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Here is something that I read recently concerning ID...

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 5:49 pm
by derrick09
I saw this link at the bottom of one of the pages on the website, I believe its an area that showcases recent scientific findings, and this one bothered me quite a bit... ... omplexity/

The article is actually from an evolutionary standpoint argueing that some organisms can be reduced and still retain function. I would like to see how OECs and ID supporters can respond to these claims. I hope we can develop a good counter arguement to hopefully show that this isn't the case. If you all happen to hear of anyting as far as counter arguements, let me know. Thanks and take care everyone. :)

Re: Here is something that I read recently concerning ID...

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 6:01 pm
by godslanguage
I believe uncommondescent took this up here:

Re: Here is something that I read recently concerning ID...

Posted: Thu Sep 03, 2009 8:40 pm
by derrick09
Thank you for the link Godslanguage, it helped quite a lot. Thanks again.