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Jesus ?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:20 pm
by Imperial
Ok i'm sorry but the story about Jesus seems SOOOOOOOOoooooo STUPID.... I HAVE to be missing somthing here. A guy goes down to earth, gets killed for his beleifs, the end. And now we assume he's the son of god and our sins are all happy doodly now? Really? Sorry if i offend someone here :p but that makes god sound like a complete idiot. He sends his son down just so he can die? And if he didn't send him down to die, then how did him dieing all of a sudden become a good thing? It makes absolutly no sense.

Also there are THOUSANDS of martyrs throughout history, what makes jesus so special?

Re: Jesus ?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:58 pm
by zoegirl
Imperial, I have to ask....

would you be this flippant and insulting to a Muslim site? Or Hindu site? Or a wiccan site?..."wow, you guys are soooo stupid to believe in those earth, what are you idiots??"

Could you please tone down the "this is soooo stupid" rhetoric? You have already received one warning.

If you are here to ask questions, then let's be specific.

We have obviously gotten the point that you are aggressive towards it. Point move on.

But "this is soooooo stupid" is certainly not asking anything, nor is it particularly enthralling as far as arguments goes. So far all you have accomplished is some whining about how this is all stupid to you. well, whoopee...

So if you want to *really* know...and I mean really know then let's get some valid questions, instead of these "yeah I really want to get into discussions, but oh by the way, what you guys believe in is sooooo stupid, I mean, like what's up with this stupid story?" type of comments.

Re: Jesus ?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:15 pm
by cslewislover
Imperial wrote:Ok i'm sorry but the story about Jesus seems SOOOOOOOOoooooo STUPID.... I HAVE to be missing somthing here. A guy goes down to earth, gets killed for his beleifs, the end. And now we assume he's the son of god and our sins are all happy doodly now? Really? Sorry if i offend someone here :p but that makes god sound like a complete idiot. He sends his son down just so he can die? And if he didn't send him down to die, then how did him dieing all of a sudden become a good thing? It makes absolutly no sense.

Also there are THOUSANDS of martyrs throughout history, what makes jesus so special?
Besides what Zoe said, have you read any of the bible (or even any of the gospels)? It would explain a lot without us having to rewrite the whole thing here. You sound like you know nothing about the faith at all, but are making sweeping judgments about it. Obviously millions and millions of people have understood it enough to bet their lives on it, and many to die for it, as you mention (even today many 1000s die every year for their faith in Christ). So you could give them the benefit of the doubt and maybe consider that you just don't know enough about it. There are plenty of highly educated people that are Christians. Ph.d.s and all that. So I guess they are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO stupid too?

Re: Jesus ?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:36 pm
by Gabrielman
You say you have to be missing something here, and you are. Let me ask you, have you even read anything in the Bible? I mean to try and critize it you must know everything about it, right? Then again one must ask if you actually read it wouldn't you find the answer yourself within the pages seeing as it is written right there? I may not be the sharpest tool in the shead, but I know the story of Jesus and how to defend it.
CS, lol, you posted while I was writing! Great point though.
Imperial wrote:Ok i'm sorry but the story about Jesus seems SOOOOOOOOoooooo STUPID.... I HAVE to be missing somthing here. A guy goes down to earth, gets killed for his beleifs, the end. And now we assume he's the son of god and our sins are all happy doodly now? Really? Sorry if i offend someone here :p but that makes god sound like a complete idiot. He sends his son down just so he can die? And if he didn't send him down to die, then how did him dieing all of a sudden become a good thing? It makes absolutly no sense.

Also there are THOUSANDS of martyrs throughout history, what makes jesus so special?
What makes Jesus so speacial huh? Let me put it like this Christianity is a unique faith. Jesus is Imanuel, wich litterally means "God with us". He is God. He came to earth for several reasons.
1: He humbled himself when he came to earth by being born to a poor family. He could have been born in any family He wished, yet He was born to a poor carpenter. He did this to live amongst us and show us how to live a life without sin.
2: He came to show us the way. He showed us how to live by faith, and how to treat one another. He preformed miricles time and again to show His power and willingness to use it to help mankind who had fallen away. He shared that power by giving us the Holy Spirit so we too can be like Him in a way.
3: He came here to be tested. He lived like us so that He could go through the same trials and pain as we did. Sure He could have gotten out of it with a single word, like many of the false religions gods do, but he instead stayed and suffered what we suffered.
4: He died for our sins. Maybe you don't get this, maybe you have no idea of the culture behind the saccrifices. Here is a little info on it. The Jews sacrificed animals to atone for their sins. It was so God could pour out His wrath on the sacrifice and not the people, He did this out of justice to cleanse the world of sin. Finally He came down Himself (sent His son if you will) and paid the ultimant price for us so we no longer must make that sacrifice. He poured His wrath out on His own son, what other religions are like that? Then after atoneing for our sins on the cross He overcame death and the grave so we could some day too.
That is a breif overview of what happened, and I will provide some links for some more info that is more indepth. Do not return to this without reading them. You have no right to critize without first viewing the facts. Zoe and CS are right on the money, listen to them.
Please read. I do not hold what you say against you, and I will happily answer what I am capable of, but from here on out please frase things as a question and not an assult.
God bless!

Re: Jesus ?

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:08 pm
by ageofknowledge
Imperial wrote:Ok i'm sorry but the story about Jesus seems SOOOOOOOOoooooo STUPID.... I HAVE to be missing somthing here. A guy goes down to earth, gets killed for his beleifs, the end. And now we assume he's the son of god and our sins are all happy doodly now? Really? Sorry if i offend someone here :p but that makes god sound like a complete idiot. He sends his son down just so he can die? And if he didn't send him down to die, then how did him dieing all of a sudden become a good thing? It makes absolutly no sense.

Also there are THOUSANDS of martyrs throughout history, what makes jesus so special?
As stupid as a theory that the earth is round once sounded to a group of esteemed explorers just a few centuries ago no doubt. Nevertheless the world is round, God exists, and Jesus is the answer for sin. You do realize that most of modern history's greatest scientists were Christians right (despite a handful's runins with the Catholic church)?

What sounds stupid to me is that non-existent aliens put bacteria in a space craft and shipped it to earth (a physical impossibility given the requirements for space travel to something approximating the nearest planet that might have the ability to support advanced life [note that they have NEVER found such a planet]) or that we're walking around because of the back of an ice crystal. But then I've taken chemistry and a number of science classes and done my due diligence in researching the basis for the predominant competing worldviews out there and know those are just unprovable assertions that scientists who assert such things have no power to prove or replicate.

Similar to many of your it's true because I say it's true and other's like me say it is also so therefore it must be true arguments.

Who said anything about martyrs? People sacrifice themselves and their reputations all the time for what they believe. Heck, most of the time people die over stupid things. Falling asleep at the wheel, alcohol/drugs, heart attacks, suicides, illness, violence. It's a long list. I've seen them come and I've seen them go. One guy I remember many years ago died because he had to have that last drink of alcohol and it killed him. Heart attack. He died four feet in front of me and I was the last thing he saw before he went to be with his maker. You should be so lucky... lol.

Though I think typically, and yes there are exceptions, people don't become martyrs for causes they do NOT believe in.

Re: Jesus ?

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:16 am
by Imperial
1: He humbled himself when he came to earth by being born to a poor family. He could have been born in any family He wished, yet He was born to a poor carpenter. He did this to live amongst us and show us how to live a life without sin.
2: He came to show us the way. He showed us how to live by faith, and how to treat one another. He preformed miricles time and again to show His power and willingness to use it to help mankind who had fallen away. He shared that power by giving us the Holy Spirit so we too can be like Him in a way.
3: He came here to be tested. He lived like us so that He could go through the same trials and pain as we did. Sure He could have gotten out of it with a single word, like many of the false religions gods do, but he instead stayed and suffered what we suffered.
4: He died for our sins. Maybe you don't get this, maybe you have no idea of the culture behind the saccrifices. Here is a little info on it. The Jews sacrificed animals to atone for their sins. It was so God could pour out His wrath on the sacrifice and not the people, He did this out of justice to cleanse the world of sin. Finally He came down Himself (sent His son if you will) and paid the ultimant price for us so we no longer must make that sacrifice. He poured His wrath out on His own son, what other religions are like that? Then after atoneing for our sins on the cross He overcame death and the grave so we could some day too.
Well watdya know.. Gabrielman is the ONLY one who gave me a straight answer again. Thank you >_>
It seems like jesus was like a field trip basically for god then to see exactly what it was like to live there. But i never heard anyone say that jesus WANTED to die. I was pretty sure he was killed by haters. So whats up with that?

Re: Jesus ?

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:24 am
by cslewislover
@ Imperial:

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This board is a part of Evidence for God from Science (G&S), a Christian website, which serves to provide a defense and persuasive case for Christianity as well as encouragement and instruction for Christian people and seekers.

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1. Sincere seekers to inquire and ask questions;
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This board is not for those who have strongly made up their mind that Christ is "not" for them; who merely wish to put down, debate, and argue against essential Christian beliefs. As such, those who are Christian, have not made up their minds, or desire civil discussions about Christianity are encouraged to join, while others who merely wish to attack and try to discredit Christianity are discouraged and will be heavily moderated.

Re: Jesus ?

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:12 pm
by Gabrielman
Imperial wrote:It seems like jesus was like a field trip basically for god then to see exactly what it was like to live there. But i never heard anyone say that jesus WANTED to die. I was pretty sure he was killed by haters. So whats up with that?
He came also to lay His life down for us. He knew He would be killed, and He allowed that. He gave up His life so we could be forgiven of our sins. It is true that the people who killed Him did not like Him, but He let them do it. Read when He was arrested, He said to His disiples who defended Him that He could stop them from arresting Him if He wanted to. He allowed Himself to die so we could have eternal life in heaven.
God bless!
Listen and watch this, it will help you understand.
And God said "I love you this much my child."