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Needing help from fellow OECs and ID followers...

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 6:01 pm
by derrick09

I'm needing some help with some technical issues regarding the creation/evolution debate. I recently was reading some pro evolution material on various websites and I'm concerned about the implications of some of these things. I'm starting to have doubts about my faith and I need to talk with a fellow Christian who has pretty good knowledge on the issues of creation and evolution. I'm also worried about a recent trend I'm seeing on some of the Christian apologetics websties that I frequent, and that is rise in the number of people accepting "theistic evolution". Currently I have quite a bit of trouble accepting theistic evolution, but I hope it isn't a view that I'll have to take in order to keep my faith and be reasonable thinker at the same time. If any of you want to help me in this matter, just let me know how you want to discuss things whether it be on the message board, or via e-mail or instant messaging. I thank you all for your time and God bless. :)

Re: Needing help from fellow OECs and ID followers...

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 6:30 am
by erawdrah
I'm not OEC, and I believe the Bible teaches YEC. But I'm posting to give you encouragement. No matter if the earth is billions of years or thousands of years, the randomness of evolution is an impossibility. If you look at this chart, you will see how everything science teaches is built on assumption. This chart is read from the bottom to the top. The very first junction on the evolutionary family tree is a hypothetical common ancestor. Here's a great video that will put a smile on your face and show you the fallacy of evolution. Have a great day and keep the faith! Evolutionists Vs. Evolution

Re: Needing help from fellow OECs and ID followers...

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:11 pm
by Gman
erawdrah wrote:I'm not OEC, and I believe the Bible teaches YEC.

You wish... :lol:

Re: Needing help from fellow OECs and ID followers...

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:15 pm
by Gman
derrick09 wrote:Hello,

I'm needing some help with some technical issues regarding the creation/evolution debate. I recently was reading some pro evolution material on various websites and I'm concerned about the implications of some of these things. I'm starting to have doubts about my faith and I need to talk with a fellow Christian who has pretty good knowledge on the issues of creation and evolution. I'm also worried about a recent trend I'm seeing on some of the Christian apologetics websties that I frequent, and that is rise in the number of people accepting "theistic evolution". Currently I have quite a bit of trouble accepting theistic evolution, but I hope it isn't a view that I'll have to take in order to keep my faith and be reasonable thinker at the same time. If any of you want to help me in this matter, just let me know how you want to discuss things whether it be on the message board, or via e-mail or instant messaging. I thank you all for your time and God bless. :)
Hi Derrick, this is an OEC forum so we should be able to help.. I too reject theistic evolution since I believe it explains too much without God. Plus, I don't think there is enough evidence for it. Do you have some questions for us? You can post them here...


Re: Needing help from fellow OECs and ID followers...

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:28 pm
by Gabrielman
Hey another OEC here. I don't believe in thestic evolution either and I will try to help the best I can. I have been out of apologetics for a while now so I need some time to refresh my memory. Have you tried the books "Darwins Black Box", "The Case For A Creator", or "Darwin On Trial". Also this entire site is dedicated to giving useful info about science and addressing the problems with evolution. Wish you well! :ebiggrin:

Re: Needing help from fellow OECs and ID followers...

Posted: Tue Sep 01, 2009 12:52 pm
by Jac3510
I don't take a position on the OEC/YEC debate (although I hold to more of theological positions that YECs do regarding death and the Fall), but I would HIGHLY recommend Fuz Rana's The Cell's Design. I will forewarn you that it is heavy reading, but it's really top notch work.

Re: Needing help from fellow OECs and ID followers...

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:28 am
by ageofknowledge
derrick09 wrote:Hello,

I'm needing some help with some technical issues regarding the creation/evolution debate. I recently was reading some pro evolution material on various websites and I'm concerned about the implications of some of these things. I'm starting to have doubts about my faith and I need to talk with a fellow Christian who has pretty good knowledge on the issues of creation and evolution. I'm also worried about a recent trend I'm seeing on some of the Christian apologetics websties that I frequent, and that is rise in the number of people accepting "theistic evolution". Currently I have quite a bit of trouble accepting theistic evolution, but I hope it isn't a view that I'll have to take in order to keep my faith and be reasonable thinker at the same time. If any of you want to help me in this matter, just let me know how you want to discuss things whether it be on the message board, or via e-mail or instant messaging. I thank you all for your time and God bless. :)
I hear you. I don't believe in theistic evolution either. Too many problems. I'm not sure what you're creation position is because you don't state it.

I can tell you that I once came to the place you are at and Reasons To Believe helped me through it. I recommend you read some of their literature, check out their site and get on the phone and call them. Talk to them. It's nice to be able to get some answers for a change. They have local groups too which if you're near one you can attend. I've visited the one in Pasadena on several occassions and really enjoyed talking with Dr. Ross and Dr. Rana. They were always polite and helpful. They would spend time, at length, answering my questions. And the volunteer apologists are good as well.

If you're adament about a young earth creation position, then you'll have to go to Answers In Genesis and quiz them.

I found Reasons To Believe answered my questions to my satisfaction. Check them out and let us know how it went. Ok?

Re: Needing help from fellow OECs and ID followers...

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:20 am
by derrick09
Thank you all for your responses. :D

Re: Needing help from fellow OECs and ID followers...

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 3:27 am
by derrick09
ageofknowledge wrote:
derrick09 wrote:Hello,

I'm needing some help with some technical issues regarding the creation/evolution debate. I recently was reading some pro evolution material on various websites and I'm concerned about the implications of some of these things. I'm starting to have doubts about my faith and I need to talk with a fellow Christian who has pretty good knowledge on the issues of creation and evolution. I'm also worried about a recent trend I'm seeing on some of the Christian apologetics websties that I frequent, and that is rise in the number of people accepting "theistic evolution". Currently I have quite a bit of trouble accepting theistic evolution, but I hope it isn't a view that I'll have to take in order to keep my faith and be reasonable thinker at the same time. If any of you want to help me in this matter, just let me know how you want to discuss things whether it be on the message board, or via e-mail or instant messaging. I thank you all for your time and God bless. :)
I hear you. I don't believe in theistic evolution either. Too many problems. I'm not sure what you're creation position is because you don't state it.

I can tell you that I once came to the place you are at and Reasons To Believe helped me through it. I recommend you read some of their literature, check out their site and get on the phone and call them. Talk to them. It's nice to be able to get some answers for a change. They have local groups too which if you're near one you can attend. I've visited the one in Pasadena on several occassions and really enjoyed talking with Dr. Ross and Dr. Rana. They were always polite and helpful. They would spend time, at length, answering my questions. And the volunteer apologists are good as well.

If you're adament about a young earth creation position, then you'll have to go to Answers In Genesis and quiz them.

I found Reasons To Believe answered my questions to my satisfaction. Check them out and let us know how it went. Ok?

Hello Ageofreason, I'm like you as far as my positon in creation goes. I'm a old earth creationist or OEC, I follow Hugh Ross's material quite regularly especially his podcasts. I'm also real interested in intelligent design, and I assume most OECs are. I used to be a YEC before I found out about RTB and how much better thier ideas stand up to scientific scrutiny. So that's where I currently stand. Thank you for your time. :)

Re: Needing help from fellow OECs and ID followers...

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:27 am
by erawdrah
Gman wrote:
erawdrah wrote:I'm not OEC, and I believe the Bible teaches YEC.

You wish... :lol:
What?!? Let's say I accept that "yom" equals a period of time, then prove to me OEC via the scriptures. Not science but by the Word of God. Lead me to OEC via the Bible.

Re: Needing help from fellow OECs and ID followers...

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 8:51 am
by Gman
erawdrah wrote:
Gman wrote:
erawdrah wrote:I'm not OEC, and I believe the Bible teaches YEC.

You wish... :lol:
What?!? Let's say I accept that "yom" equals a period of time, then prove to me OEC via the scriptures. Not science but by the Word of God. Lead me to OEC via the Bible.
Many places... ... fense.html ... ation.html

So prove to me YEC via the scriptures... You can't.

Re: Needing help from fellow OECs and ID followers...

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:12 am
by Jac3510
You people are too contentious on this issue. The way OECs an YECs treat each other is awful. I, for one, can recognize that there are Scriptural bases for both positions. I cannot believe that with the broad agreement we have against Darwinian evolution, that OECs and YECs can't be civil toward one another. There is a common enemy, and it needs to be faced together.

So much for Jesus' prayer that we all be one.

Re: Needing help from fellow OECs and ID followers...

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:25 am
by Gman
Jac3510 wrote:You people are too contentious on this issue. The way OECs an YECs treat each other is awful. I, for one, can recognize that there are Scriptural bases for both positions. I cannot believe that with the broad agreement we have against Darwinian evolution, that OECs and YECs can't be civil toward one another. There is a common enemy, and it needs to be faced together.

So much for Jesus' prayer that we all be one.
And the way YECs treat OECs is awful too. Especially when they call OEC beliefs satanic... Something I have never seen an OECer do. A low blow in my opinion. We do have a common enemy. Now you know I'm no friend of Darwinian evolution. Darwinian evolution, needs to be eradicated, but then we fight against one another and make each other look like fools (especially to the outside world). I would be happy to let my guard down if the other group would do so as well but I'm not sure if that is possible.

The claim is OEC is unscriptural, I'm merely saying that it does have some scriptural merit. Now if someone says that is treating the other awful by saying this then how should we sugar coat this?

Re: Needing help from fellow OECs and ID followers...

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 11:19 am
by Jac3510
And the way YECs treat OECs is awful too.
Of course the way YECs treat OECs is awful. I already said that. Let me quote myself again:
I wrote:The way OECs an YECs treat each other is awful. I, for one, can recognize that there are Scriptural bases for both positions. I cannot believe that with the broad agreement we have against Darwinian evolution, that OECs and YECs can't be civil toward one another.
Do you think that YEC extremism justifies OECs mistreatment of YECs?

Obviously not. There is a complete lack of respect between the two camps. I think it is disgusting. The fact is, whether either side refuses to see it or not, there is a scriptural basis for BOTH positions. Obviously, both can't be right, but neither can say the other is being unbiblical. Now, you know that I lean YEC. You know that I also used to lean towards and defend OEC. My point is that everybody needs to get over themselves on this. I don't care if you are OEC or YEC. It doesn't matter a hill of beans. Both YECs and OECs reject Darwinian evolution. Both YECs and OECs believe that salvation is by faith in Christ. That's what matters.

If we want to have a deeper discussion on hermeneutics, then fine. Have one. But this garbage treatment of one another has got to stop. I would EXPECT those of us on THIS board should be exemplars of that. I would EXPECT moderators to enforce it.

Like I said, Jesus prayed for us to be one, not attack each other and say "But HE started it!" Get over it. Let's agree to disagree on some issues and face our common enemy. And when we want to have an inter-family discussion about those issues that we disagree on (i.e., death before the Fall, the nature of the Fall, the age of the earth, etc.), let's keep it civil, about the Bible, and not about one another's faith, Christianity, motives, or intelligence.
Especially when they call OEC beliefs satanic... Something I have never seen an OECer do.
I have. On these boards. Your typical response to the "age of appearance" argument are a perfect example. Let me quote Rich:
  • Ultimately, the claim that the God of creation would lie to us with a false history of the universe, is a direct attack on the righteous character of God and cannot be tolerated within the Church! The God who would deceive His creatures with lies is not the God of the Bible.
I've seen people here defend this absurdity. This is the type of thing that should not be said in our discussions. No one is better than anyone else here. This is such a STUPID issue to get so bent out of shape over.
A low blow in my opinion. We do have a common enemy. Now you know I'm no friend of Darwinian evolution. Darwinian evolution, needs to be eradicated, but then we fight against one another and make each other look like fools (especially to the outside world). I would be happy to let my guard down if the other group would do so as well but I'm not sure if that is possible.
An argument requires two people. If extremist YECs are busy calling you heretical you can do exactly the same thing you do to extremist "God-hates-[homosexuals]" type: ignore them. And they should do the same, and then the rest of us who have a rational head on our shoulders and a deeper interest in reaching the lost than in converting one another to our favorite hobbyhorse can get on with the real work that God has called us to do.
The claim is OEC is unscriptural, I'm merely saying that it does have some scriptural merit. Now if someone says that is treating the other awful by saying this then how should we sugar coat this?
You don't. You ignore it and talk to those who are interested. I seem to recall that this thread is an invitation to OECs to help with some problems. What does it matter what a YEC says. Further, NO ONE IN THIS THREAD HAS SAID OEC WAS UNSCRIPTURAL. We had one comment of a person saying that they believe Bible teaches YEC. Fine. You think the Bible teaches OEC. There's nothing to argue about here. So let it go.

Let people believe what they want. There is no reason for any OEC OR YEC to contribute to the flamewar that has been going on for two hundred years now. Let it go. We can talk about this issue rationally within the family. To the outside world, we need to present a united front. Are you willing to do that, or are you going to insist on continuing the fight?

Re: Needing help from fellow OECs and ID followers...

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:07 pm
by Gman
Jac3510 wrote:Do you think that YEC extremism justifies OECs mistreatment of YECs?

Obviously not. There is a complete lack of respect between the two camps. I think it is disgusting. The fact is, whether either side refuses to see it or not, there is a scriptural basis for BOTH positions. Obviously, both can't be right, but neither can say the other is being unbiblical. Now, you know that I lean YEC. You know that I also used to lean towards and defend OEC. My point is that everybody needs to get over themselves on this. I don't care if you are OEC or YEC. It doesn't matter a hill of beans. Both YECs and OECs reject Darwinian evolution. Both YECs and OECs believe that salvation is by faith in Christ. That's what matters.

If we want to have a deeper discussion on hermeneutics, then fine. Have one. But this garbage treatment of one another has got to stop. I would EXPECT those of us on THIS board should be exemplars of that. I would EXPECT moderators to enforce it.

Like I said, Jesus prayed for us to be one, not attack each other and say "But HE started it!" Get over it. Let's agree to disagree on some issues and face our common enemy. And when we want to have an inter-family discussion about those issues that we disagree on (i.e., death before the Fall, the nature of the Fall, the age of the earth, etc.), let's keep it civil, about the Bible, and not about one another's faith, Christianity, motives, or intelligence.
From what I've seen the hatred resides more in the YEC camp. Not only on this forum, but on other forums as well. And let's not forget Ken Ham of AIG and Kent Hovind. They both called Hugh Ross a heretic and satanic... Real nice. So yes, let's keep it civil.
Jac3510 wrote:I have. On these boards. Your typical response to the "age of appearance" argument are a perfect example. Let me quote Rich:
  • Ultimately, the claim that the God of creation would lie to us with a false history of the universe, is a direct attack on the righteous character of God and cannot be tolerated within the Church! The God who would deceive His creatures with lies is not the God of the Bible.
I don't get it.. Where did Rich ever accuse a YECer of ever being satanic?? Or show me where on this forum?
Jac3510 wrote:I've seen people here defend this absurdity. This is the type of thing that should not be said in our discussions. No one is better than anyone else here. This is such a STUPID issue to get so bent out of shape over.
Jac3510 wrote:An argument requires two people. If extremist YECs are busy calling you heretical you can do exactly the same thing you do to extremist "God-hates-[homosexuals]" type: ignore them. And they should do the same, and then the rest of us who have a rational head on our shoulders and a deeper interest in reaching the lost than in converting one another to our favorite hobbyhorse can get on with the real work that God has called us to do.
Well, I'm not going to sit here and have some extremist (who actually isn't an extremist) come and blabber mouth others.. By the way, my first comment "you wish" was a joke. I think it is ok to disagree with others, but when someone makes BOLD remarks and call them heretics or satanic then be prepared. We will attack false doctrines..
Jac3510 wrote:You don't. You ignore it and talk to those who are interested. I seem to recall that this thread is an invitation to OECs to help with some problems. What does it matter what a YEC says. Further, NO ONE IN THIS THREAD HAS SAID OEC WAS UNSCRIPTURAL. We had one comment of a person saying that they believe Bible teaches YEC. Fine. You think the Bible teaches OEC. There's nothing to argue about here. So let it go.
No Jac, erawdrah's claim was that OEC was unscriptural.. He said, "then prove to me OEC via the scriptures. Not science but by the Word of God. Lead me to OEC via the Bible."
Jac3510 wrote:Let people believe what they want. There is no reason for any OEC OR YEC to contribute to the flamewar that has been going on for two hundred years now. Let it go. We can talk about this issue rationally within the family. To the outside world, we need to present a united front. Are you willing to do that, or are you going to insist on continuing the fight?
I believe fighting is wrong.. And I think it is ok for us to disagree.. But there is also another level to this where certain people take it too far. I don't think we should stand for this. By the way me and godslanguage and cslewislover get along just fine. Both are YEC and I respect them both as believers, friends, and living in the body of Christ...

Take care...