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Discussion about God's silence and distance...

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 4:56 pm
by derrick09
Hey everyone,

This is a topic that many apologists, skeptics, and just ordinary Christians like you and me deal with throughout our lifetimes. For many people God's silence comes to light when prayers go unanswered or when life becomes extremely difficult (like dealing with a loss of a job or a loved one). For me personally, this is one of the primary emotional reasons why I got into apologetics in the first place, to get closer to God and get a better taste and feel of what He is like. I'm also curious as to how you all here have experienced God and do you either feel Him on a average basis or if it's more like my experience? So far this is the closest "experience (s)" I've had with God. First,thoughtout my life many (if not most) of my prayers have gone unanswered and the ones that have many skeptics could easily claim they are mere coniencidences, kind of reminds you of the "heads I win tails you lose" arguement. I've mostly found talking to God to be like talking to a brick wall. Second,on very rare occasians (during times of extreme grief) when praying I've had feelings of warmth and peace inside me but even this doesn't satisify that evil inner skeptic inside me (whom I'm trying to kill off). But as of now that's as close to what I've experienced. I know that I'm saved because of the Christ's sacrifice and I'm still mostly confident that what I believe is true, but I'm still curious if I"m missing something in my relationship with God. Do any of you all have the same difficulty with having a two way relationship with God like I do? If so what can I do to improve and get this closeness that I'm wanting and needing? Thanks ahead of time for your comments and God bless.

Re: Discussion about God's silence and distance...

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:51 pm
by Gabrielman
Hey derrick, what's up?
derrick09 wrote:This is a topic that many apologists, skeptics, and just ordinary Christians like you and me deal with throughout our lifetimes. For many people God's silence comes to light when prayers go unanswered or when life becomes extremely difficult (like dealing with a loss of a job or a loved one). For me personally, this is one of the primary emotional reasons why I got into apologetics in the first place, to get closer to God and get a better taste and feel of what He is like. I'm also curious as to how you all here have experienced God and do you either feel Him on a average basis or if it's more like my experience? So far this is the closest "experience (s)" I've had with God. First,thoughtout my life many (if not most) of my prayers have gone unanswered and the ones that have many skeptics could easily claim they are mere coniencidences, kind of reminds you of the "heads I win tails you lose" arguement.
Many times I have had unanswered prayers, but sometimes that is for the best. I have watched many people in my family, close loved ones, die as well. However I don't let any of this get to me. I have learned that God answers prayers in His time and His ways. I asked God to heal me, he didn't, but instead I was able to see the doctor, something I have not done in a while. Now I know that soon they will be able to start treatment for me and help me out with my problems. That's thanks to God useing a friend of mine to help answer a prayer. At times we want God to answer our prayers our ways, but He knows what's best for us.

So far as family losing jobs, well that is caused by our own hands. Human kind made their own disaster and now we have to fix it. True some suffered who played by the rules, but they will be the ones who will benifit from their honesty. We are to not worry about such things. Matthew 6:25-34 says it best imo. Losing a family member is tough, but we all have an apointed time, we will all die some day, not a pleasent thought, but a fact. God has set that time for us.
derrick09 wrote:I've mostly found talking to God to be like talking to a brick wall. Second,on very rare occasians (during times of extreme grief) when praying I've had feelings of warmth and peace inside me but even this doesn't satisify that evil inner skeptic inside me (whom I'm trying to kill off). But as of now that's as close to what I've experienced. I know that I'm saved because of the Christ's sacrifice and I'm still mostly confident that what I believe is true, but I'm still curious if I"m missing something in my relationship with God. Do any of you all have the same difficulty with having a two way relationship with God like I do? If so what can I do to improve and get this closeness that I'm wanting and needing? Thanks ahead of time for your comments and God bless.
I feel you brother. At times it is hard to feel God and know He is there, but I am alive, and that is all the proof I need. I am a bunch of atoms that are alive and self aware, nothing scientific can ever explain that (sure they make stuff up and claim it does, but there is no proof behind it). Many people struggle with faith, that is when we need each other to lean on. I try and dedicate myself more and more to God just to feel Him, sometimes He still feels so far away. Just be strong in the Lord and don't give up hope. Psalm 23 is all that I need at times like that. When I walk through the shadows of the death, He is with me. I may struggle and ask for a sign, but I must also have an open mind to see that sign, because it may not be what I am expecting.
God bless, not sure if this helped, but He loves us.

Re: Discussion about God's silence and distance...

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:54 pm
by TallMan
Hi Derrick,
I have experienced a bit of what you speak of, and also what I believe is Jesus' solution.
Here is my story.

I hope you get to visit the international fellowship I'm in so that you can meet many others from different
backgrounds who all testify of this answer, and so that you can do the same!
(to us and to people God has lined up for you to testify to).

. .. but one step at a time!

Re: Discussion about God's silence and distance...

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 5:54 pm
by cslewislover
I've given some answers about this in other posts, but I guess I'd need to look them up to find them again. I know the Lord is with me, and it's impossible to explain. Otherwise, I've had experiences from Him, yes. The "number two" item you've experienced is great. There are times when I've gotten a sudden jolt of peace, lol, that could not be from anywhere else.

Do you say Jesus' prayer? The first thing to pray for is God's kingdom to come, for His will to be done. If we pray to do His will first - if this is truly our priority - I think we will have a strong sense that God is with us. When we are fully submitted to the Lord, I think that's when we are going to be able to feel His presence the most. There are times when I feel this way, and times that I don't.

(Nice, Gabrielman ^_^ )

Re: Discussion about God's silence and distance...

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:03 pm
by Gabrielman
cslewislover wrote:Do you say Jesus' prayer? The first thing to pray for is God's kingdom to come, for His will to be done. If we pray to do His will first - if this is truly our priority - I think we will have a strong sense that God is with us. When we are fully submitted to the Lord, I think that's when we are going to be able to feel His presence the most. There are times when I feel this way, and times that I don't.
:amen: That's how I feel too. That if we put God first, the rest will follow in due time, and we will know He is there. Even He doesn't do what we want Him too, He is still there and still very loving.
cslewislover wrote:(Nice, Gabrielman ^_^ )
:ebiggrin: Thanks! I really liked your post too! y~o) coffee? Decafe for me, how about you?
cslewislover wrote:I know the Lord is with me, and it's impossible to explain. Otherwise, I've had experiences from Him, yes. The "number two" item you've experienced is great. There are times when I've gotten a sudden jolt of peace, lol, that could not be from anywhere else.
It's a nice peace, but at times it is so hard to find. However when you do find your peace in the Lord, it is something you will not forget and that will keep reminding you He is there. There was a time I was strugling with things in life and I asked God outright when the struggling would end so I could have some peace. That next night I opened a fortune cookie and it read "Happier days are definitely ahead for you. Struggle has ended." That may not be God Himself saying something in an audable manner, but He used it to tell me that.
God bless!

Re: Discussion about God's silence and distance...

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:38 pm
by B. W.
Proverbs 25:2, "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter." NKJV

Keep seeking as there is a reason a matter is concealed so that you...

Matthew 7:7, "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." ESV

It is during the search, refreshing comes: so your first lesson is to never give up...

Next, it is the Lord that keeps you saved. In this you'll discover great endurance during your journey as well as strength to overcome inner doubts...