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Is God part of existence or all of existence??

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:06 am
by Alan McDougall
Hello All,

I have long investigated and argued the point about GOD as some sort of a being sitting on a throne in the heavens.

If this is the case then He is separate from matter, energy and just like the rest of us can be found “somewhere”

Thus, this god will dwell within existence and not be the cause thereof and the theory of most scientist atheists and astrophysicists would be correct that god is a part of existence there is no creator of existence

Then if God exist he is just some mighty being or supreme being if you like

The ultimate enigma will remain, what or who is the source of all things??.

The most amazing and puzzling thing to me is "my own existence"


Re: Is God part of existence or all of existence??

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:10 am
by Alan McDougall
Just added to be notified when a reply is posted

Re: Is God part of existence or all of existence??

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:48 pm
by B. W.
Hi Alan

Are you feeling sad? I have to ask because someone mentioned this statment before to me just before they inflicted self harm upon themselves...

Let us know if you are feeling blue or something or at least let me know I am off base and jumping to conclusions here...

God Bless

Re: Is God part of existence or all of existence??

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 6:34 pm
by Jac3510

May I suggest you read Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologica, especially book one? It is available here:

He fairly well establishes that God is existence--subsistent existence, if you would like a more technical term. There is a discussion on the matter on these boards here: ... 19&t=33687

That thread came off a a thread examining the emotions of God, which I would encourage you to read as well.

If you would like a very good book on the subject, I would recommend Joseph Owen's brief An Interpretation of Existence or his more thorough An Elementary Christian Metaphysic (don't be fooled by the title--it is hardly basic). In both of these works, Owens examines being qua being; that is, he studies the very nature of existence and branches out from there.

I hope you find this helpful.