not. I will love them and make them happy and hide myself.
Hide myself? Is that why atheists are saying that there is no God? If God revealed himself today (physically) then we wouldn't have any atheists today. Correct?
zirui wrote:I would not have ask them to praise me or worship me…
Are we talking about a relationship here or being married to a tree stump?
zirui wrote:23, I see tremendous similarities between Christianity and Islam and Buddhism and other religions. The three religions grew by themselves without knowing each other (especially Christianity and Buddhism), but how come they ended up so alike? Is it because of the similarities between human minds?
Addressed here..

Some similarities since we are created in the image of God and know of Him (to a degree), but vastly different. Budda, Allah, Brahmam and the likes never died for mankind. Christ did.. Christ faced his accusers and died for all mankind. Not run away..
zirui wrote:24, why do we have to say or sing out loud if we love God? Wouldn't he know if we say it in our hearts?

that's all...
Either way.. Makes no difference. If you are in love you would probably sing however..
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Re: some doubts...

Post by cslewislover »

Ha ha. I guess you never get tired of using the quote codes, Gman. :)
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Re: some doubts...

Post by Gman »

cslewislover wrote:Ha ha. I guess you never get tired of using the quote codes, Gman. :)
I like it clean.... :esurprised:
The heart cannot rejoice in what the mind rejects as false - Galileo

We learn from history that we do not learn from history - Georg Friedrich Wilhelm Hegel

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Re: some doubts...

Post by jerry »

zirui wrote:
Dog is a new species that human created. It can breed~
and if human can change wolves to dogs, why can't nature?
many of these changes can accumulate and maybe result in an entirely new kind of organism?
Dogs and wolves belong to the same kind or the same population. Realizing that they are different sub species, that does not mean that they are not compatible. I once had a collie that was half coyote, but they were still of the same kind or population. There is no way to do that with a dog and a cat because the two are of two different kinds. You can take a lion and a tiger and come up with a "liger," but that is because they are part of the same kind, but you can't take a lion and a wolf and come up with anything viable. It just won't work. You can take a human from one part of the world and mate that human with a human from another part of the world and get something inbetween, but you can't take a human and mate him/her with a chimpanzee and get something viable. Every time that test has ever been tried the test has failed and in many cases the female has died.

Edit: It never ceases to amaze me how excited the evolutionary scientists can get when they accomplish something with "microevolution," something everyone knows works, but you never hear anything about their lab results about "macroevolution" experiments. I wonder why? :pound:
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Re: some doubts...

Post by zoegirl »

zirui wrote:hi people I'm new here:)
I used to be a free thinker and was converted not long ago. However I developed some doubts about Christianity over time...
1, Scientists: Dinosaurs appeared earlier than humans.
THis website is a good example of CHristians who are old earth/day age creationists.
4, Humans have succeeded creating new species through merely several thousand years, say, dogs and new flowers, plants and fruits like bananas, how can you be so sure that species haven't change throughout the time?
Many of the specializde varieties of food that you mention are jsut that, new varieties, not new speicies. Even broccli, caulifower, and cabbages are still the same species. There is intriguing evidence for minor speciation events, but not as many for extensive. That require studying past events and those require extrapolation of the idea of speciation.
5, why there are no implications in the bible that the earth is round or all the other scientific facts that humans found out today?
The Bible was never meant ot be a science textbook. WE were told in the garden to maintain the garden (earth) and we have the stewarship mandate presented in Genesis. We are to investigate to develop that understanding of the earth in order to be those good stewards.
6, why there is religion in the first place? Can you deny that it is there for psychological comforts?
Can you deny the idea that GOd would have created us with that desire for HIm?!? Why is it so crazy to realize that we are built to known HIm...
7, yes, there have been cases that lives were changed after being converted to the Christian faith, but is it the power of the Christ, or it is that they've grown up, or it is that they have found this psychological support?
Ifthey tell you it is the power of CHrist and that they know Him, why do you assume that all are liars?
8, all humans are created by God right? So why he made some of them do not believe in him?
So don't want to believe HIm. He doesn't want robots, He wants us to freely love HIm.

9, if God is all-powerful, why can't he totally destroy Satan?[/quote]

He has already conquered death...He will conquer Satan in the end. For those in Christ, we are saved from Satan.
wrote: 10, can you be absolutely sure that all the faithful Christians have not suffered a lot in their lives? That all of them have found “peace and joy” in their lives?
um...we are not guaranteed a suffering free fact, quite the opposite. We are told that we will suffer like CHrist. But we have that peace that transcends all understanding and joy in Him.
11, then all the other humans have no “peace and joy” in lives? Is it not possible to live a happy life without Jesus?
ow do you define peace and joy? And for those who haven't found Him, it's hard to understand how much more joy and peace can be experienced.
12, if God want all of us to be saved, why can't he just reveal himself to us?
He does and He has.
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Re: some doubts...

Post by ageofknowledge »

1, Scientists: Dinosaurs appeared earlier than humans.
Yes they did. Read: More Than a Theory: Revealing a Testable Model for Creation by Hugh Ross

2, Why Jesus would tell the person he helped not to tell others about him? Jesus came to earth to become known right?
There are numerous reasons why he would tell them this. One reason would be to minimize the risk of the religious leaders attempting to capture and crucify him before his time of ministry was completed. Jesus is very well known all over the earth even more than 2,000 years later.

3, there are mainly three religions in the world and many more, how can you be sure that Christianity is the ultimate truth?
Of all the religious leaders in the world, Jesus alone claimed that he was God himself backed up with miracles that included rising from the dead. If those things happened, then our quest for God stops with him. The evidence weighs on the side that they did.

4, Humans have succeeded creating new species through merely several thousand years, say, dogs and new flowers, plants and fruits like bananas, how can you be so sure that species haven't change throughout the time?
It wouldn't negate Christianity.

5, why there are no implications in the bible that the earth is round or all the other scientific facts that humans found out today?
Ask Reasons To Believe this question on their apologetics hotline. They did a good article on it.

6, why there is religion in the first place? Can you deny that it is there for psychological comforts?
Humans are born with a sense of the spiritual. It is part of our nature. It can be comforting to know that you are loved by God and have a future with Him. But it can be very uncomforting if you become possessed by a demon as an unsaved person into the occult. Not all religions result in psychological comfort.

7, yes, there have been cases that lives were changed after being converted to the Christian faith, but is it the power of the Christ, or it is that they've grown up, or it is that they have found this psychological support?
I spent four years at Victory Outreach and can cite numerous examples of radical conversions to the Christian faith complete with miracles. That is the power of Christ at work shining brightest in the darkest places.

8, all humans are created by God right? So why he made some of them do not believe in him?
Actually most don't. Christianity accounts for about 1/3 of the world's population. Study freewill.

9, if God is all-powerful, why can't he totally destroy Satan?
Read B.W.'s book. Once God gives life, He doesn't take it back.

10, can you be absolutely sure that all the faithful Christians have not suffered a lot in their lives? That all of them have found “peace and joy” in their lives?
I'm suffering like crazy and I'm a faithful Christian my spirit filled pastor called "a rock". It sucks. I live in pain 24/7 with a deformed hand and the other one's going as we speak. I can't work full time and have lost so much. Almost everything. But with Christ I still find peace and joy. Without him.. if there were no God.. I would not stick around to continue living my life with a purpose. (don't forget purpose in addition to peace, joy, love, hope, and faith).

11, then all the other humans have no “peace and joy” in lives? Is it not possible to live a happy life without Jesus?
In the short and medium run yes but not for the long haul.

12, if God want all of us to be saved, why can't he just reveal himself to us?
He did.

13, according to you, only humans have souls and all those stuff, but there have been cases where animals show the thing that is called “humanity”. Haven't you heard of one of those stories? Say, the monkey show sympathy part? And God say it's okay to kill them and eat them?
Imago Dei my friend. Animals are not made in the image of God.

14, Christians will follow God? Then what about the Christians in Shakespeare's time? Almost all of them discriminated against Jews. So all of them are fake Christians?
Often yes. What about them. No.

15, how can you say that all the ones who do not believe in Christ are partly driven by the Devil? I feel it is just not a very good thing to say.
Unregenerate state. The truth can be discomforting sometimes.

16, “All humans are sinful.” Why? Is it Adam and his wife's fault? Every one of us is born innocent, why do we have to be labeled “sinful” because of our ancestors whom we even never got a chance to talk to? So sons are guilty because their fathers are criminals?
Because all have sinned. It's each person's fault. We are born into sin. Islam teaches we are born pure and then corrupted by the world. Christianity teaches we are born with a sin nature that is going to reveal itself at some point. The Christian worldview is correct on this point. Name me a perfect person that you know who has never done any wrong whatsoever (including crying for no reason).

17, the first two humans are of the same race. So by right, there should be only one race in the world. If you say the other races were developed over time, then: 1) animals and plants can also change? 2)the human history of civilization should be much longer than the several thousand years that we know of, because it would have took millions of years for humans to divide into three races.
You have a lot of learning to do on this subject. Read the book I recommended.

18, I read of something on the internet: the Bible we know today itself has changed a lot compared to one that was dug up several thousand years ago, not the language, but the storyline…

19, I tell you something similar to Jesus' story, you must have heard of it in the Humanities lesson: Hong xiuquan---“God's Chinese son”. He claimed that he is the son of God and he gained the support of millions of people who fought for him for at least 20 or 30 years… How can you be sure that Jesus is not someone like Hong xiuquan?
Because Jesus rose from the dead, ascended to heaven, and sent the Holy Spirit which us Christians recognize working inside us something before Christ we didn't possess. Hong's died. EOM.

20, yes, I know there were many miracles being performed by the Christ, but it was really a long time ago. Stories change from generation to generation. Give you an example, the Chinese history says that Liubang, an emperor later than the Christ, was born after when a green dragon went into her mum's belly and whenever he went there was colorful clouds over his head. "Many people saw this too", so this is true also?
Nope. You need to learn how to qualify evidence. J. P. Morland, Norm Geisler, Ankenburg, Craig, etc... there are a host of PhD scholars that can help you with this. Familiarize yourself with their work.

21, if God is real and he loves us even if we are not Christians, he wouldn't have make all the earthquakes and storms happen which caused so much pain.
Those aren't all bad actually. Search for reasons why they are necessary for a healthy world. Us humans need to be a little more careful where we decide to build. Next to volcanos, in the path of hurricanes, and on earthquake faults are not smart places.

22, if I am God, I love humans, I wouldn't have cared whether they love me or not. I will love them and make them happy and hide myself. I would not have ask them to praise me or worship me…
Infantile logic. You obviously are not God.

23, I see tremendous similarities between Christianity and Islam and Buddhism and other religions. The three religions grew by themselves without knowing each other (especially Christianity and Buddhism), but how come they ended up so alike? Is it because of the similarities between human minds?
I don't think they are as alike as you say they are. I see miles of difference between them and including absolutely critical assertions of fact and truth that diametrically oppose each other.

24, why do we have to say or sing out loud if we love God? Wouldn't he know if we say it in our hearts?
Sure. Some people like to say or sing it. So what's it to you?
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Re: some doubts...

Post by megacab64 »

zirui wrote:hi people I'm new here:)
I used to be a free thinker and was converted not long ago. However I developed some doubts about Christianity over time...
1, Scientists: Dinosaurs appeared earlier than humans.

2, Why Jesus would tell the person he helped not to tell others about him? Jesus came to earth to become known right?

3, there are mainly three religions in the world and many more, how can you be sure that Christianity is the ultimate truth?

ALL religions are merely paths to the same truth

4, Humans have succeeded creating new species through merely several thousand years, say, dogs and new flowers, plants and fruits like bananas, how can you be so sure that species haven't change throughout the time?

NO we haven't created new species we have changed what was given to us to suit our needs

5, why there are no implications in the bible that the earth is round or all the other scientific facts that humans found out today?

6, why there is religion in the first place? Can you deny that it is there for psychological comforts?

7, yes, there have been cases that lives were changed after being converted to the Christian faith, but is it the power of the Christ, or it is that they've grown up, or it is that they have found this psychological support?

8, all humans are created by God right? So why he made some of them do not believe in him?


9, if God is all-powerful, why can't he totally destroy Satan?

10, can you be absolutely sure that all the faithful Christians have not suffered a lot in their lives? That all of them have found “peace and joy” in their lives?

11, then all the other humans have no “peace and joy” in lives? Is it not possible to live a happy life without Jesus?

12, if God want all of us to be saved, why can't he just reveal himself to us?

WE pushed God out of our lives. If we want him back....all we have to do is ask.

13, according to you, only humans have souls and all those stuff, but there have been cases where animals show the thing that is called “humanity”. Haven't you heard of one of those stories? Say, the monkey show sympathy part? And God say it's okay to kill them and eat them?

Animals can show compasion. We eat for necessity. We CAN survive solely on plants.

14, Christians will follow God? Then what about the Christians in Shakespeare's time? Almost all of them discriminated against Jews. So all of them are fake Christians?

HUMANS are flawed

15, how can you say that all the ones who do not believe in Christ are partly driven by the Devil? I feel it is just not a very good thing to say.

I don't believe they are

16, “All humans are sinful.” Why? Is it Adam and his wife's fault? Every one of us is born innocent, why do we have to be labeled “sinful” because of our ancestors whom we even never got a chance to talk to? So sons are guilty because their fathers are criminals?

that's a broad staement. We all come from the original sin. WE have to seek out the truth and God.

17, the first two humans are of the same race. So by right, there should be only one race in the world. If you say the other races were developed over time, then: 1) animals and plants can also change? 2)the human history of civilization should be much longer than the several thousand years that we know of, because it would have took millions of years for humans to divide into three races.

Modern humans go back about 7000 years. https://genographic.nationalgeographic. ... index.html

18, I read of something on the internet: the Bible we know today itself has changed a lot compared to one that was dug up several thousand years ago, not the language, but the storyline…


19, I tell you something similar to Jesus' story, you must have heard of it in the Humanities lesson: Hong xiuquan---“God's Chinese son”. He claimed that he is the son of God and he gained the support of millions of people who fought for him for at least 20 or 30 years… How can you be sure that Jesus is not someone like Hong xiuquan?

perhaps they were both prophets

20, yes, I know there were many miracles being performed by the Christ, but it was really a long time ago. Stories change from generation to generation. Give you an example, the Chinese history says that Liubang, an emperor later than the Christ, was born after when a green dragon went into her mum's belly and whenever he went there was colorful clouds over his head. "Many people saw this too", so this is true also?

It can be

21, if God is real and he loves us even if we are not Christians, he wouldn't have make all the earthquakes and storms happen which caused so much pain.

adversity builds character. It makes us strive to become better and to help on another.

22, if I am God, I love humans, I wouldn't have cared whether they love me or not. I will love them and make them happy and hide myself. I would not have ask them to praise me or worship me…

Do you have children...???

23, I see tremendous similarities between Christianity and Islam and Buddhism and other religions. The three religions grew by themselves without knowing each other (especially Christianity and Buddhism), but how come they ended up so alike? Is it because of the similarities between human minds?

Religion has to represent the people reading it....and mean something to them. The similarities point to devine causes

24, why do we have to say or sing out loud if we love God? Wouldn't he know if we say it in our hearts?

Yes HE does. Believe me, I know

that's all...
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Re: some doubts...

Post by jlay »

ALL religions are merely paths to the same truth
Really. Wicca? Hinduism and Islam lead the same place as Christianity?

Do tell?
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Re: some doubts...

Post by ageofknowledge »

jlay wrote:
ALL religions are merely paths to the same truth
Really. Wicca? Hinduism and Islam lead the same place as Christianity?

Do tell?
Now don't be so hard here jlay. If you are lost and going to hell then you will be there with the witches and muslims so in that sense all roads, except authentic Christianity, really DO lead to the same place.

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Re: some doubts...

Post by godslanguage »

For the species creation part, Darwinian Evolutionists will tell you a "new" species have been created. They will point to evidence such as experiments with fruit-flies (one of the major ones), the so-called "evolved" fruit-fly population y could not interbreed with pre-existing fruit-fly population x, thereby the fruit-fly population y are rendered a "new" species. The experiments reveal however, that they did not want(a decision) to interbreed, not that they could not, thats a huge difference. Another point to consider is that anything that is freely reversible is not evolution, if its irreversible then its evolution, however none of these types of experiments have shown irreversibility.
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