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A Poem Immanuels Light by Alan McDougall

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:32 am
by Alan McDougall
Immanuel's Light

a poem by Alan McDougall

Come fly towards majestic Orion with me
At great speed to our majestic god we flee
Through a wide river at last we fly
Reaching out to a great light beyond the sky

Towards the sides of the north nearer and nearer we flew
Arrayed in spotless white robes given to you
Across a vast space of infinite night
Together clothed in glory we continued our flight

Oh great heavenly cavern so measureless to man
See before majestic Immanuel gather all who can
By mighty angels through glorious clouds we are driven
Closer and closer to gods mighty throne in the midst of heaven

At last to those mighty gates of heaven we came
Baptized by El Shaddias light all were the same
In joyful luminous glory all creation did sing
By that stupendous realm of the holy king

A mighty voice shook all creation and rang through the air
Saying loud gather all around great EL Shaddais colossal chair
Look at god's right a wonder is seen to rise
“Oh my beloved son at last I can give you your prize”

Bathed in beautiful grandeur of the one who had atoned
Countless multitudes stood quiet before Emmanuel enthroned
Joyfully before Emmanuel at last
Faces glowing by lakes colored by golden riven glass
Rejoicing at a life that would now never pass

Re: A Poem Immanuels Light by Alan McDougall

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 8:36 am
by Alan McDougall
reply needed

Re: A Poem Immanuels Light by Alan McDougall

Posted: Tue Oct 27, 2009 10:45 am
by B. W.
Alan McDougall wrote:reply needed
I am not sure what you want replied too? Is there a question you would like answered or discussed?


Re: A Poem Immanuels Light by Alan McDougall

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2009 5:17 am
by Alan McDougall
Just forgot to click the the "Notify me when a reply is posted" button