KvS Season 6

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KvS Season 6

Post by Imperial »

Alright lol i'm not making this thread to start some BIG discussion, and this is not a HUGE piece of news, i just kinda wanted to ask, how many of you are offended by this -->

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A24xOJ8 ... re=related

Do you agree with his reasoning on why christians should NOT be offended?

(my personal opinion is that... i can't wait.. for Kenny Vs. Spenny season 6)
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Re: KvS Season 6

Post by zoegirl »

Eh, he's an loudmouth, immature, and ignorant person....so consider the source...

I can't believe that he proclaims that we are getting angry at "one of the most common names of lAtin America" as if he is trying to brush this off as not really attacking Christ. At least have the decency to say "yes, I am attacking Christianity". He knows exactly what he is doing.

And then to use the argument that if Jesus were here that he would simply shrug it off? As if he can attack Jesus and then dare to say..."oh well, it's ok for us to attack Him, because if He were really here, he wouldn't be upset at us" as if that makes their heresy ok!

however, all that aside...

I would say the real question is why shouldn't we get angry? You certainly wouldn't be asking this if this incident were one about "Islam sucks" "muhammed sucks" or "Allah sucks"....Certainly no one would be surprised when Muslims are upset that there God has been attacked and they would defend their right to be offended!

We treasure and love our God, to the point of upholding His name. I cringe when someone uses His name as an obscenity. Imagine if someone were to suddenly use your name every time they were expressing their hate? (and then to proclaim that they are for peace is hilarious)

To enjoy so maliciously offending a belief system and those people who love their God reveals more about those people than it does about the belief system.

It falls into the same sphere as family guy, jackass, and other shows that are juvenile and immature, it simply reveals their lack of understanding and sophomoric minds....their modus operandi seems to be that "hey, if you can't handle the insults and if you can't handle our obnoxious statements, then get out" as if obnoxious statements and insults shouldn't be offensive. Or that if one was "mature" enough they would realize that the obnoxious is really some deep philosophical argument when in reality it's just...obnoxious. Obnoxious behavior is just that, obnoxious and pathetic. Bottom line....if they think that "_____ sucks" is somehow deeply philosophical and a killer argument, then they are seriously weak-minded. They do it precisely to offend people but that doesn't let them off the hook. What's really sad is the fact that these guys manage to find a woman and have children and teach this to them. brilliant

it's quite revealing when the biggest audience section is below 20..

Sadly, it's a real indication that the ability to argue and debate and think critically in this country is declining. When the argument is "_____ sucks" ?!?!? Oh please...come back when you have an argument that is above a 12 year old boy's debating skills...
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Re: KvS Season 6

Post by Imperial »

wow lol all i asked was did you find it offensive XD and you gave an essay answer. The last 3 sentances made absolutly no sense at all... but the rest was pretty good >_> actually the paragraph where you said obnoxious didn't make any sense either =/. lol i don't wanna sound like im being sarcastic here but i just reread what you said before even that paragraph, and it doesnt seem that most of ur essay answer makes sense =/... you apparently think he was... arguing with you indirectly >_>..

Pretty good response tho <_< ;)
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Re: KvS Season 6

Post by zoegirl »

Imperial wrote:wow lol all i asked was did you find it offensive XD and you gave an essay answer. The last 3 sentances made absolutly no sense at all... but the rest was pretty good >_> actually the paragraph where you said obnoxious didn't make any sense either =/. lol i don't wanna sound like im being sarcastic here but i just reread what you said before even that paragraph, and it doesnt seem that most of ur essay answer makes sense =/... you apparently think he was... arguing with you indirectly >_>..

Pretty good response tho <_< ;)
Dont' know why it didn't make sense. Hardly surprising that these shows all have one thing in common. Most of the audience includes very young men and boys. If there are older men enjoying it, they tend to be very immature.

These shows, KvsS and Family Guy, INTEND to offend, are intentionally obnoxious, but then act as if we *shou;ldn't* be offended or that their obnoxiousness is somehow sopisticated when all it is is obnoxious. There is nothing sophisticated about their show, nothing persuasive, and certainly nothing new with regards to philosophy is concerned.

Sure I find it offensive...I said so....to take the name of the Lord in vain, to use it in such a vile way should cause us to gasp. The maker of family guy, in an interview, was asked what his favorite curse word was....and his answer was "Jesus Christ". Totally disgusted me. He disgusted me...Imagine someone saying to the God you worship "gee, my favorite thing to do is use your name as my tool for anger and hate"....nice...and of course, he might say, "I do it to offend"....hmmm very similar to boyhood taunts and pokes....again, not veyr intelligent or sophisticated. I checked out kenny Hotz's blog and you knwo what first came to my mind? Here is this grown man and all he sounds like are the young immature teenage boys that I teach. Grow up man, and find some worthwhile thing to do with your life other than renting a plane that has a flier behind it with "J____ sucks" on it.
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Re: KvS Season 6

Post by Gabrielman »

zoegirl wrote:
Imperial wrote:wow lol all i asked was did you find it offensive XD and you gave an essay answer. The last 3 sentances made absolutly no sense at all... but the rest was pretty good >_> actually the paragraph where you said obnoxious didn't make any sense either =/. lol i don't wanna sound like im being sarcastic here but i just reread what you said before even that paragraph, and it doesnt seem that most of ur essay answer makes sense =/... you apparently think he was... arguing with you indirectly >_>..

Pretty good response tho <_< ;)
Dont' know why it didn't make sense. Hardly surprising that these shows all have one thing in common. Most of the audience includes very young men and boys. If there are older men enjoying it, they tend to be very immature.

These shows, KvsS and Family Guy, INTEND to offend, are intentionally obnoxious, but then act as if we *shou;ldn't* be offended or that their obnoxiousness is somehow sopisticated when all it is is obnoxious. There is nothing sophisticated about their show, nothing persuasive, and certainly nothing new with regards to philosophy is concerned.

Sure I find it offensive...I said so....to take the name of the Lord in vain, to use it in such a vile way should cause us to gasp. The maker of family guy, in an interview, was asked what his favorite curse word was....and his answer was "Jesus Christ". Totally disgusted me. He disgusted me...Imagine someone saying to the God you worship "gee, my favorite thing to do is use your name as my tool for anger and hate"....nice...and of course, he might say, "I do it to offend"....hmmm very similar to boyhood taunts and pokes....again, not veyr intelligent or sophisticated. I checked out kenny Hotz's blog and you knwo what first came to my mind? Here is this grown man and all he sounds like are the young immature teenage boys that I teach. Grow up man, and find some worthwhile thing to do with your life other than renting a plane that has a flier behind it with "J____ sucks" on it.
:amen: I hate those shows myself, and all my Christian friends love them... and they laugh at the jokes that are made at the expense of Christians and God. I completely agree with Zoe on this. These shows were desigined with the desire to offend Christians, and then they have to make the claim that it wasn't their intention to do so. Why did they do it in the first place then? Why are these kinds of jokes "nessacery"? The truth is they are made to make us look bad so the idea of Christianity seems like a joke and they make us all seem like ignorant, backwater, uneducated individuals.
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Re: KvS Season 6

Post by Imperial »

:amen: I hate those shows myself, and all my Christian friends love them... and they laugh at the jokes that are made at the expense of Christians and God. I completely agree with Zoe on this. These shows were desigined with the desire to offend Christians, and then they have to make the claim that it wasn't their intention to do so. Why did they do it in the first place then? Why are these kinds of jokes "nessacery"? The truth is they are made to make us look bad so the idea of Christianity seems like a joke and they make us all seem like ignorant, backwater, uneducated individuals.
lol you think shows like family guy were JUST created to offend JUST christians XD? Thats a lil over the top on bein paranoid. The shows make fun of -everything-.. not just christianity. I only remember a few that poked fun at christianity.

like THIS one :D --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uQHm7oItkdA (lololol)
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Re: KvS Season 6

Post by zoegirl »

Hey, I watched his interview.

I have seen the show, when students of mine refer to it, I want to be able to tell them I know why they shouldn't watch it.

He has made fun of Catholicism, Protestants, but the most offensive clip has to be the ones of Jesus.

Yeah, he has made Christianity a favorite target of his...don't try to brush it off.

And even if what you say is true and he mades everyone his target, what does that tell you? Does his show portray kids to be kind? Does he go extra lengths to show good values to the viewers?

no...his show portrays a stupid, ineffectual, and cruel father who makes fun of both of his children and his wife. Fatherhood is not shown as a positive thing.

The daughter is constantly portrayed as being referred to as fat, ugly, and there are references from the father as well as the mom as to wanting her to not be part of the family, of the dad forgetting the family.

this show scrapes the bottom of the barrel with regard to any positive contributions to society. Do we really need a generation of students to grow up with this?!?!?

Really, why do you even feel like you *should* defend this show? whether or not he is impartial in his attacks, the fact that you *use* that as your argument is scary. "well, he is obnoxious to everyone". Even if this is true....this is what we want in our society?

You may say that these are supposed to reveal what should'nt be....but do we really think that middle school, elementary school, and even teenage viewers are mature enough to think through this?

garbage in, garbage out.

yeah, I'll take Leave it to Beaver...
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Re: KvS Season 6

Post by Imperial »

i dont know if you knew this XD but family guy is a comedy. Trying to find reasons why your students should not watch it isn't going to work also, because they don't care about it as much as people like you do. You are WAAY to easily offended.

Why do i defend the show? it's hilarious and your students know it :pound: not everything has to have a deep meaning. Also i believe a HUGE part of being mature is not caring what other people think :mrgreen: aka people who live their lives how they want to, and if you dont like it - deal with it!
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Re: KvS Season 6

Post by Gabrielman »

For starters it isn't only that show which is offensive. But since it is the topic at this point let me point out a few things. For starters it is an attack on the family (another Christian institution) because it constantly mocks it. How would you enjoy it if they made jokes at you expense time and again. That show is not funny, it is stupid and makes sad attmepts at humor with low class jokes. People who watch it are most of the time liberal, uneducated about the topics and take it as is, watch things like msnbc and take what they say as fact, biased with a closed mind to the facts. This show mocks the right and promotes leftist ideas. It makes conservitives out to be foolish and closed minded. I think now would be a good time to point out that recent studies have found that consevitives are more likely to look at both sides of an argument before a debate and to be fully educated on it, liberals are more likely to not do this. It is a part of the leftist political machine. It is anything but comidical.
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Re: KvS Season 6

Post by zoegirl »

Gabrielman wrote:For starters it isn't only that show which is offensive. But since it is the topic at this point let me point out a few things. For starters it is an attack on the family (another Christian institution) because it constantly mocks it. How would you enjoy it if they made jokes at you expense time and again. That show is not funny, it is stupid and makes sad attmepts at humor with low class jokes. People who watch it are most of the time liberal, uneducated about the topics and take it as is, watch things like msnbc and take what they say as fact, biased with a closed mind to the facts. This show mocks the right and promotes leftist ideas. It makes conservitives out to be foolish and closed minded. I think now would be a good time to point out that recent studies have found that consevitives are more likely to look at both sides of an argument before a debate and to be fully educated on it, liberals are more likely to not do this. It is a part of the leftist political machine. It is anything but comidical.

But you know, even it is was fair, to consistently attack something, To laugh at the screen because he shows a mntally retarded employee? To laugh at a scene where Christ is bathing and enjoys someone watching Him? (Again, if this was any other religion, he wouldn't do it as often).

Look, If you examine my profile you will see that I enjoy comedies...even ones that are silly, like airplane and Young frankenstein. I am an avid mystery science theater fan. I am not adverse to wit, even irreverent wit, in some cases. I love to laugh...

But shows like things aren't really that witty. Do you really think that showing a mentally retarded co-worker and using a silly voice is the wittiest thing out there? Do you really find calling meg ugly funny? Or suggesting that she becomes anorexic funny? Or showing Christ taking a bath and enjoying someone watching? yeah, wow, *real* sophisticated wit. :roll:

This might partly be about being "offended"...but it's also realizing that this show capitalizes on the lowest common denominator in society. And I htink we all hold the responsibility to lift up society, not drag it down.

certainly there are absurd things in life. I think the beauty of laughter and absurdities is to see the ridiculous and appreciate it.

I also think that there are proper things to be offended at. It's not bad to view something as unhealthy. If you happen to think these things on Family guy are worth your attention and laughter, then I doubt anything I say could convince you. I do think it's sad that this is what stands for wit these days. In order to then "offend" more, the comedy wil have to scrape the barrel even more, and we see this currently on adult swim on cartoon network.

I would hope that even if I wasn't a Christian, I would choose to not watch Family Guy. There are better written (shoot, I prefer futurama, much better writing and higher level of wit, if you are going to choose animated shows).
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Re: KvS Season 6

Post by Imperial »

Gabrielman wrote:For starters it isn't only that show which is offensive. But since it is the topic at this point let me point out a few things. For starters it is an attack on the family (another Christian institution) because it constantly mocks it. How would you enjoy it if they made jokes at you expense time and again. That show is not funny, it is stupid and makes sad attmepts at humor with low class jokes. People who watch it are most of the time liberal, uneducated about the topics and take it as is, watch things like msnbc and take what they say as fact, biased with a closed mind to the facts. This show mocks the right and promotes leftist ideas. It makes conservitives out to be foolish and closed minded. I think now would be a good time to point out that recent studies have found that consevitives are more likely to look at both sides of an argument before a debate and to be fully educated on it, liberals are more likely to not do this. It is a part of the leftist political machine. It is anything but comidical.

Um... have you seen the south park episode of World of Warcraft??? i am a HUGE fan of WoW and i loved that episode :P even though it WAS making fun of the players. Once again, you're all just to easily offended by everything.
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Re: KvS Season 6

Post by zoegirl »

Hey, I iwll even admit that that episode (my brother showed it to me) with the world of warcraft satire was clever. unfortunately, they don't seem to be able to make a clever show without some vile language.

Again, imperial, there *are* things that people should be offended at.

My question to you is why do you think it is funny? You keep saying that it is simply a comedy. But you don't seem to be able to explain why it is funny or what is funny.

I gave you my top examples of why Family Guy is offensive. Somehow seeing in multiple episodes Peter calling Meg ugly, of even the mom making reference to her looks and weight.

What about the show is funny? What is worthwhile to you? And what would be offensive to you? (if a father calling his daughter ugly and makes reference to her being pathetic isn't offensive, then I am worried for you)
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Re: KvS Season 6

Post by Imperial »

zoegirl wrote:Again, imperial, there *are* things that people should be offended at.

My question to you is why do you think it is funny? You keep saying that it is simply a comedy. But you don't seem to be able to explain why it is funny or what is funny.

I gave you my top examples of why Family Guy is offensive. Somehow seeing in multiple episodes Peter calling Meg ugly, of even the mom making reference to her looks and weight.

What about the show is funny? What is worthwhile to you? And what would be offensive to you? (if a father calling his daughter ugly and makes reference to her being pathetic isn't offensive, then I am worried for you)
If you have to ask, then i am worried for you. and as i said before XD you are WAY too easily offended. Peter is retarded :P him making fun of meg IS funny. Why? Because most of the stuff he does is so random. None of it is trying to send some kind of message as you all think, it's just meant for comedy. 8-}2
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Re: KvS Season 6

Post by zoegirl »


I do have to ask, because the things that people laugh at in the show and on K vs S are things that are tragic in life or juvenile. For example, on kenny's profile on his blog, he lists his occupation as "vagina filler"....now I am supposed to (or most likely, a guy is supposed to) read that and laugh....why? So basically his form of comedy consists of the most juvenile form of humor...gee, i can do that....just quote my students. (hmm, what's the job? "nose-picker"....oh wait... "toilet-filler"). And you know, that's fine to a degree. But sadly, it never goes above that. It reminds me of the scene in idiocracy where comedy in the future is simply watching clips of guys getting hit in the groin over and over again.

To use an analogy, it's like eating sugar over and over again. It may be funny, but it's hardly clever or witty.

Obviously the fire-side scene in blazing saddles where the resulting noises from eating lots of beans provokes laughter. But you know, even Mel Brooks had more sophisticated humor spread throughout the silly things. Even in his fireside scene, there is a thread of wit, connecting the cowboys with the food and the creation of the scene. There is wit and cleverness, not to mention some intelligence required to understand it. (not much I'll grant you, but some).


or his scenes in Young frankenstein


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AZybFl_p ... re=related

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKH2z32c ... re=related

However, I have yet to here *why* you think FG is funny...

Why is seeing a retarded employee mumble and be a figure a fun considered comedy in your book? Let's forget about the offended part for a second. defend why you think it is a comedy. Why is is proper to laugh at a retarded employee on the show when (let's hope) you wouldn't consider it proper in real life. Why is it funny to laugh at a cruel father calling his daughter ugly. why in the world is in funny? If all you can come up with is "it's random", You aren't really being very convincing.

I don't mind irreverence, I wouldn't like Mel Brooks or MST3k if I did. I do think , however, that FG and K vs S is not very witty or clever, relying too much on juvenile humor. Of course it also relies very heavily on the "this will be shocking and offensive" but because it is random or using funny looks or humor it will provoke laughter.

in the end, the basic MO of family guy is "shock=funny" or "random=funny" which is sad because there is so much more to enjoy when the humor actually takes a more witty turn.

You are focusing on me being offended. But let's also consider this from a comedy perspective.
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Re: KvS Season 6

Post by Kurieuo »

Imperial wrote:Alright lol i'm not making this thread to start some BIG discussion, and this is not a HUGE piece of news, i just kinda wanted to ask, how many of you are offended by this -->

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1A24xOJ8 ... re=related

Do you agree with his reasoning on why christians should NOT be offended?

(my personal opinion is that... i can't wait.. for Kenny Vs. Spenny season 6)
Sifting through old posts... and took time too much time out to read/listen/respond to this.

I think it says more about the insensativity and poor character of Hotz than anything else. I understand non-Christians often find getting a rise out of Christians amusing. I love annoying Atheists myself. There is a line not to cross though. Even if I weren't Christian, I'd still fail to see the funny side to insulting a person who stood up in his society for the down and outcast before being beaten, tortured and crucified.

Maybe someone will return the honour at Kenny Hotz' funeral? Surely noone should be offended since such a person would be really stupid and mean nothing anyway. :roll:
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