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Couple of simple questions?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:16 am
by onslaughtmusic
Why is god predigest against amputees? Not a single record of a miracle healing of an amputee?
If there is a designer/god who created the universe then who created that designer? And who made that designer? And so on and so forth until we come to a being who just happened and if a powerful being can just happen isn't it quite possible that the universe just happened along with life on earth supported by the theory of evolution?

Re: Couple of simple questions?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:49 am
by ageofknowledge
onslaughtmusic wrote:Why is god predigest against amputees? Not a single record of a miracle healing of an amputee?
If there is a designer/god who created the universe then who created that designer? And who made that designer? And so on and so forth until we come to a being who just happened and if a powerful being can just happen isn't it quite possible that the universe just happened along with life on earth supported by the theory of evolution?
I have been for healing numerous times and God hasn't lifted a finger to heal me telling me to be content with "my grace is sufficient for you." This resulted in disfigurement, negatively affected my ability to work and earn, and on and on and on. But sometimes He does heal. I've met people He has healed. People with medical records that fully reflect it. Now the Bible records that Jesus did heal withered limbs Matthew 12:9-14, Mark 3:1-6, Luke 6:6-11.

My point is that God isn't a trained circus animal that performs for our pleasure. He is God. Get it. God. G O D. Learn who God is and why He does what He does and you'll have your answers.

Re: Couple of simple questions?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:52 am
by B. W.
onslaughtmusic wrote:Why is god predigest against amputees? Not a single record of a miracle healing of an amputee? ... If there is a designer/god who created the universe then who created that designer? And who made that designer? And so on and so forth until we come to a being who just happened and if a powerful being can just happen isn't it quite possible that the universe just happened along with life on earth supported by the theory of evolution?
I would not be so brash as to claim that God never healed an amputee…maybe we were not around when he did...

I also will not be brash myself and claim to have an adequate answer for you. Joni Eareckson-Tada has a better answer for this than I can ever give. Please read her material as all I can ask is for you to seek and find…

Re: Couple of simple questions?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 9:54 am
by Byblos
onslaughtmusic wrote:Why is god predigest against amputees? Not a single record of a miracle healing of an amputee?
If there is a designer/god who created the universe then who created that designer? And who made that designer? And so on and so forth until we come to a being who just happened and if a powerful being can just happen isn't it quite possible that the universe just happened along with life on earth supported by the theory of evolution?
And what's more, we've answered these types of questions like a quadrillion times already. But if you're really, really interested in answers and have done the proper research, yet still unsatisfied, and are not here to just throw questions for the sake of being contrary, we will certainly indulge you.

Re: Couple of simple questions?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 10:51 am
by onslaughtmusic
I feel I've done enough research, I just wanted to see if someone can give and interesting, unique or argumentative answer. I'm sorry I posted an uncomfortable question to which you can't reply. In the mean time I'll do a prayer, for when god miraculously heals a cancer patient to take that lump of cells and mold it into a new arm, finger or foot for someone else. And while healing blind people to maybe take one of their eyes and give it to someone who has LOST their eye balls, because somehow those folks always get excluded. And since god is GOD, I'll ask him why did he create LIGHT before he created the SUN. If he could have just reverced the order it would have made his job much easer, after all we can't argue...we get sun light from the sun, and light bulbs are man's invention.

Re: Couple of simple questions?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 11:07 am
by jlay
Actually there are many sources of light other than the sun.

But, I'm sure mocking the scripture will get you exactly the answers your heart desires.

Re: Couple of simple questions?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:02 pm
by Byblos
onslaughtmusic wrote:I feel I've done enough research, I just wanted to see if someone can give and interesting, unique or argumentative answer. I'm sorry I posted an uncomfortable question to which you can't reply.
Yes , of course,that must be it. We've answered similar questions countless times but now we've hit upon a genius who has come up with a question no one in 2,000 years of church history has ever thought of :shakehead: . Are you really that arrogant or just plain silly?

Re: Couple of simple questions?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 12:20 pm
by JC333
Hello Onslaught. Although I don't know enough to answer these questions your posing intellectually, I can point you in the right direction; since some of the other members have seemed to forgotten to do so (1 Peter 3:15, 2 Tim. 4:1-4).
onslaughtmusic wrote:Why is god predigest against amputees? Not a single record of a miracle healing of an amputee?
onslaughtmusic wrote:If there is a designer/god who created the universe then who created that designer? And who made that designer? And so on and so forth until we come to a being who just happened and if a powerful being can just happen isn't it quite possible that the universe just happened along with life on earth supported by the theory of evolution?
This is a form of Ultimate Boeing 747 Gambit (How it got that name I don't know...).

The counter arguments are in the article I just linked, you just have to scroll down some.

I also think the ontological argument might answer this objection too.

I hope this is what you are looking for :ewink:

Re: Couple of simple questions?

Posted: Thu Oct 08, 2009 1:43 pm
by Gabrielman
Welcome to the board! :wave:
onslaughtmusic wrote:If there is a designer/god who created the universe then who created that designer? And who made that designer? And so on and so forth until we come to a being who just happened and if a powerful being can just happen isn't it quite possible that the universe just happened along with life on earth supported by the theory of evolution? ... i5b3IDEyyF
Answered here. How can matter, that can't be created or destroyed according to the law of conservation of matter, begin to exist on it's own and then come to life and have the ability to think? Ponder that. It has yet to be answered with a real scientific response.
onslaughtmusic wrote:Why is god predigest against amputees? Not a single record of a miracle healing of an amputee?
I often wonder about God and why he does not heal some, but does heal others. It is not my place to decide for Him. I have had some bad experiences with this as well. I did read this however... ... NVC5LvZuvu
There is a part in the Bible he heals someone the disciples decided to try and dissect though... Luke 22:49-51
That is an amputation.
God bless.

Re: Couple of simple questions?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 4:30 pm
by N4SC
Another Marshall Brain fan? Delightful. This website has an explanation of his little delusion and apparently you've done about as much research as Mr.Brain has. ... dDViK0PwL4


Re: Couple of simple questions?

Posted: Thu Oct 15, 2009 10:15 pm
by ageofknowledge
jlay wrote:Actually there are many sources of light other than the sun.

But, I'm sure mocking the scripture will get you exactly the answers your heart desires.

Re: Couple of simple questions?

Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:07 am
by Alan McDougall

Well Jesus definitely healed amputees. Go to Matthew Chapter 15 verse 30 And a great multitude came unto him, having with them those that were lame, blind, dumb, "MAIMED" and many others, and cast them down at Jesus feet; and "HE HEALED THEM ALL"

Maimed means loss of limb etc

Re: Couple of simple questions?

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 3:22 am
by Cyara
onslaughtmusic wrote:I feel I've done enough research, I just wanted to see if someone can give and interesting, unique or argumentative answer. I'm sorry I posted an uncomfortable question to which you can't reply. In the mean time I'll do a prayer, for when god miraculously heals a cancer patient to take that lump of cells and mold it into a new arm, finger or foot for someone else. And while healing blind people to maybe take one of their eyes and give it to someone who has LOST their eye balls, because somehow those folks always get excluded. And since god is GOD, I'll ask him why did he create LIGHT before he created the SUN. If he could have just reverced the order it would have made his job much easer, after all we can't argue...we get sun light from the sun, and light bulbs are man's invention.
Hi Onslaughtmusic,

I am new here but your post caught my interest. I think it is great that you are asking questions; I believe you to be sincere in asking. This thing about God and light. This really seems to bother you as not making sense.

God is Light. When He is absent there is darkness.

Right at the beginning of the Bible it says in Genesis 1:1-3 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. .... Is that what you are talking about? That is the only light spoken of that comes before He created the sun.

Here we have Him speaking light into darkness/chaos... His Light.... because He is light. He didn't "create" light here. And it goes on to say that He divided the day and the night. Then being this amazingly supreme Being... God .... and Ultimately Creative.... He decided to make a sun to rule over the day and a moon to rule over the night. Imagine having the power to be that creative! :ebiggrin: He didn't need the sun to bring the light but liked the idea of a natural sun giving light to the natural world He was designing. He needed to remove the darkness/chaos... which has no part in Him... to start working on His design.... so put His light there first... and then Ithink He really enjoyed Himself making a beautiful earth and universe for us because He had us in mind all along. We love to be creative... we get that from Him

Does this help?

About Him giving new body parts. He does do that. I hope you get to see this first hand. I have noticed an increase in miraculous healings. But I am just words on a page to you.....Maybe ask Him to show you? He is so wonderful in how He takes our sincere questions so seriously... When something confuses me He really takes the time to show me if I am patient to look for His answer.


Re: Couple of simple questions?

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:07 am
by ageofknowledge
I love spirit filled believers. Welcome to the forum Chelle.

Re: Couple of simple questions?

Posted: Sun Nov 15, 2009 1:27 pm
by cslewislover
Yes, Chelle, that was a very nice post. Welcome to the board!