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To people that have been Christian at least 10 years . . .

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:06 pm
by TallMan
If you could sit down with yourself 10 or 15 years ago, what scriptural /spiritual advice would you give yourself?

Re: To people that have been Christian at least 10 years . . .

Posted: Thu Oct 22, 2009 11:34 pm
by ageofknowledge
Now that I have accepted that despite natural evil, unfair genetics and environmental influences, bad circumstances, bad luck, etc... that each person is wholly responsible to God, his maker, for how he or she choose to respond to human circumstances I would hope that I accept my issues and keep pressing forward toward the prize and don't get sidetracked by rage, bitterness, self-pity, or sin regarding them. I understand that evaluating my behavior and habits to determine if they conform to the standards of righteousness and Christ-like behavior is necessary and that there can be no running away from individual responsibility. I want to maintain this position and apply it to my life so that in 10 years I can see differences. I also want to be able to continue working to discern when others are projecting their own standards on me as God's own so I can gently reject their standards. I find that some Christians think their positions are God's own and all others are wrong (even when they are not) and then try to treat/judge me accordingly. Sometimes this happens due to different thinking styles or cultural norms.

Also maintain an inner openness and connectedness with the Trinity in order to be available to God and used by him for good in the world focusing on that which is unseen 2 Corinthians 4:17-18, to see God in everything, his presence, his will and purpose, and to live all of life with God. To relate to prayer as continuing communion with God throughout the day.

I have a list. I probably won't complete all of it but I'd like to be materially more spiritual no matter my physical or financial condition in 10 years ready to pass from this life and into God's presence forgiven and purified.

Re: To people that have been Christian at least 10 years . . .

Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 9:00 am
by jlay
Now there is an interesting question.

You know it is funny how sensative people are when you talk to them about matters of faith. Sin, righteouness and the judgment to come. People get utterly disturbed when the light of the gospel shines into their life. And as a whole, the church has tried to repackage the gospel to make the bloody reality of sin and cross more appealing to the culture.

But if I could go back, it would be to rebuke myself. In love of course. Yes it is painful to be rebuked, painful to be disciplined, but I know 15 years ago, that is what I needed. I didn't need to be coddled. I didn't need some, I'm OK, your're OK Joel Osteen balogne. I knew the love of God. And I abused the love and grace of God for occassions of the flesh. I treated His word with contempt. Lord God forgive me. Thank you Lord that you did not leave me alone, or let me find peace in my sin and rebellion.

Re: To people that have been Christian at least 10 years . . .

Posted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 6:21 pm
by rodger777
You are a child of God. This statement seems small, but will grow in significance the closer you get to heaven. The Devil will try to rip you off. His main objective is to separate you from your Father and your inheritance in his kingdom. Your sin is his main weapon he uses to accomplish this. Why else did he engineer our fall? We were made for fellowship with God and righteous living was as natural as breathing before the fall, but living with sin is downright unnatural and impossible. It is here Satan attempts to pounce by spinning you into believing any repeated sins are proof you're not a Christian. Don't fall for it! This overwhelming burden called sin is Satan's purpose in engineering our fall. He knows your sins will overwhelmed you, and he's right there to prosecute. Fight back! Love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, love your neighbor as yourself, and take up the helmet of salvation. These are gold and If you persist in them you can rest assured that you are a kid of the King. Don't get all fouled up on phony works which only serve to separate brothers from brothers, and Christians from God. Trust me, I've been there. 'Could my zeal no respite know, could my tears forever flow, all for sin can not atone. Thou must save and Thou alone. Nothing in my hand I bring. Simply to thy cross I cling.' — Rock of ages.