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The "Name it and claim it" deception

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:29 am
by imoneru?
My wife has been in a wheelchair for close to 11 years now, about three years ago she was listening to a televangelist on T.V. by the name of Andrew Womack (he has a dayly program) and my wife heard him say that when his son was in an automobile accident and was pronounced dead by paramedics and a doctor at an out of town hospital he drove to the hospital, rebuked Satan, and ordered his son back to life, he claims that the hospital records can varify his story, Anyway my wife bought into it and requested we drive to where he was having a healing meeting in Charlotte,N.C.Well I couldn't very well refuse to take her to the meeting even though it was a little over 400 miles from where we live, after all she believed God had given him a healing minestry and who was I to burst her bubble, so we went, she had to arrange to have her dialysis treatment in Charlotte as well.

When we arrived I would guess there must have been about 300 or so people in attendence,when the time came for me to wheel her upon the stage he asked me if I believed God would heal her, I said "Well I believe He can, weather He will or not depends on Him" He suggested I leave the stage as he didn't want any doubters around her.He then rebuked satan, anointed her with oil, and told her to get up and give the wheelchair to some unbeliever who needed it as she wouldn't need it anymore, she attempted to get up and would have fallen had a couple of men on stage with him not caught her.He also said she wouldn't need dialysis for her kidneys anymore.

Well needless to say she is still in that wheelchair and still on dialysis three times a week and has been for over 7 years. I still believe God does heal when He chooses to do so, but it is his decision not ours, and not based on your faith large or small....God Bless...Ray

Re: The "Name it and claim it" deception

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:47 am
by cslewislover
I'm so sorry for your wife, imoneru?, and I agree with you on the healings aspect.

Re: The "Name it and claim it" deception

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 8:26 am
by zoegirl
Absolutely, I have had colitis for 10years now and I pray for healing but it is God's perogative. He has not healed me yet. It's His timing.

Re: The "Name it and claim it" deception

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:45 pm
by ageofknowledge
The name it and claim it Gospel is a fraud imo. I know a man who bought into it and gave so much of his company's profit to a skater church of young pentacostals that told him God would pour out the blessings of heaven into his life that he went bankrupt. Now they have him selling Monavet some fruit juice for them. What a fraud.

Re: The "Name it and claim it" deception

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 3:32 pm
by ezer
I was healed one night soon after I became a believer.I also know of Pastor Womack and believe he is sincere but have never been to any of his meetings.
When I began believing God was real I took a Gideon Bible from a motel and began reading it in Matthews gospel.I wanted to find out what I had got myself into by becoming a Christian.

I could not believe how interesting and enjoyable reading the Bible was to me.I was reading it as if it was a popular novel at every opportunity as a truck driver I read while waiting to load and unload and at night page after page without skipping Matthew,Mark,Luke,John,Acts and I remember how bummed out I got when after Acts it was like the life and times was over and I wanted more.

So I kept going still with the Gideon all through the new testament,then one night not long after reading James I was traveling across Arizona going to CA.and I got deathly sick I didn't know what I had then I know now it was the MRSA staff infection.My faith as a new Christian was actually stronger at that time than it is now.I knew if I could find a place to park I could pray and be healed.

After I got parked I was even more sick burning with fever I took the red Gideon Bible from the dashboard and opened it on my steering wheel to James chapter 5 and read the verses aloud back to God praying to be healed then I turned to 1John 5:14 where it says we get what we pray for if it is God's will and I prayed as fervently as I could muster to be healed and I was.

I drove another 200 miles that night singing God's praises I was so happy it was as if God shook hands with me to reveal himself in this way.I will say I have been sick since and have prayed and not be healed but it matters not to me because that one time is the ROCK I stand on now.I can say without any doubt that I know GOD is real!