Discussion about scientific issues as they relate to God and Christianity including archaeology, origins of life, the universe, intelligent design, evolution, etc.
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Post by Imperial »

I just found this website recently, and all i have to say is WOW..... pokemon and harry potter are evil? really? i cant even tell you how stupid that is without breaking the terms of use thing you have to agree to just to make an account here. I've read several articles that are actually HILARIOUS because they're so entirely dumn...

Abortion: like many of the things my christian friends along with many others believe, you think just because YOU all think somthing is wrong, it should be completly taken away from everyone's rights. common sense that that is BAAAD... It's NOT your decision to make whether someone should have the right to have an abortion or not. And its not like its EASY for people to get abortions without feeling bad anyways.

Idiotic Browny Theory: again like all of the arguments where people dont like to admit they're wrong, people start to bring up arguments that are completly irrelevant. Seeing a movie with violence and cuss words in it is nowhere near related to eating a crap filled brownie. *Why?* is a stupid question here... In most situations the violence and intensity make movies better. It's an element of the film, and it's realistic. Its the same for video games and every other form of media. Sugar coating every form of media is pointless and quite frankly, pathetic.

Evolution: Just putting this one in here because its COMMON SENSE. The real fact about evolution vs creationism arguments is that CREATIONISM HAS NO ARGUMENTS. Evolution can be proven with facts, creationism is all 100% pure theory. You CANT fight theory with facts. Additionally : how do you think viruses adapt to medicine? oh well THATS not evolution for some reason i guess?

Gay Marriage: i actually havent seen any article about this, and im glad about that. If you oppose gay marriage you ARE sinning. If hating/highly disapproving to the point where you take away their rights isn't a sin, then christianity is pathetically corrupted. People deserve to be happy and love whoever they want NO MATTER WHAT.

My best friend is actually a hard core christian.... only listens to christian music (and literally NOTHING else), only plays E and T games, can't see most PG-13 movies, and all that stuff. Despite all his """"holy"""" beleifs, i still see him as the most evil person i know. He *HATES* gays, and most other things in the world. And by reading this site (which has most of what he believes in it), i can see that i wouldn't be stereotyping all christians if i said all christians are sadly corrupted.

i would LOVE to hear some people who have VALID arguments on any of these points. if there are any...
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Post by zoegirl »

Sorry , you obviously aren't here to abide by the guidelines.
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Post by cslewislover »

Imperial wrote:I just found this website recently, and all i have to say is WOW..... pokemon and harry potter are evil? really? i cant even tell you how stupid that is without breaking the terms of use thing you have to agree to just to make an account here. I've read several articles that are actually HILARIOUS because they're so entirely dumn...
I haven't seen anything on the site that says Pokemon are evil, but I didn't go researching just because you said so either. I have no problem with Pokemon at all, and I think Pikachu represents a ton of good character traits. So who is the one being stereotypical or prejudicial here? I'd have to look up the Harry Potter "articles" you're referring to (you could've given links) - I know that Christian opinion varies on Harry Potter.
Abortion: like many of the things my christian friends along with many others believe, you think just because YOU all think somthing is wrong, it should be completly taken away from everyone's rights. common sense that that is BAAAD... It's NOT your decision to make whether someone should have the right to have an abortion or not. And its not like its EASY for people to get abortions without feeling bad anyways.
There are threads on abortion with varying opinions in them if you wanted to post there . . .
Idiotic Browny Theory: again like all of the arguments where people dont like to admit they're wrong, people start to bring up arguments that are completly irrelevant. Seeing a movie with violence and cuss words in it is nowhere near related to eating a crap filled brownie. *Why?* is a stupid question here... In most situations the violence and intensity make movies better. It's an element of the film, and it's realistic. Its the same for video games and every other form of media. Sugar coating every form of media is pointless and quite frankly, pathetic.
This is a strange post. I don't know who you're arguing with. I have a feeling you haven't read much of the board at all.
Evolution: Just putting this one in here because its COMMON SENSE. The real fact about evolution vs creationism arguments is that CREATIONISM HAS NO ARGUMENTS. Evolution can be proven with facts, creationism is all 100% pure theory. You CANT fight theory with facts. Additionally : how do you think viruses adapt to medicine? oh well THATS not evolution for some reason i guess?
If you want to discuss this, there are a number of threads on it. Why don't you read them to see the details of the criticisms regarding evolution here?
Gay Marriage: i actually havent seen any article about this, and im glad about that. If you oppose gay marriage you ARE sinning. If hating/highly disapproving to the point where you take away their rights isn't a sin, then christianity is pathetically corrupted. People deserve to be happy and love whoever they want NO MATTER WHAT.
Now I know for sure that you haven't read the board much, lol. I don't know anyone here that hates gays. Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you hate them. Very poor reasoning . . .
My best friend is actually a hard core christian.... only listens to christian music (and literally NOTHING else), only plays E and T games, can't see most PG-13 movies, and all that stuff. Despite all his """"holy"""" beleifs, i still see him as the most evil person i know. He *HATES* gays, and most other things in the world. And by reading this site (which has most of what he believes in it), i can see that i wouldn't be stereotyping all christians if i said all christians are sadly corrupted.
Your BEST friend HATES and is the most EVIL person you know . . . but he's your BEST FRIEND? Am I supposed to believe think you are credible here?
i would LOVE to hear some people who have VALID arguments on any of these points. if there are any...
You seriously think that the Christians involved in getting girls out of the sex slave market are evil? Do you seriously think all the Christians that bring food and medicine to people in war torn areas like Sudan are evil (they had gone in areas the UN would not and have been helping there a very long time)? Do you seriously think that all the Christian doctors and other medical personnel that volunteer their time to treat people in various countries are evil? Who's the one with his eyes closed here?

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Post by Gabrielman »

Wow imperial, seriously? First off you are not following the discussion guidlines, at least not the ones I read. Further more, I mean what you said, really!? You are being closed minded, though I suppose you believe yourself open minded. You see I can't stand this, people who preach tolorence, and yet they themeselves don't tolorate us.
Imperial wrote:Abortion: like many of the things my christian friends along with many others believe, you think just because YOU all think somthing is wrong, it should be completly taken away from everyone's rights. common sense that that is BAAAD... It's NOT your decision to make whether someone should have the right to have an abortion or not. And its not like its EASY for people to get abortions without feeling bad anyways.
Oh sure, why fight for a childs rights? I mean they can't defend themselves any way, right? Yes the genocide of infints should be promoted and loved... NO! Not only do I oppose it, I will fight against it. "what if it is rape or insest?" Many people ask... That only covers a very tiny fraction of abortions. "What if it endangers a mothers life." My mother paid the ultiment price to have kids, she was never happier. She was against abortion, my grandmother wanted me aborted... I am alive because my mother choose life for me. Do you hate me for this? Did you want me dead? Please share with me why I desrved to die.
Imperial wrote:Idiotic Browny Theory: again like all of the arguments where people dont like to admit they're wrong, people start to bring up arguments that are completly irrelevant. Seeing a movie with violence and cuss words in it is nowhere near related to eating a crap filled brownie. *Why?* is a stupid question here... In most situations the violence and intensity make movies better. It's an element of the film, and it's realistic. Its the same for video games and every other form of media. Sugar coating every form of media is pointless and quite frankly, pathetic.
So you believe that movies should have sex, violence, and that kind of thing to be entertaining? I don't find it ammusing at all. Sure I like anime, but not all anime. I am not ammused when something promotes such ideas in moderen life. You say it is reality, why not change the world and do away with such things like violence, or would you be board if people were not dying violent deaths? Please share.
Imperial wrote:Evolution: Just putting this one in here because its COMMON SENSE. The real fact about evolution vs creationism arguments is that CREATIONISM HAS NO ARGUMENTS. Evolution can be proven with facts, creationism is all 100% pure theory. You CANT fight theory with facts. Additionally : how do you think viruses adapt to medicine? oh well THATS not evolution for some reason i guess?
Aids is still aids when it adapts to medicne just like ebola is still ebola. We are still human though we all change over time.
Imperial wrote:Gay Marriage: i actually havent seen any article about this, and im glad about that. If you oppose gay marriage you ARE sinning. If hating/highly disapproving to the point where you take away their rights isn't a sin, then christianity is pathetically corrupted. People deserve to be happy and love whoever they want NO MATTER WHAT.
I am friends with a gay man at work. Neither one of us believes in gay marrige. I am straight, but I don't hate. He and I are good friends too. I don't believe that marriage, defined by my faith as a union between a man and woman, should be for gays. Why not call it something else? Or do you like to spark debate on such issues?
I don't care if you like my response or not. You come here and attack our faith and beliefs saying we should accept yours, how hypocritical.
Last edited by Gabrielman on Mon Sep 21, 2009 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by warhoop »

Imperial wrote:People deserve to be happy and love whoever they want NO MATTER WHAT.
Ahh... here is the root. Is this really a worldview that you are really willing to allow people to live out? I'm sure that the registered sex offender that lives down the street would give you an amen to that. I don't know what kind of material goods you have, but I'm pretty sure that there are people out there that agree with you and believe they should be happy no matter what. Perhaps you should post your address and times when you're not at home so these people can help themselves to their happiness. Go ahead, live out your worldview, I dare you. (Although, if you believe evolution is true, then you don't have any say about what happens in your life anyway because it's all just cause and effect, which makes your position and this post moot.)
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Post by Gabrielman »

warhoop, couldn't agree more!
btw anyone else notice we now have 666 topics here... creepy, lol!
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Post by ageofknowledge »

I'm sorry Imperial did you say something? It was such a rambling mess I found it hard to follow. How about picking a single topic and we'll discuss it rather than mumbling out a laundry list of objections you have. Get a grip on yourself man. A grip! Lol... Peace out and all around. :egeek:
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Post by N4SC »

Imperial wrote:I just found this website recently, and all i have to say is WOW..... pokemon and harry potter are evil? really? i cant even tell you how stupid that is without breaking the terms of use thing you have to agree to just to make an account here. I've read several articles that are actually HILARIOUS because they're so entirely dumn...

Abortion: like many of the things my christian friends along with many others believe, you think just because YOU all think somthing is wrong, it should be completly taken away from everyone's rights. common sense that that is BAAAD... It's NOT your decision to make whether someone should have the right to have an abortion or not. And its not like its EASY for people to get abortions without feeling bad anyways.

Idiotic Browny Theory: again like all of the arguments where people dont like to admit they're wrong, people start to bring up arguments that are completly irrelevant. Seeing a movie with violence and cuss words in it is nowhere near related to eating a crap filled brownie. *Why?* is a stupid question here... In most situations the violence and intensity make movies better. It's an element of the film, and it's realistic. Its the same for video games and every other form of media. Sugar coating every form of media is pointless and quite frankly, pathetic.

Evolution: Just putting this one in here because its COMMON SENSE. The real fact about evolution vs creationism arguments is that CREATIONISM HAS NO ARGUMENTS. Evolution can be proven with facts, creationism is all 100% pure theory. You CANT fight theory with facts. Additionally : how do you think viruses adapt to medicine? oh well THATS not evolution for some reason i guess?

Gay Marriage: i actually havent seen any article about this, and im glad about that. If you oppose gay marriage you ARE sinning. If hating/highly disapproving to the point where you take away their rights isn't a sin, then christianity is pathetically corrupted. People deserve to be happy and love whoever they want NO MATTER WHAT.

My best friend is actually a hard core christian.... only listens to christian music (and literally NOTHING else), only plays E and T games, can't see most PG-13 movies, and all that stuff. Despite all his """"holy"""" beleifs, i still see him as the most evil person i know. He *HATES* gays, and most other things in the world. And by reading this site (which has most of what he believes in it), i can see that i wouldn't be stereotyping all christians if i said all christians are sadly corrupted.

i would LOVE to hear some people who have VALID arguments on any of these points. if there are any...

Seriously? Good name for the thread. You took a bunch of random topics with actual fact, reasoning, and science behind them, tossed all of that in the background and gave your own feeble and very crooked interpretations of them. Bravo, bravo. I haven't seen anything this funny in a long time. If you're still reading this thread, I want you to know that I really am typing with one hand while holding my side with the other.
I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else.
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Post by Harry12345 »

Imperial wrote:I just found this website recently, and all i have to say is WOW..... pokemon and harry potter are evil? really? i cant even tell you how stupid that is without breaking the terms of use thing you have to agree to just to make an account here. I've read several articles that are actually HILARIOUS because they're so entirely dumn...

Abortion: like many of the things my christian friends along with many others believe, you think just because YOU all think somthing is wrong, it should be completly taken away from everyone's rights. common sense that that is BAAAD... It's NOT your decision to make whether someone should have the right to have an abortion or not. And its not like its EASY for people to get abortions without feeling bad anyways.

Idiotic Browny Theory: again like all of the arguments where people dont like to admit they're wrong, people start to bring up arguments that are completly irrelevant. Seeing a movie with violence and cuss words in it is nowhere near related to eating a crap filled brownie. *Why?* is a stupid question here... In most situations the violence and intensity make movies better. It's an element of the film, and it's realistic. Its the same for video games and every other form of media. Sugar coating every form of media is pointless and quite frankly, pathetic.

Evolution: Just putting this one in here because its COMMON SENSE. The real fact about evolution vs creationism arguments is that CREATIONISM HAS NO ARGUMENTS. Evolution can be proven with facts, creationism is all 100% pure theory. You CANT fight theory with facts. Additionally : how do you think viruses adapt to medicine? oh well THATS not evolution for some reason i guess?

Gay Marriage: i actually havent seen any article about this, and im glad about that. If you oppose gay marriage you ARE sinning. If hating/highly disapproving to the point where you take away their rights isn't a sin, then christianity is pathetically corrupted. People deserve to be happy and love whoever they want NO MATTER WHAT.

My best friend is actually a hard core christian.... only listens to christian music (and literally NOTHING else), only plays E and T games, can't see most PG-13 movies, and all that stuff. Despite all his """"holy"""" beleifs, i still see him as the most evil person i know. He *HATES* gays, and most other things in the world. And by reading this site (which has most of what he believes in it), i can see that i wouldn't be stereotyping all christians if i said all christians are sadly corrupted.

i would LOVE to hear some people who have VALID arguments on any of these points. if there are any...
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